you guys went without me?

yall ready to cry? spoiler alert if u havent watched skeppys last live stream on twitch

ps not 100% of this is real. i was feeling sad and welpnu know how it goes

No One's POV (Mostly BBH)

Sapnap @/sapnap 1m
Any YouTubers in Texas wanna meet up so I can make Dream and George jealous ?
comments 203 retweets 34 likes 238

Darryl's eyes light up after seeing the notification on his phone. He knew he was busy, but maybe he can finally meet them. But, maybe he should go along with it. He probably isn't serious. Sapnap isn't serious... right?

-BadBoyHalo @/SaintsofGames 9s
Ill come down and we can hang out with Skeppy
comments 29 retweets 2 likes 92

Then Sapnap replies again to the tweet. He agrees. But, this is all a joke, right?

But then TapL replies. Then Sapnap again...

-Harvey @/TapLHarV 1m
I am also down to hangout in Texas, Sapman
comments 49 retweets 23 likes 235
-Sapnap @/sapnap 50s
Dm the addy and I'm on the way
comments 39 retweets 24 likes 128
-BadBoyHalo @/SaintsofGames 20s
Party time ~.~
comments 23 retweets 34 likes 124
-Sapnap @/sapnap 1s
Make sure you bring rat do him and cash can meet
comments 2 retweets 4 likes 23

This is all a joke? For funnsies? Right?

Then Skeppy replied, a small tweet that would change everything...

-quacky @/skeppyextra 3s
comments 245 retweets 45 likes 357

A few hours later, Darryl is in TeamSpeak, with everyone. The topic of meeting up pops up, making his heart flip. His eyebrows furrow as he hears Sapnap talk.

"So, you guys down to hang out?" His voice echos through his headphones.

Skeppy chuckles, "Yeah, sure, why not? I got nothing else to do."

"Let's go! This is going to be so much fun!" TapL grins.

"When do you guys want to hang out?" Darryl asks, joining in on the conversation.

They agree in two days.

"W-Wait... in two days? I-I can't. I'm busy on that day!" Darryl's eyes widen, his hands stopping making his Minecraft character freeze.

"Dang. That sucks man." TapL sighs.

Skeppy just shrugs, "Oh. What are you doing on that day?"

"I have taxes to do-"

"Another day then." Sapnap says. "We can hangout another day.


Two days later, Darryl is in his kitchen, going through letters and emails on his desk. A cup of coffee and an empty plate sits besides him. He rubs the bridge of his nose, sigh tiredly as he types away.

Then he gets a notification on his phone. He knew he shouldn't get distracted, but he needed to keep his mind off of taxes.

He flips his screen and his heart drops.

quacky @/skeppyextra 1s
where did skeppy go guys 🥺🥺
[image of Skeppy looking away from the camera with a mask and headphones on, background of night sky while he sits in a car]
comments 12 retweets 34 likes 124

"W-What?" Darryl whispers, his voice cracking a bit. Are they-?

Then he gets another notification.

Sapnap and Skeppy then TapL reply to one another.

-Sapnap @/sapnap 2m
see you in 20
comments 24 retweets 2 likes 245
-quacky @/skeppyextra 1m
everyone's gonna think we aren't but just watch lmao
comments 68 retweets 67 likes 166
-Harvey @/TapLHarV 1s
comments 79 retweets 23 likes 45

Something slides down Darryl's cheek, hanging onto his chin for dear life then falling, hitting the edge of his laptop.

Holding back a small sob, he opens up Telegram and clicks on Skeppy's contact.

Skeppy Zak


Hey Skeppy!-

-hey bad

Are you going to Sapnap's place? -

-yeah. they arent busy and wanted to hangout.
its cool. sorry for not saying anything bad

No, no! It's okay :D Just have fun and be safe!-

-okay! bye bad

Bye Skeppy! :)-


Little did Skeppy know, it slowly killed Darryl on the inside.

His phone slips out of his hands, creating a loud thud after making contact with the table. Small sobs escape his lips as he buries his head in his arms, slowly whimpering as the tears don't stop falling.

Rat picks her head up, looking up above to see a broken man sitting in a chair, crying quietly to himself. Rat whines softly and places a small paw on his leg, but gently being shoo-ed away. Rat frowns and curls herself back up, painfully watching as the laptop dims on its own and the papers are forgotten.


The day slowly goes by...

Small tweets are being sent, showing off what is going on with Skeppy and his friends. They did meet up. Skeppy is at Sapnap's place and Vurb and Spifey are on their way, along with Harvey.

Darryl lays on his bed, his body on his side as he scrolls through the different tweets. Usually he would interact with most of them, but he feels to broken to try and say anything.

He did reply with one, trying to pretend he wasn't broken.

quacky @skeppyextra 2m
[image of Skeppy and Sapnap taking a selfie but its blurry]
comments 898 retweets 356 likes 1,245
-BadBoyHalo @/SaintsofGames 1s
Skeppy look out Sapnap is behind you!!! D:
comments 13 retweets 25 likes 1,011

Oh, by the way, Skeppy got a limo for Sapnap. When Darryl saw the tweet, he gasped. He didn't know how to react. His jealousy grew as his heart is being torn in half. He almost threw his phone across the room.

"They said they would go another day... they told me..." Darryl whispers, tears dried up and he couldn't continue crying.

Rat jumps up onto the bed, curling up against Darryl's chest.

He sighs sadly, putting his phone down on his pillow and gently scratching Rat's ears. "At least you wouldn't leave me, right Lucy?"

Rat just whines softly, hiding her face in Darryl's palm.


Darryl chucks his couch pillow across the room. He knew he shouldn't be angry, but he just was.

Tweet after tweet, his jealously and sadness grew. His taxes are left unfinished on the table as Darryl plops himself in front of his couch, leaning back as he pulls his legs up. His tears are coming back. Rat is sleeping on his bed.

He hears a notification from his phone. He picks himself up and crawls over to the other side of the living room, grabbing the slightly cracked device.

quacky @/skeppyextra 2s
until next time @/sapnap
[image of Sapnap and Skeppy selfie]
comments 235 retweets 23 likes 1,081

Sapnap @/sapnap 2s
Bye friend it was fun @/Skeppy
[image of Sapnap and Skeppy selfie]
comments 124 retweets 45 likes 731

He sniffs, wiping a tear from his eye as he saves Skeppy's image. He opens up his editing app on his phone and taps on a few colors, tracing his finger across the screen. Line after line, a small tear hits his screen, which he has to wipe away.

Then, he finishes it off, choking back another hiccup as he replies on Skeppy's tweet.

-BadBoyHalo @/SaintsofGames 8s
Until next time :D
[image of Sapnap and Skeppy selfie with BadBoyHalo drawn in the background]

Shutting off his phone, ignoring the different notifications from his tweet, he wraps his arms around his legs, breaking down into another cry for the final time.

"Why did you guys go without me?"

WC: 1180
