Accidental Feelings [1/3]

@/sugar-ish: so pretty much bbh is a badboy and is dared to asked skeppy out to the dance (since skeppys been outed by someone before and is bullied) sorry if i change some things up ;-; lol

⚠️ homophobia

No One's POV

"Truth or dare, Darryl," Zelk smirks, crossing his arms as Darryl snickers back.

"I ain't no weak potato. Give me a dare." Darryl crossing his arms on the table.

Vurb and Vincent laugh beside them. "Shouldn't have done that." Vurb sneers.

Rolling his eyes, Darryl waits for his dare. Zelk is looking around the cafeteria room. The tables are filled with students. His eyes trail the room until they land on a lonely figure in the corner of the room.

A small, devilish smile appears on Zelk's face. "You know the f(word)?"

Darryl raises an eyebrow, confused about where this was going. For some reason, the word makes his stomach flip uncomfortably. "Yeah...? What about him?"

Vincent's mouth slowly widens and he knows what's coming.

"Well, since the Winter Dance is coming up, I dare you to ask him out. I dare you to make him fall in love with you, then, at the dance, we rip his heart to shreds." (stop. dont hurt him 😃🎶 🎶) Zelk leans over the table and points to Darryl, who's eyes are widening in horror.

"W-What!? No. I am not doing that." Darryl snarls, glaring at Zelk.

Vurb pitches in, "We'll give you $50 each."

"Wait... I didn't agree-" Vincent is cut off by Darryl who hesitates, but agrees.

Darryl sighs, rolling his eyes as he gets up from his seat. He drops his backpack beside him and looks over at the table in the corner of the room.

The smaller boy's back is towards them, hoodie over their head and book in hand. The food is left uneaten beside him. His earbuds are tucked in his ears as sad songs play from his phone.

He doesn't hear the footsteps behind him. He finishes reading the final paragraph and before he can turn the page, Darryl sits on the other side of the table. This causes the smaller boy to freak out on the inside. He knew about Darryl and his friends. He's heard about some rumors about them bullying other students and beating up those who didn't do what they were asked.

"Hi." Darryl leans his head on his hand and smiles.

The smile causes butterflies to erupt in the smaller boy's stomach. His hands clench tightly around the book as he gulps. "Hi." He whispers back.

"Look... I know we aren't friends or anything..." Darryl takes a deep breath and his acting soon begins. He brings his other hand up and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "... but I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Winter Dance with me..." Darryl moves his eyes and turns his head to avoid eye contact.

Zak's eyes widen, his heart twisting as he looks for any signs on Darryl's face. He was never asked to the dance of anything in general. And yet, here he is now, being asked by one of the school's most popular kids.

"W-What? Why? B-But I thought...?" Zak has no words.

Darryl shakes his head. "You aren't alone. I'm bi myself. I just hide it." Darryl sort of lies. His leg starts to bounce uncontrollably.

Zak's lips turn into an 'o' and he slowly nods. "Why me though? I'm sure there are many girls who would want to go with you."

Don't get him wrong. Zak isn't complaining about being asked out by Darryl. But everything just seems weird and the atmosphere around him feels off. To which, he shrugs off.

"You're really cute," Darryl whispers quietly, loud enough for Zak to hear. This shouldn't affect Darryl. I mean, he's just lying, right?

Zak's breath hitches and he closes the book in his hand. "I-"

"Look, I'm really sorry for ever hurting you. I've done so many things I regret and hurting you is one of the worst. I want to make it up to you. I really do. Maybe we can hang out one day and I can treat you to whatever place you want to eat." The words slip from the tip of his tongue. Like, a heavyweight that was on his shoulders suddenly disappears. It felt nice to say?

Zak looks down at his book. His mind going through different possible scenarios and outcomes. Then with a small smile appearing on his lips, he nods. "I guess. It would be nice to actually hang out with someone."

Darryl's head throbs suddenly, and not in a warm and fluttery way. Hearing about Zak not having friends pained him for some reason.

Shaking the thoughts out of his head, Darryl smiles back at Zak. He takes out his phone, opening up his contacts, and creating a new one. "Give me your number. Then we can talk about hanging out after school." He hands the phone to Zak.

Zak's cheeks flush a bit as his fingertips touch Darryl's for a split second. He grabs the phone and adds his number in. Then he hands it back.

Darryl reads the contact Zak has added in. Zak :). He giggles at the smiley face and slowly stands up from his seat. "I'll text you after school." He says.

"Bye, Darryl." Zak smiles.

"Bye muffin." Darryl hums. Darryl makes his way back to his old table. His face turning into confusion and worry as he feels his heart flutter uncontrollably. He shouldn't be feeling this way.

Zelk smirks as Darryl sits back down. "So, what did he say?"

With a fake smile, Darryl nods. "He said yes."

WC: 950
going to make this 2 parts o.O
