
John, John come back. -SH

Johnnn, please. I’m sorry! -SH

John! -SH

You know you can’t hide from me forever, John. It’s already been three days and I miss you so much. -SH

… Why won’t you respond? Do you hate me? -SH

Considering you always have your phone next to you, you’ve either deleted my contact or muted me. -SH

Do you still love me? -SH

I love you, John. -SH

I just want you to know that. -SH

I want you to come back, please. -SH

I miss you, you’re the first person I’ve ever, EVER felt this way for, John. -SH

Please, please, please come back! -SH

I swear John, I swear on my life, I will never do that again! -SH

Death is serious. -JW

John! There you are, John. Are you going to come back? I miss you. I love you so much. I hate to be one of those clingy boyfriends but I miss you. -SH

Johnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, seriously! You can’t ignore me! -SH


You know how much I love you, John. Please forgive me. -SH

I’m so sorry. -SH

Forgive me. -SH

I don’t want to lose you. -SH

If I lost you then my life would be over. -SH

I love you. -SH

I love you, too. -JW

So please don’t leaf. -SH

Leaf. -SH

Leave. -SH

Autocorrect gets the better of all of us. JW

Yeah, come back? -SH

I’ll come back tonight. JW

Oh, I can’t wait to see you. I love you, I’m sorry. -SH

That “prank” I pulled was not okay. -SH

Sherlock, it’s fine now. I love you, too, and I’m coming back. -JW

Thank you! -SH

I’ll be back at 221B tonight. -JW

“Tonight” is hours from now. What are you doing? -SH

Nothing.  -JW

I don’t believe you. -SH

Love you, I’ll come back later. XXX -JW

Fine, love you, see you later, dearest. -SH

You’re still the most important thing in my life by the way. -SH

I know. -JW

Bye, love. -SH

Bye, Sher. -JW


John walked into the flat with a sigh, closing the door behind him. Immediately, he felt arms wrap around his body. He smiled and looked up at Sherlock.

“I missed you so much.” Sherlock whispered, hugging John tighter and kissing his cheek. “You are very important to me, John, and I love you more than anything else. Don’t leave me like that again, I promise I won’t joke about death, I didn’t know it would upset you.”

“It’s fine,” John kissed Sherlock’s cheek. “I shouldn’t have left.”

“No, you were right to leave. I’m a bastard, I’m so, so, sorry. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too.” John said and wrapped his arms around Sherlock. “Let’s go upstairs.”

“Aw, but you two are so cute.” Mrs. Hudson smiled.

“Come on, John. Let’s go.” He took John upstairs, giving a thumbs up to Mrs. Hudson from behind John’s back. They went upstairs, Sherlock jumped onto the couch and put John in his lap. They talked for a little while, Sherlock apologised a lot. He was very sorry about what he did to John.
