Late Night

No One's POV

Skeppy hums as he rubs his eyes and lets out a small yawn. Rocco is sleeping peacefully besides him on the couch, curled up with Lucy sleeping next to him. Skeppy turns off the TV with the remote and pulls the blanket over his shoulders as he stands up. The moon light seeps through the living room windows as he turns off the living room lights.

Skeppy's tired eyes trail up to the stairs as he slowly makes his way up to the second floor. His blue blanket is gently being dragged across the floor as he reaches the hallway and continues down a few doors. He stops in front of a door on the left and doesn't bother with knocking. The monitor screens from inside cast a dim shadow you can see under the door.

Bad hears the soft creeks from the door and he turns his head to spot a sleepy boy walk into his room. The blanket is wrapped around Skeppy's small body and his black hair hangs over his forehead.

Bad's eyes soften at the sight and he slides his headphones off and places them on the desk. "Hey Muffin, you tired?" He whispers softly.

He is currently streaming right now. He has his facecam on for once after many months and chat is finally relaxed. There hasn't been much meme donations for a long time.

Skeppy gently closes the door behind him and walks over to Bad. Bad rolls his chair back a bit as he notices Skeppy's antics. Skeppy sits down on Bad's lap, pushing himself back to lean his head onto Bad's chest. His cheek is pressed against Bad's hoodie and his arms curl themselves up with the blanket. Bad awes and gently hooks an arm around Skeppy's legs and brings them over one of the chair's handles. He then brushes his fingers through Skeppy's hair and places a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Skeppy flutters his eyes shut and his consciousness slowly seeps away. His body relaxes against Bad's and Bad rolls his chair back up to the desk, careful not to hit Skeppy.

"We have to be extra quiet right now chat." Bad smiles as he slips his headphones back on. He ruffles Skeppy's hair for a final time before placing his hands back on his keyboard and mouse. "It seems I have a little muffin sleeping on me. I'll talk with you guys for a few more minutes then I might have to end it soon."

The chat agrees. It wasn't long since Skeppy and Bad first came out and told their fans they were a thing. It happened months ago, a few months after they first moved in. The fandom supported the two of them and would die to protect them. (can confirm. i would die for bad and skeppy)

The stream continues for a bit longer. Bad is talking with his chat, doing a small event too. Once he got a winner, he congratulated them and gave them a rank for a week. Then, he looks over at his clock on his PC. "Alright you muffinheads. I think it's time for me to go." Bad smiles softly and he goes to F5.

The chat bids Bad farewell and sends love to the older man.

"I'll see you guys next week. I have my muffin to take care of right now." Bad chuckles softly and looks back down at Skeppy who is fast asleep. Skepoy's head is buried in his chest, soft snores escaping his lips and one of his arms is wrapped around Bad's waist. The chat sends hearts and soon Bad ends his stream while sending them a small wave and smile.

One he shuts down his monitors and computers, he places his headphones back on the table and pushes his chair back. He digs his arms under Skeppy's small figure and lifts him up gently. He carries the smaller to the bed on the other side of the room and places him down on the mattress under the covers. The blanket on Skeppy is now draped over the bed's blankets, tucked up under Skeppy's nose.

Bad changes into his pijamas before lifting the covers on the other side of the bed and slipping besides his lover. He turns off the small lamp on the nightstand and places his glasses down. He smiles and wraps his arm under Skeppy's figure, feeling the smaller boy curl up against him again.

Bad's eyes flutter shut and he tucks his chin on top of Skeppy's hair, humming softly and soon he slowly drifts away into a nice, peaceful sleep...

WC: 773

