Don't Leave Me

@/Deathwolf6668 requested: "...-The same thing but they know eachother..."

dude this app drains my battery so fucking fast like bruh-

⚠️ depression, mental abuse, (almost) suicide


No One's POV

Something was off about Zak. Both Darryl and Vincent knew. Darryl would talk to Vincent in TS about Zak. When Zak first moved in with Darryl, the environment around them changed.

"I swear A6D, I don't think Skeppy's okay. I mean, he doesn't really come out of his room. Whenever I try and ask him, he just tells me to leave and say he's "busy"." Darryl huffs, feeling his chest tighten from the different feelings floating around his stomach.

"That is strange. Maybe he is busy though? Like, he's just working on something making him stay in his room all day?" Vincent hums, falling back in his chair and crossing his arms.

"All day?! That isn't healthy! He doesn't even eat sometimes! I make him food but he just says he isn't hungry! Even when I leave it in the fridge for him, I still find it untouched! There is something going on." Darryl sighs, he shakes his head and looks away from his monitor.  This is his muffin they're talking about. The same person that he cares about deeply and wishes all the love and care in the world. Darryl knows something is up.

Vincent pauses for a few minutes, then he recalls of a past moment. "Well, now that I think about it, he didn't seem like himself today. When we talked, he sounded off, like something was wrong. Whenever I would make a joke, he wouldn't laugh and when I asked him if he was okay, he sounded like he lied."

Darryl's eyes slightly widen in worry, "Oh my goodness... Now I'm really worried. How should I try and talk to him?"

"I don't know. If he seems off, try taking him out for ice cream. Get him away from his computer." Vincent comments.

"Alright. I'll try too. I'll do that right now. Thank you A6D." They both say their farewells and Darryl hops out of TS. He shuts down his computer and stands up to make his way toward so Zak's room.

As he walks down the hall, he hear soft whining and he looks down in front of Zak's door to see Rocco on the floor, begging to be let in. "Awww..." Darryl cries softly, "Poor Rocco. Here..."

Darryl scratches the back of Rocco's ear and knocks on Zak's door. "Zak?" He calls.

There was no noise. He raises an eyebrow and he knocks again.


This suddenly starts to worry Darryl. "Zak? Are you okay? I'm getting worried!" Darryl knocks again, a bit harder this time.

With no progress, Darryl huffs and just opens Zak's door. He watches as Zak's room is revealed and no light is on. The room is dark under the moonlight. Rocco stands up and trots over to Zak's bed. He jumps and lays down on a figure under the bedsheets.

Darryl follows Rocco and peers over the bed to see Zak curled up under the blankets, fast asleep. Darryl smiles softly at the small sight in front of him. He gently raises his hand to brush his fingers through Zak's hair. His eyes then suddenly stop at Zak's cheeks. They looked to be stained with tears. Has he ben crying? Darryl then examines his face. His eyes were red and his hands were slightly shaking. The poor boy has been crying.

"Oh my poor muffin..." Darryl whispers, his heart breaking into two as he gently places his hand on Zak's cheek. "Please take care of yourself... I care a lot about you..." Darryl hovers slightly over Zak and lowers his lips on top of Zak's forehead. "Good night..." He then pulls away and slowly walks out of the room, allowing Zak and his dog to sleep in peace.

Little did Darryl know, that kiss would almost be his last.


A couple days go by. Darryl succeeded in taking Zak outside once. They went out for ice cream and Zak seemed to really enjoy the day. They talked and laughed and smiled at each other.

But today was different.

Darryl was in his room, his stomach sending so many signals. Something is off. Something is off....

He doesn't know what. Everything seemed normal. He just finished editing a video and now he is just staring at his PC with worry. His leg is bouncing up and down.

"Oh my goodness." He whispers, burying his head in his hands. "I'll just go talk with Skeppy..."

He stands up and walks to Zak's door. It's closed. He knocks.

No answer. "Skeppy?" No answer.

Darryl just opens the door to see an empty room in front of him. He frowns, "Where is that muffin?"

He looks over to the door in Zak's room that leads to a bathroom. He walks over to it and knocks, "Skeppy?"

The sudden gut feeling kicks in harder. Darryl hesitates but he grabs the handle when he got no reply. He tries opening the door. It was locked. "Skeppy? Are you in here?!" Darryl's eyes widen as he suddenly tries to open the door.

Zak watches silently as the door rattles and Darryl continues to bang on the door shouting his name in worry.

Darryl cries and he rushes to Zak's desk to look for the key. He opens a sudden drawer and pulls out the key. He runs back to the door and chucks the key inside the doorknob. He twists and turns before he swings the door open.

He gasps and his heart shatters as he sees his friend laying on the bathroom floor with a bottle of pills in his hand. Zak has tears falling out of his eyes as he shakings in fear.

"Zak!" Darryl cries and he rushes down beside Zak. He grabs ahold of the pills from his hand and puts two-and-two together. "Oh my goodness! Zak no! No! Please tell me you didn't!" Now Darryl is crying.

Zak slowly shakes his head, making Darryl sigh in relief.

He grabs ahold of the figure on the floor and pulls him up to his chest, making Zak slowly turn and hold the boy next to him. "I'm so sorry..." Zak cries. His hands suddenly grasp onto Darryl's hoodie as he buries his face in the older one's neck.

"No, no.. I'm the one that should be sorry. I should have known you've been feeling this way. I'm such a potato! Why didn't I see this before?" Darryl sniffs as he gently rubs Zak's back, trying his best to relax the poor muffin.

Zak shakes his head, small heavy breathes being released from him as he shuts his eyes. "I don't understand... I shouldn't be here... I'm so weak... so pathetic..."

"What!?! No! Stop saying that! You are none of those things!" Darryl moves Zak so he in front of him and his hands are on Zak's cheeks, positioning their heads to glare into the dark brown orbs in front of him. "Listen to me you muffin. You are not weak. You are not pathetic. Whatever you think about yourself, you are none of those!"

Zak's eyes soften as he watches Darryl's eyes show love and warmth.

"Zak, listen to me... you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are the strongest, bravest, smartest, handsomest, talented, everything positive out there, in the world. I could never live with myself if something happened to you. I care about you so much you muffin. Not only that, I love you so much. My heart hurts to see you do this to yourself. Please, please, please, don't ever do this again. Come to me. I promise, I will help you and I will do anything to keep you with me."

Zak's heart flips and his tears start to fall faster. He sobs as he jumps into Darryl's arms and holds him tightly, making the other hold him back.

"I'm so sorry Darryl... I really am... I promise, I'll try to become better... I'm so sorry... I love you so much too... please don't leave me..." Zak cries as he feels Darryl place a small kiss on the top of his head.

"You muffin, I will never leave you. I will stay here by your side every day and make sure you are loved and happy..."

WC: 1401

i need a bbh in my life
or skeppy... or techno... or dream... honestly i need all of them in my life
