Stabs Girl

@/Breadd101: "Maybe a yandere thingy idk haven't seen much of em and theyre fun to read"
@/WingedBlackAngel: "Maybe a yandere au? Where Zak suddenly bumps into Darryl and started falling in love with him, one day he sees Darryl talking to a girl... Zak becomes jealous and wants to kill her and whoever goes near him"


⚠️ death, pretty much yandere stuff

Zak's POV

My dream is to be able to be held by him. Having his arms wrapped around me as we kiss. I knew we were meant to be together once I bumped into him while in the school halls. I was walking to my next class and I stumbled into him. He caught my arm before I fell and my heart immediately latched onto him.

Now, every day I watch him. I stay far from him so he doesn't notice me. I've never liked anyone before and he made everything change.

I love the wat his bright, green eyes light up whenever he's happy and the way his light brown hair flows in the wind. It's adorable when his pale cheeks heat up under the sun, my favorite part about him maybe.

I've never talked to him after that moment. I try to, I really do. Whenever I'm about to try and talk to him, something always happens. Either the bell rings or a classmate beats me to him.

I think he's sort of popular. I mean, a lot of girls fancy him, which doesn't seem right. He's mine.

Watching from around the corner, he's talking to someone. A girl to be exact. I send death glares towards her, but she doesn't notice. I have to admit, she's sort of pretty. Pretty blonde hair with bright blue eyes. Ugh, makes me gag.

She giggles at something he says, making him smile and awkwardly scratch the back of his neck. She holds her books closer, purposefully pushing her chest up. I growl quietly and feel anger boil up inside of me.

If this was some type of anime, the fire in my eyes would cause this school to burn. Thankfully, due to his innocence, I don't think he got the hints she dropped.

I watch as the girl frowns for some reason and Darryl shakes his head. Then, the two say their goodbyes to one another and go their separate ways.

The girl is making her way down the hall towards my direction. I use this opportunity to step forward and pretend to stumble into her. She wasn't looking up and we both knock into each other.

She gasps and stumbles back, her eyes glaring at me full of anger and disbelief. "Get out of the way disgusting bitch." She huffs and shoves her way past me.

I roll my eyes and a sly smirk makes its way on my face. The bell rings and I decide to follow her. I keep my distance and make sure to not lose her.


I hide the knife in my backpack, smiling to myself as I make my way back home. I playback the screams and the memory of her soul disappearing from her body allows me to relax.

I helped him from her. She was a slut and probably wasn't going to have a good life.

Soon, I am in my room, done from greeting my parents and I quickly prepare my clothes to put them in the wash. I clear my backpack and walk to the bathroom to clean it up.

Then I grab my clothes and make sure no one was around as I go to the laundry room and quickly start up the wash.


The routine is pretty normal for me. Every week I clear the school of a thot. What? Don't act disgusted. You guys requested this, smh.

I saw the way his face slowly crumbled every time he hears the news of a girl disappearing. One day he was talking to them, the next they disappear for good. Darryl should know I'm doing this for our own good.

The school has problems and they allow students to continue to study, saying they would solve the problem. But yet, I'm still here.

With Darryl now free, I decide to make my move.

I see him in the cafeteria, eating alone with a book in his hand. I quickly clean myself up and brush my fingers through my hair. I clear my throat and walk up to his table.

My steps slow down as I reach the table and I stop. "Hello," I say, standing next to him.

He jumps slightly and turns, eyes shock at the sudden voice. I smile lightly, trying my best not to hug him.

He notices me and smiles, "Hi. Do you need anything?"

I shrug, "Well, I honestly don't know. I've noticed you around and I never got the chance to say hello."

His eyes soften and his smile grows. He closes his book and gestures me to sit down. "Well, hello then. I'm Darryl."

I grin, moving around and sitting down beside him. "I'm Zak."

"Darryl! Hi!" A sudden chirpy voice pops out of nowhere. Another girl, probably the same height as me, sits at our table in front of us. Her face is covered in hard makeup and her uniform has a couple of buttons lose, trying her best to present herself in front of Darryl.

I notice Darryl squirm slightly, his smile turning into a frown. "U-Uh... hi...?"

"You look really cute and I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?!" She chirps, giving Darryl the largest fake smile ever. She peeks over at me and sends me a small death glare.

Darryl shakes his head, "Uh... I don't think so... I don't know you..."

She gasps in shock and frowns, "Rude." Then she slams her hands on the table and walks away.

I giggle in amusement as she stomps away. Darryl lets out a small sigh of relief. "Girl trouble?" I tease.

Darryl rolls his eyes. "Oh shush it your muffin. I don't understand why so many girls try and ask me out! I literally don't know any of them..."

I guess I have a new target on my list. I have to protect my true love.

"Well, you are cute." I shrug, making his cheeks heat up and his eyes widen a bit. I giggle at his reaction and he covers his face with his hands.

"Oh my goodness..."


I follow her, backpack on my back with the knife and new pair of clothes inside. In front of me, the same girl that tried to ask my Darry out, walks with her phone in hand. She blows a bubble with some gum and pops it.

I see her look up and suddenly halts to a stop. I stop. I smile, seeing as she tenses up at a sudden feeling going down her spine.

She looks around her, holding her phone tightly in her hand, and soon her eyes land on me. She shrieks and jumps. "What the fuck?"

I smirk, chuckling a bit and I see her heal dig into the ground and her body begins to form a 180.

Without another second to spare, my feet sprint down the sidewalk as the chase is on.

Not even half an hour later, I giggle innocently as I stare at her soulless body on the ground. I hum amusingly and begin to clean up my mess. "No one, and I mean no one, flirts with my Darry..."

WC: 1250
