Coffee Order

@/ElanaShhhh requested: "... Zak and Darryl go out for coffee or something and Zak already knows Darryl's order by heart."


No One's POV

There is this one small café that both Zak and Darryl like to go to. They've been there so many times. A few times a week they like to go there and relax after a hard day of working on YouTube videos.

There's a small reason why they love the café so much. It's where they first met.

It was a small coincidence really. Zak knew of the YouTube channel BadBoyHalo and he decided to wear his Muffins merch that particular day. He walks inside the small café and takes his order. Then he waits for his food and once he receives it, he sits down in a small corner couch and leans back, plugging his earbuds in.

Darryl was in the same café. He already finished his muffin and he was just sipping his coffee on the other side of the room. His eyes fixed on Zak.

He couldn't help but smile of how cute the small boy looked. He wanted to go say hi. So he did.

He grabs his coffee and stands up. He walks over to the table where the small boy is at. Then he sits down across from him, setting his coffee down on the table.

Zak felt a presence and looks up. He raises an eyebrow when meeting eyes with a cute stranger. "Hello?" Zak asks, confused.

"I really like your hoodie, you muffintop." Darryl smiles and points slightly to Zak's hoodie.

Zak's eyes widen. "Oh my god. You're BadBoyHalo?"

Fast forward to today, Zak walks up to Darryl's door and knocks.

Their dogs were sleeping in Zak's room on his bed and he wanted to take this opportunity to go out.

"Come in!" Darryl hums, hearing the knocking as he slides his headphones to his neck. He turns his chair to face the door as watches Zak walk in.

Zak grins at the sight in front of him, "Hey Baldie, wanna go to our café right now?"

Darryl rolls his eyes in annoyance at the nickname. "Sure you muffin head. And how many times do I have to tell you? I am not bald." Darryl huffs, making Zak giggle cute.

"Whatever you say BaldMan! I'll be waiting in the living room!" Zak then walks out, leaving the door open.

Darryl wish he could slap him or something but he couldn't. "You're so lucky you're cute you muffin..." Darryl whispers as he turns off his PC after saving his work. He slips on his blue Skeppy hoodie and walks out the door.

Darryl hums as he fixes his hair with his fingers and finds himself in the living room where Zak is laid on the couch, shoes already on.

Darryl walks over to the kitchen, opens a cabinet and grabs a marshmallow from a large bag. He closes the cabinet and walks over to Zak, where he looks up at Darryl with a mischievous smile.

Darryl rolls his eyes and chucks the marshmallow at Zak, hitting his forehead and making him wince a bit from the sudden contact. "Hey! What was that for!?" Zak huffs and grabs the marshmallow that fell on his chest and tosses it in his mouth.

Darryl giggles and innocently smiles, grabbing his shoes from the front door and slipping them on. "Nothing." Darryl hums as he grabs his keys and his wallet.

Zak smiles and gets up from the couch. He follows Darryl out of the house and towards his yellow Audi.

They both get in and Zak drives them to the café.

The café was in its usual form. Quiet and cute. Just like Darryl. I mean what.

They both get out of the car and walk together to the café. Darryl walks ahead and opens the door, stepping aside to let the smaller boy in first. Zak giggles and thanks Darryl before walking in. Darryl follows suit with a smile on his face.

Zak walks ahead and goes to order. He orders his snacks first. Before Darryl could order his, Zak beats him to it. "And he will have a gluten free chocolate chip muffin with a large coffee that has two creams." Darryl blushes, knowing Zak memorized their orders.

The waitress giggles at the two, smirking and knowing about the two in front of her. She doesn't say anything and proceeds with their order. Darryl goes to pay, taking out his wallet but Zak beats him again. "Alright, your order will be out soon." The waitress smiles and hands Zak the receipt.

Zak thanks her and they both walk to the first table where they met. Zak sits in the corner couch and Darryl moves to sit besides him, leaning against the window behind him. He crosses his arms and glares at Zak. "I could have paid you know?"

Zak giggles, "I know, but I didn't want you to!"

Darryl smiles and shakes his head. "I'll pay next time."

"Not unless I beat you again."

The two bicker and soon they hear their order being called. They both get out from their spot and walk back over to the counter where their drinks and food were. The waitress nods at the two as they grab their meal. "Have a nice date you two. And Happy Pride Month." She smiles, making Darryl blush.

"Actually no-" Darryl starts but is cut off by Zak.

"Thank you, we will. And Happy Pride Month to you too!" Zak giggles and walks back to the couch with Darryl, who is at a lost for words, is following.

Darryl sits down and places his drink and muffin on the table. Zak sits next to him and takes a sip at his hot chocolate.

"Zak," Darryl starts as Zak hums in response, "why did you-"

"What?" Zak giggles, letting go of his drink and he teases Darryl. He grabs Darryl's hand and tangles their fingers together, lifting their hands up in front of them. "You saying we wouldn't make a cute couple?"

Darryl's eyes widen as he turns away. He doesn't let go of his hand though. They both don't see the waitress behind the counter, quietly laughing at the two as she knows they both like each other. It's so obvious.

"W-Well.. I-I..." Darryl stutters and slowly turns back to Zak, who is taking a bite from his vanilla cake. He places the fork back on his place and looks at Darryl's blushing cheeks. He giggles.

"You look really cute Babe." Zak smirks and places his head against his hand, watching Darryl and he widens his eyes again and shakes his head.

"Shush you muffin. I am not cute. And I am not your Babe." Darryl whispers and hides his face in his free hand.

Zak pretends to gasp in shock and allows his voice to crack. "No- Babe, are you breaking up with me?" He cries, making Darryl turn his head back to him and denies to make Zak feel better.

"What?! No- I mean... well! Zak, please stop! You're making me feel bad!" Darryl whines softly and he watches Zak turn his head. Zak hides his giggling and he continues to tease Darryl. Soon he calms down and Darryl sighs in relief. He starts to let go of Zak's hand, wanting to eat his muffin.

Zak quickly realizes and squeezes his hand, not allowing Darryl to move. "Who says you can let go of my hand!?" Zak huffs, glaring at Darryl playfully.

"But I want to eat!" Darryl huffs and gestures to his muffin on the table, uneaten and the wrapper still attached.

"You can eat with one hand." Zak smirks and continues to take another bite of his cake.

Darryl rolls his eyes and sighs in defeat. He grabs his muffin in his hand and brings it up to his mouth, taking a bite. They both sit and eat their snacks in peace, hands still together. They both enjoy this moment. Not one wanting to let go of the other soon.

Zak hums as he finishes his cake and smiles. He turns to see Darryl still eating his muffin. He takes this opportunity to take his phone out and scoot closer to Darryl. He then leans over and his head is placed on his shoulder. Darryl tenses up and he stops eating. He looks down to see Zak on his shoulder, looking at his phone. He smiles and doesn't say anything before going back to his muffin.

He faintly hears Zak whisper, "Love you Babe."

"Love you too you muffintop." Darryl whispers back, finishing his muffin with one final bite and relaxing against his own muffin besides him.

WC: 1455
