Rocco Meets Lucy

@/I_have_fruit: "Maybe you should do one where Zak and Darryl know each other but go to a pet store or pound to get Rocco and Rat"

ima change it up a bit if u dont mind :)

No One's POV

The two watch as Rocco runs around them. His tail wagging and barking happily.

"Aww, Rocco's excited!" Darryl coos, kneeling down and Rocco halts. Rocco walks over to Darryl and places his paw on Darryl's knee and the older boy pets the excited dog.

"Well, let's get going now!" Zak giggles, watching as Darryl places a soft kiss on top of Rocco's head and standing up. Zak scratches the back of the dog's hair and the two walk out of the house, the dog curling up on the floor patiently waiting for them to return.


Zak pulls up at the location. A dog shelter stands in front of them. Once the car is stopped, Darryl steps out of the car with Zak following suit. As Darryl begins to walk forward to the front doors, he feels a hand slip into his and he turns to see Zak smiling up at him. Darryl chuckles and the two walk-in through the large doors.

The building was large. The air conditioning hits their faces as they step in and walk up to the front desk where a woman in her 20s stands. She looks up from her papers and smiles. "Hello, are you here to adopt?"

Zak nods, "Yep! Is that fine?"

"Of course! Here, let me take you both to where we have all the dogs." She places her papers down and walks around the desk and to a back door. Zak and Darryl follow and they walk into a large room where different cages filled with a wide variety of dogs sits. Darryl awes at the different dogs. Barking fills up the atmosphere as he lets go of Zak's hand and kneels down at the first cage where a little labradoodle is curled up and fast asleep. "I want to take all of them home." Darryl frowns and looks around.

"Same here. Look at them all." Zak walks down the path, watching and passing through the different cages. Dogs of all shapes and colors bark at him, many in annoyance and many begging for attention. (guys i want a dog)

The two explore for a bit, petting a few and talking with a few. The woman patiently waits aside, watching as the couple continues to find the perfect one.

Suddenly, Darryl stops in front of a medium-sized cage where a small, white fluff is curled up in the back, hiding away from the world. He awes sadly and turns to Zak who is smiling at a sleepy pug. "Zak, come here."

Zak turns and walks beside the older boy, kneeling down in suit. "Aw, they are so tiny."

Zak whistles slightly, causing the small ball to pop their face up and large eyes land on the two. The small puppy just sits and stares.

The woman walks up behind the two and looks at the puppy they are examining. "She is Lucy. Just about a year old and came from a harsh family."

Darryl gasps. He turns and places his hands on Zak's shoulders, making the smaller boy turn and face him. "Zak, please, I think she is the one. Please, please, please, please-"

The woman giggles as Zak blushes slightly, being rocked a bit, and he smiles. "Okay, okay. You really look like you have your heart set on her." He chuckles.

Darryl cheers and quickly leans over to place a small peck on his lips before looking at the woman. "I think we found our new puppy."

Soon, the woman unlocks the cage and steps back. Darryl and Zak are backed up, watching to see how the new puppy would react. The puppy notices the cage open and stares at the three figures. She whines softly and slowly picks herself up, taking a few steps forward.

Darryl smiles, taking a step forward and kneeling down. He reaches a hand out carefully. "Hey Lucy, my name is Darryl." The small puppy's ears perk up and she takes a step out of the cage, raising her nose up to sniff Darryl's hand.

Zak smiles in awe as Lucy curls her head into Darryl's palm, making Darryl's smile grow. Lucy barks happily and Darryl scratches her head.

Lucy walks a bit and Darryl picks her up. Her tails wags as she curls up into his arms and closes her eyes.

"I'm so happy you picked her. Usually, she's really shy around others but you two are different." The woman smiles and watches as Zak pets Lucy's head gently.

"Wow, really? Aw, our Lucy picked us." Darryl whispers.


It took a while, but finally, they got home. With a couple of new dog supplies in the back, Darryl holds Lucy in his arms. He was going to put a collar on her but she seemed uncomfortable with it so he never put it on.

Zak grabs the bags from the back and follows Darryl to the house. Darryl grabs the keys from Zak's pocket and unlocks the door. Rocco barks, hearing the sound of the key turning and it causes Lucy to perk her head up.

Darryl allows Zak to walk in first and he puts the bags down. Rocco jumps from the couch and runs to Zak, who is laughing and getting slobbery kisses from Rocco.

"Hey, hey, I'm glad to see you too boy!" Zak smiles and gently pushes Rocco back. Rocco steps back and turns to Darryl, who is closing the door behind them and walking up to Rocco.

Rocco sits and stares at the new creature in Darryl's arms.

Lucy is up and staring at the larger dog. Darryl sits down, Zak following suit, and watches as Lucy and Rocco stare at one another.

Rocco's tail wags slowly, curiosity hitting him as he slowly approaches the new member of the family. He stretches his nose out and sniffs, getting closer to Lucy.

"Rocco, meet Lucy, our new member of the family!" Darryl hums and feels Lucy shift in his arms, Lucy places her paws on Darryl's arms, leaning forward at Rocco and sniffing too.

Zak giggles as Lucy suddenly sneezes, causing Rocco to flinch and sit back. Rocco stares in disbelief.

"Oh my goodness." Darryl sighs and laughs. He feels Lucy move and he lowers Lucy down onto the ground. Lucy steps onto the carpet.

Zak notices Lucy was out of Darryl's arms and sighs. "Finally!" He crawls over and falls into the place Lucy was before. Darryl smiles and wraps his arms around the smaller boy, pulling him up onto his lap and feeling Zak's lean his head against his chest.

The two watch as the two dogs walk around one another, staring intensely, and soon enough Rocco sits down onto the ground. Lucy walks over and curls up beside his arm, placing her head down and taking another nap.

WC: 1160
