Fisherman with Gills

@/lillykn11: they sent me a dm about a really wonder au! pretty much about a mermaid and a fisherman :) i would post the request here but it is rly long and i dont want to take up space >.> just enjoy pleaseeee!!!!! <3

No One's POV

"Zak, did you grab your lunch sweetheart?" A lovely woman with raven black hair calls to her son from the kitchen. A swift pair of footsteps zoom past through the kitchen, grabbing the brown paper bag on the counter.

"I got it. Thanks, mom! See you later, love you!" Zak grins, holding the bag tightly as he has his fishing bag on his back.

Zak's mother sends him a warm smile before he leaves the house. Closing the front door behind him, he lets out a small sigh and makes his way down the road.

The sounds of seagulls fill the sky above and the fluffy, white clouds float by. Zak lives in a small community by the ocean in Florida. His family struggles with money and with his dad struggling with his job, Zak takes the job as a fisherman and spends his hours fishing for money.

Making his way to the docks, he sees a familiar boat parked up by the dock. It's nothing special. A simple white boat which he borrows from a friend. S.S. Roberto. He still questions why his friend chose the name.

Seeing his two friends preparing to leave, he makes his way to the boat. Soft pink hair pops out from the edge of the boat and a pale figure stands up. Brown eyes look over at Zak and he smiles. "Hey, Zak, ready for another boring day of fishing?"

A french man with glasses walks around from behind the boat. He tosses some nets inside the boat and he makes his way to the control panel.

"Hey Dave, Vincent." Zak nods, sending them both a smile with they return.

He steps inside the boat, going to middle and dropping his belongings.

"Okay, now that Zak is here, you guys ready to drive off?" Vincent asks, unhooking the rope attached to the docks to hold the boat in place.

Zak and Dave nod, giving their word to Vincent. Zak walks up to the front of the boat, listening as the engine starts and the boat slowly drives out of the dock and towards the ocean.

Not much longer, they reach a few miles away from the docks. They settle down at an empty spot where no other boat is seen. The three hustle to grab their fishing gear and nets. Attaching the end of the nets to the boat, Vincent keeps them ready to throw whenever.

Zak hooks some fish bait to his string and then with a flick of the wrist, the small hook goes flying out into the open water. A small red and white ball floats up above the sea level.

Let's take a trip below the water...

Fishes and sharks swim below, minding their own business. A certain red salmon pops out from behind a rock and skimmers their way to a human-like figure sitting near some coral.

A rainbow of coral fills the ocean floor as a male with dirty-blond hair and pretty green eyes play around in the sand. He draws different figures in the sand, dragging his finger through the small rocks.

His black tail with a small red fade near the fins floats in front of him, dancing slowly in the water. He hums a sweet tune, not bothering with anything around him.

As he hums, the small red salmon floats in front of him, causing the merman to notice him. "Oh! Hello Mr. Squeegee! How are you today?" His lips curl up into a smile, seeing the red salmon twirl around in front of him.

"I'm glad you are well. Would you like to play with me? I'm really bored right now..."

A small school of colorful fish swims a few feet away from Darryl. As they swim through the waters, one fish in the school sees a small flicker of light shine from the side. The small fish stops, making the school of fish follows suit. They all notice the small light and realize a small tasty snack floats in the water.

The small fish slowly swims up, making it's way to the snack. It's little mouth moves and snatches the snack, but a small spark of pain engulfs their body as a sharp hook grabs it's mouth.

The school of fish notices as the smaller fish tries to break free. This causes the hook to send vibrations through the rest of the rod and Vincent notices he has caught a bite.

The fish is pulled up.

The rest of the fish swim away, making their way to the familiar merman.

Darryl notices Mr. Squeegee halt from their sudden game of chase and he looks up to see the rainbow of fish. They all looked worried.

"What's wrong, muffins?" Darryl swims up to the fish.

The fish guide Darryl to where their friend was kidnapped and Darryl looks up, his eyes widening as a shadow covers the ocean above. A boat floats above his waters.

"Oh no..." He whispers.

Up above, Vincent puts his catch away in an ice bin. He closes the cooler and sends his fishing rod flying again. So far, they caught a few fish. Nothing bit, but it is a decent amount of money so far.

"I'm so bored!" Zak huffs. He leans his arms against the edge of the boat, his patience slowly evaporating as he watches the ball float above the water.

Dave and Vincent ignore Zak, knowing he complains a lot.

With another small huff, Zak moves his eyes around the top of the water, examining if there was anything else in the ocean. He sighs and leans his cheek against his palm.

His eyes trail around, seeing nothing but blue.

Again, blue...




Wait, black?

Zak's eyes widen as he looks back to the sudden dark color he spotted. A weird tail flickers above the water, sinking back into the ocean.

His mind wanders as he squints his eyes. "What the?"

That couldn't have been a fish...

"Am I tripping?" Zak whispers to himself. Maybe he's just hallucinating...

A small splash causes his ears to perk up. His eyes travel over to the left and the same black tail sinks back into the water. His eyes widen and he sits up straight. "Guys..."

The two ignore him.

"I think I just saw a mermaid..."

A loud snicker snaps Zak out of his thoughts. He turns to see Dave holding in a laugh. "Dude, you are tripping." Dave snickers.

"A mermaid... really Zak? You know mermaids aren't real." Vincent sighs, facepalming as he looks over at Zak.

"I swear! I think there's one!" Zak raises his hands up, attaching his fishing pole to the boat and moving to another side of the boat to look around for the black tail.

Darryl giggles below the water. He watches from below as the blurry figure walks around the boat, trying to find him.

Zak sighs and moves to the other side, making it so Darryl's spot isn't seen. Darryl moves up quietly and slowly pops his head up through the water. His eyes travel to the boat and he examines the humans.

The pink-haired man and brown-haired man doesn't catch his eye. But, the tan boy with mocha brown eyes catches his attention. A small smile appears on Darryl's face as he takes in all the features of Zak.

Vincent looks around and he doesn't think much, but his eyes spot a figure in the water. Squinting his eyes, he notices a human head popping out with red like gills around their cheeks. "Oh my god..." Vincent's eyes widen.

Darryl feels his heart drop as he turns slightly to see Vincent staring right at him.

Without another thought, Darryl flips behind and his body splashes back into the water.

"Zak! Grab the swim gear! There really is a mermaid!" Vincent jumps in his spot and hooks his rod on the boat.

Dave raises an eyebrow and looks over at Vincent who is scurrying around. "Great, not you too..." He mumbles.

Zak runs to the small area of the middle of the boat, grabbing the diving gear from a small cabinet. Vincent runs to Dave. "Dave, there really is a mermaid! Do you know how rich we can become!? We can become millionaires!"

Dave rolls his eyes. "I'll believe it till I see it."

Vincent scoffs and runs to Zak, helping him in the gear as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, Darryl is floating a few feet below the boat, waiting for the next move by the humans.

Mr. Squeegee swims up beside Darryl.

"Mr. Squeegee, you should have seen him. He looks really cute..." Darryl hums, blushing slightly. Mr. Squeegee rolls his eyes. He flicks his tail a few times and looks up to see a shadow growing bigger up above.

Darryl notices and he suddenly dashes away as a figure splashes into the water.

Zak squeezes his eyes as his body sinks down below. He has a tight hook around his waist with the rope attached. Vincent and Dave are holding the other end.

In his other hand, Zak holds a knife, ready to stab whenever.

Once he regains his body, he examines the ocean floor to see color coral around him and different rocks in so many shapes and sizes around the floor.

Darryl watches from behind a large rock, taking in all the details of the rest of Zak's body. He looks rather small, huggable, and cuddle-able.

He giggles and slowly starts to hum, his voice slowly echoing through the water.

Zak looks around and the sound of a soft tune snaps his head another direction. His eyes travel to a large boulder and a black tail flickers away from his sight. "Gotchu." Zak snickers, clutching onto the knife in his hand and he starts to swim after the mermaid.

Mr. Squeegee follows behind Zak. He knows perfectly well what's going to happen. He swims in front of Zak, flicking his tail and swimming around to try and send signals his wat, but Zak ignores the fish.

Going around the boulder, Zak peers over the edge and his eyes travel to a pale human back facing him. Darryl sits on a large, closed clam, his back towards Zak.

Zak's eyes travel around his pale back, noticing the familiar black tail attached to Darryl. His eyes go back up and soon he is met with a pair of lush, green eyes. His eyes widen as his eyes examine the face in front of him.

His heart clenches as he notices how attractive the merman is. He could stare at his eyes forever, comb his fingers through his hair, and press his lips against the pair of soft, pink ones.

He would gasp, but the oxygen mask over his mouth doesn't allow him.

Darryl notices the knife and his eyebrows furrow. He slowly stops his humming and he slowly swims up.

Mr. Squeegee scurries away.

Zak freezes in place as the beautiful merman swims up to him.

Darryl closes the cap between the two and stops just about a foot away. He looks up and down Zak, then swimming around him. Zak follows, swimming slowly in a circle as the merman examines him.

"Today is my lucky day." Darryl hums to himself quietly.

He then moves his hands up to Zak's mask once he stops in front of him.

Zak's eyes widen as he raises his hands up to try and stop Darryl. "Trust me," Darryl whispers smoothly, allowing Zak to calm himself from the voice.

Grabbing the edge of Zak's oxygen mask, he slowly removes it. The mask leaves Zak's lips and Darryl suddenly closes the hap between the two.

Zak's eyes widen again as he feels the merman's lips against his.

He notices that he isn't struggling to breathe and his heart is beating quickly. Feeling his body slowly calm down, he tilts his head and gently kisses back.

The mask and knife in their hands slowly slip from their grasp and fall down to the ocean floor. Zak's body slowly starts to tingle and Darryl hums softly, raising his hands up to Zak's cheeks.

Their eyes are glued shut and Zak bites the bottom of Darryl's lip. The merman gasps softly and before Zak could continue, the rope around his waist tugs harshly, and his body is soon pulled away from the merman.

"Wait-" Zak breaths out as the merman is quickly shrinking from his sight. His body is being pulled at a rapid pace and suddenly he is pulled to the surface of the ocean.

His head reaches the top and he lets out a large gasp as his body is pulled to the boat.

Dave and Vincent grab Zak and place him on the ground. His body is soaking wet and Dave's eyes widen once he notices Zak's oxygen mask missing.

"What the fuck happened to your oxygen mask!?" Dave gasps.

Zak opens his mouth but suddenly he feels his throat dry up. His eyes widen and he feels his life drain out of him as he gasps to breathe. Heavy breaths cause Dave and Vincent to panic.

"C-Can't... breathe..." Zak heaves and his hands grab onto his throat.

Vincent curses and he suddenly spots something growing on Zak's skin. Light blue gills slowly appear by his cheeks and small scales appear around his neck. "What the fuck!? Why do you have gills!?" Vincent yells out in utter shock.

Putting two and two together, Dave curses, picks up Zak, and chucks him over the edge of the bot.

Zak's body splashes through the water and his gills go into action. He suddenly is able to breathe again and his eyes widen as he feels completely safe.

Then he feels his legs changing. Looking down, he spots the diving suit around him slowly tear through and a large light blue tail appears below him. His legs are changed into something completely different.

"Oh my god..." Zak's eyes widen.

The sound of something swimming towards him causes him to look up and suddenly something is thrown in his arms and a familiar pair of lips are pressed against his.

Zak's arms wrap around the figure's neck and he sees Darryl against him. He smiles and he kisses back, completely forgetting what happened.

Dave slides a water mask over his eyes and he dips his head over the boat. His face splashes through the water and his eyes widen once he spots a Zak with a light blue tail making out with an unfamiliar, black-tailed merman.

Something ain't right here... Dave thinks as he pops his head back to the surface.

"What happened to Zak?" Vincent walks up to Dave as the older male slips the mask off.

"Remember how you said you found a mermaid?" Dave asks. Vincent nods. "Well, I think Zak found a new tail and a new boyfriend."

WC: 2530

been a while since i wrote a long oneshot :)
also its was like 230am when i wrote this shit so lmaooo sorry if its bad lol
