Missing [1/2]

this isnt based on the story but, does bbh have one or two dogs?? ive always thought he had two (which is y i called them rat and lucy in this book) and i need to know if this is true or not. does he only have lucy????? have i been a fake stan this whole time????

⚠️ kidnapping, abuse

Darryl's POV

Darryl: 16
Zak: 15

I laugh as I chase after him. I hear his giggles ring through my ears as I stretch a hand out to try and tap him, but he is too fast.

"I'm going to get you, you muffin-head! Stop running!" A large smile radiating off my face as I follow Zak around trees and bushes. The forest was empty, no one else in sight. The night sky glimmers with the stars lightening up our bodies.

"You can't catch me Darry!" He giggles, jumping over a bush and creating an L-shape with his hand.

I grumble, feeling my heart flutter at the sight of him all happy. I love the way his face lights up whenever he's around me.

Just as I was about to say something else, he suddenly trips on a rock. Since I wasn't too far behind, I tried to grab onto his sweatshirt to stop him, but instead, he grabs onto my arm, bringing us both down.

His hands grab onto my arms and I hold him tight as we topple over, our bodies rolling as I let out an oof from my back hitting the grass.

I hear the smaller boy groan as we both look at our position. His hands are clutched onto my shirt as I hold onto his waist. He looks up at me, his cheeks flush, and he giggles. I blush, smiling and we both go into a laughing fit.

Then a twig snaps. We both shut up and we sit up, my legs on either side of him as he doesn't let go of my chest.

I look up and examine our surroundings. Something inside of my head started sending signals and my stomach starts to flip. Something was wrong.

"Probably just an animal..." Zak whispers. I feel his hands lightly shake and his voice trembles. I mean, it was super late and we shouldn't be out here.

I nod, gulping as I pull him closer, not liking the idea of him leaving my side. "Yeah. Maybe we should head home..." He hums in agreement. As soon as he begins to sit up, other twigs snap, and my head bolts into the direction to see a man-like figure staring at us behind a bush. He was covered with black clothing from head to toe and his hockey mask covered his skin.

"Zak run!" I scream, our bodies lifting themselves up and right as we start to bolt out of the forest, another man stands in front of us from out of nowhere, making me collapse into him. I stumble back and regain my posture, moving Zak behind me to keep him away from the man.

Zak whimpers as he slips his hand into mine and looks behind us to see we were surrounded by three men.

"No, no, no, no..." I hear his voice crack in a low whisper.

My body starts to tremble as the man takes a step closer. "P-Please... leave us alone... please don't hurt us..." My eyes widen in fear as the man in front of me hovers over, his eyes glaring right into my soul.

The man laughs, creating a dark atmosphere with his heavy cackles. I turn back to look at Zak who was just staring at the other two men behind us in fear. My eyes travel all around to find a way to escape, and when I do, I tug onto Zak's hand.

He turns to look at me, his warm-chocolate eyes slowly melting into a frozen-dull color.

Then he makes a break for it. I drag Zak away with me as I hear the three men shouting at us. Their screams terrify me as I hear Zak's quiet sobs. I felt something wet trail down my cheek and I was now crying.

Right, when as I notice the view of my neighborhood, I feel my hand lose contact with Zak's, and screams erupt my ears. I gasp and I turn to see one of the men grabbing Zak's arm, prying him away from me.

"Darryl! Help!" His sobs fill the empty air as I grab his stretched hand out and I try to pry him away from the man. Tears fall down my cheeks as I beg and use all my force to get the man off of Zak.

Right when I felt a hint of victory, I hear footsteps from behind and a cold metal thumps the back of my head, making me suddenly lose consciousness and my body falls down to the ground. Just when blackness takes over me, I can hear the screams from Zak slowly disappear into the night sky.


My head throbs as my body slowly moves around. I groan, raising my hand to rub my head and my eyes slowly open up. I can hear sudden sobs coming from beside me and I notice I was in a white room. I stare in confusion at the wall in front of me and I look down to see myself tucked into a hospital bed with wires attached to me. The sounds of machines beeping echoes from beside me.

Then it suddenly hits me. The memories flash through my head as I turn to where the sobs were coming from. I look to see my mother sitting in a chair, her face buried in her hands.

"Mom?" I ask. Her voice suddenly halts and her heads snaps up. Her eyes hit me and they light up with joy. She rushes to the stretcher and buries me with her motherly hug.

"Oh my goodness Darryl! My sweet baby boy! I'm so glad you're okay!" Her voice sounded broken and horrible.

"Mom, where's Zak?"

I feel her arms freeze around me. Her movements cause my heart to snap suddenly. My eyes widen as she pulls back a bit and her eyes stare into mine. She sniffs and bites her bottom lip, "I'm so sorry Darryl..."


I didn't know how to react with her next words. My whole world crashes down as my ears suddenly drain all the noise around me. My eyes become dull and my face becomes pale. Slowly, I look down at my hands. I stare as I feel myself starting to break down.

"He's missing Darryl. Zak is missing..."

WC: 1114
