A Dance for You

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heres a sad depression oneshot in return :,)

No One's POV

Darryl smiles as he looks himself in the mirror. He adjusts the tie on his suit. The die was dyed with blue and red. He wanted to color it himself.

"Darryl, my man, look how handsome you look!" Clay teases as he appears behind Darryl and walks up to place a hand on his shoulder. "I love what you did with the tie, too."

Darryl blushes and rolls his eyes as he raises his hands up to adjust the sleeves. "Oh shush it you muffin. Thank you for the complement. Is George here yet?" Darryl and Clay walk over to the chairs where their blazers sit. They each pick up their own. Clay has a nice white suit with a green tie and a nice lime flower in his shirt pocket. Darryl's suit was black with a nice blue flower in his shirt pocket.

Darryl adjusts his glasses as they make their way out of his room and down the stairs. "Yeah, your mom let him in. Him and a few others are waiting in the living room." Clay hums as they reach the bottom of the stairs. They turn the corner and walk down the hallway where the living room is in their sight.

His mom was taking Polaroid pictures of his friends while his dad is standing by the wall waiting to give everyone a ride.

Darryl hears a couple wolf whistles as they walk into the living room.

Dave and George cheers and the others just turn to look at them. "Dang boys, we really looking hot tonight!" Dave smirks as he lays in the loveseat with his legs over the arm rest.

Darryl rolls his eyes as Clay walks over to George. They complement and kiss one another before holding hands.

"My baby boy is all grown up!" Darryl hear his mother cry.

Darryl turns to his mother who is slightly tearing up and smiling with full of love and admiration. "Mom..." Darryl gently whispers, feeling his cheeks heat up.

"Oh now you shush Darryl. This is one of the biggest nights of your lives! Let me be a mother and shower you with love!" His mother giggles and takes another Polaroid picture of Darryl.

Darryl giggles and nods. "I know. I'm really excited." But then something else turns in his stomach. He feels his face turn down, "I honestly just wish-"

"I know sweetie. I wish as well too. We all wish it. Please, just have a wonderful night. Senior Prom, you guys should all be happy." Darryl's mother smiles warmly, a tear sliding down Darryl's cheek as he feels the gaze of his friend's.

Darryl nods and slightly smiles again.

Soon he bids his mother farewell and all the boys walk out of Darryl's house, following his father to the front of the house.

The boys whisper between one another, teasing each other and making each other laugh.

Suddenly, as they reach the front, everyone gasps. Harvey's gasp was the loudest. "What the fuck!? Yo! Is that a limbo!?"

"Language!" Darryl shouts towards Harvey, but he was just as shocked. A nice black limbo was parked up by his house where the group of boys watch.

Darryl's dad laughs, "Well, I hope you boys like it. This us where I will drop you off and pick you up with." He throws the keys up and down in his hand and all the boys cheer in joy.

As everyone piles inside, Darryl walks over to his father and hugs him tightly. "Thank you so much dad." He whispers. He feels his father hug him back and place a nice kiss on the top of his head, telling him that he deserves everything in the world.


Darryl and the boys reach the large, decorated building with style. Many kids watch in awe as the limbo pulls up. All the boys pile out and thank the driver, Darryl's father, for the ride. Darryl bids farewell to his father and they all walk towards the building where lights and balloons are glowing in front of them. Already, the party was going off and pop music was playing loudly. Many couples and friends were entering the building.

The group walk up to the main entrance with tickets in hand and they soon all make it in. They all gasp in awe at the beauty in front of them.

"Alright, Darryl and I will go find our table while you guys get the drinks. Then we can go and dance!" Darryl feels an arm wrap around his neck as Spifey announced the plan to the group.

They all agree and Spifey and Darryl walk off to find their table.

They scour the area and soon Spifey speaks up. "How are you doing man?" He asks.

Darryl shrugs, "Fine, I guess."

Spifey frowns as he looks to Darryl to see him upset. He doesn't say anything. Soon they find their table and they take their seats. The group comes back and Dave hands Darryl a Coke.

Darryl pops it open and takes a sip. Everyone sits down at the large table and chat with one another.

Soon the time goes by and two by two, the group slowly shrinks to go dance with one another. Finally, Darryl is alone at the table, watching with a large frown on his face as everyone is dancing with joy.

Oh how he wishes this night to be different. He didn't want to come. But he had to.

He hears the loud song suddenly change into a nice romantic song where couples, like Clay and George and Harvey and Spifey are dancing with one another peacefully and full of love.

He watches as he suddenly hears the music slightly fade away from existence.

A small tap on the shoulder suddenly makes him turn around hastily. He looks up to come in contact with soft brown eyes.

No noise comes from either boy as the smaller one stands in front of Darryl with a hand reaching out, gesturing for Darryl to accept. Darryl slowly lifts his hand up and places his fingers with Zak's.

The two slowly make their way to the empty dance floor. No one is in sight. Zak motions Darryl to stop and they move to place their hands on one another. Darryl feels his eyes start to water as he watches Zak carefully as the two dance slowly with one another.

"I like this song." Zak hums gently. The song plays sweetly as Darryl chuckles softly.

He sniffs, feeling a tear drip down his cheek. "Yeah." He whispers. Then he starts to feel himself wanting ti break. "Oh my goodness Zak. I-I can't live without you..." His voice cracks.

Zak frowns as he feels himself slowly start to cry. He moves his hands out of Darryl's grasp and he moves his arms around his neck. He moves his head forward and places his lips against Darryl's. The two kiss for a solid few seconds before pulling away. Their eyes are now red and spilling tears as Darryl holds Zak close. "I hate this so much. I-I hate this so much Zak. Every day I slowly crumble as I remember I can-"

"I know, I know, Bad." Bad. Darryl misses that name. "I miss you too. So much." Zak smiles softly from the tears as he leans his head to lay against Darryl's shoulder. The two pull each other for a close hug and they hold each other tightly.

"I love you so much Zak. I love you, your smile, your giggles, your hair, your lips, I miss calling you my muffin." Darryl cries as he feels tears hit his neck.

"I love you too Darry." Zak whispers in his neck, his eyes glued shut as he embraces the warmth from Darryl. "I love the way you hold me, the way you kiss me, the way you calm me down, the way you make me happy. I miss making you happy."

Darryl shakes his head. "Please come back."

He feels Zak slowly pull away and he opens his eyes to se Zak smiling sadly at him. "You know I can't Bad. You know I can't come back. Please, just try and be happy, for me. Enjoy every moment you have with your friends. I wish it didn't have to be like this, but we can't do anything. Please just remember that I will always be here for you and with you."

Zak moves his hands into Darryl's as the two gaze into each others eyes. Zak leans forward and connects their lips again, Darryl taking in every moment. Then he suddenly feels his lips become cold and alone and he opens his eyes to see Zak not in front of him anymore.

Instead of him holding Zak in his arms, he is back in his chair as the dance floor is filled with seniors partying with one another. Darryl silently cries alone as he buries his face in his hands.

Zak watches from up above in the clouds, his heart broken at the sight in front of him. Tears falling down his cheeks as he watches the love of his life crying at the senior Prom because Zak wasn't with him anymore.

WC: 1564
