
No One's POV

Giggling to him, he steers away from his bedroom window that faces his boyfriend's window from across the street. His boyfriend sits in his desk chair, back facing the window as he types rapidly on his keyboard.

Skeppy looks down at all the fresh snow outside. It snowed heavily last night and tried to convince Bad to go outside, but he won't. Now, he's going to force him.

Sliding on a thick hoodie and warm jeans, he runs down the stairs to the front door where he slips on his boots. Grabbing his baby blue scarf, he says farewell to his mother, and speed runs out the door.

The door slam shuts behind him as he makes way to the street. One of those snow vehicles came by in the morning, cleaning off the streets, but white snow covers the patios, grass, bushes, trees, roofs, and cars.

He jogs across the street and stops below Bad's window. He smiles, kneeling down to grab some snow, forming a ball, then looking back up. He clutches the ball, bends his arm back, then letting it loose. The snowball yeets itself up, and aiming straight to the window.

Skeppy giggles, then he gasps slightly as he realizes the snowball flew into the room instead of hitting the glass.

He hears a quiet thud then a small "Hey!"

Skeppy smirks, grabs another one and aims it again. But this time, he waits. He hears footsteps then a familiar head peeps out the window. Then he throws the ball.

He laughs as he sees Bad flinch from the snow hitting his face. The snow slides off his skin and some sticking to his hair.

"Skeppy!" Dragging the 'y', Bad huffs and furrows his eyebrows, glaring at Skeppy.

"Come out and play with me!" Skeppy grins, throwing his arms in the air, heart pounding excitedly.

Bad shakes his head, letting out a sigh, "I can't Skeppy! I have homework!"

"Oh c'mon, please? Your homework is due Friday! It's Wednesday!" Skeppy rolls his eyes and raising an eyebrow.

Bad opens his lips slightly, beginning to fight back, but his eyes catch Skeppy's. Skeppy bites his bottom lip, creating a sad-puppy face. Bad's heart clenches as Skeppy raises his sleeve to cover his face.

"Oh my goodness..." With a gentle sigh, he places a hand on his face and nods. "Fine. Give me a second, you Muffin."

Skeppy cheers, jumping up and spinning in a circle. "Yay! I love you Bad! Now hurry up!"

"Yeah, yeah..." Bad doesn't fight back the small smile appearing on his face. He watches the smaller boy with admiration, who's slightly swaying in the snow. "I love you too muffintop. Now, prepare to be defeated in a snowball fight!"

WC: 460
sorry for short one lol. i wanted to update, since this week im rly busy, but i have another oneshot idea coming soon!!!!
