Group Project

@/isothichalo: "Zak's sister invites her friends for a group project and one of them being Darryl. Zak seemed interested to help so he joined them. Both the boys got teased by the others for stealing glances and how they'd be a cute couple which made them really flustered about it."


Zak's POV


A low grumble escapes my lips as I lift my head from my pillow. "What!?"

"I have friends over! Don't bother us!"

I think she invited me to go downstairs. Then with a small huff, I lift myself from the bed and throw myself to the floor. I land on the ground with ease and stand up. Letting my large hoodie cover my hands, I walk out of my room and head down the stairs.

I hear chattering of three different voices. None sounded like my sister.

"June?" I call out, making my way down the stairs and my hand slides down the rail.

The sudden chatter stops and I hear June's voice. "Zak! I told you not to bother us!"

I turn my head to the living room and I spot four figures sitting around the floor, one was my sister. The other three are unfamiliar.

A female sits beside June on the couch, with wavy red hair and bright pink lips. She wears a black hoodie and a pink skirt. A black beanie sits on her head and she wears hot pink boots.

A male sits on the floor, glasses hanging on his pale nose. He has dull brown eyes and wavy brown hair. He has a black t-shirt with the words "People Suck" on it. The black jeans and white sneakers add to his outfit.

The final one wasn't looking at me. He sits on the floor as well. He is busy writing something on a laptop. His brown hair is slightly over his bright green eyes. His glasses sit on his nose, he wears a black hoodie with a red stripe down along the sleeves, and grey shorts with black sneakers as well.

"You see, whenever you tell not to do something, I always do the opposite." I shrug, making my way to the group. I sit in the single couch and let my legs dangle over the side.

I look over at June who sighs, facepalms, then looks over to her group. "Vincent, Rose, Darryl, this is my annoying ass brother, Zak."

Before I can wave, the one on the laptop snaps their hear upward and yells "Language!"

I smile softly for some reason, hiding my face behind my sleeve-covered hand.

Rose, who I'm guessing in the girl, rolls her eyes and looks over at the language-guy. "You really gotta get used to swearing, Darryl."

He growls slightly, making me giggle. He sends a glare at Rose before looking up and his eyes wander over to me. I see a small shine in his eyes as they slowly widen and his cheeks slightly turn pink.

"So, Zak, are you just going to sit there or what?" I turn my eyes over to the other male, who I'm guessing is Vincent.

I shrug, "I'm bored. So, probably. Unless you guys want help?"

Darryl snaps out of whatever he was doing and smiles a bit. "I mean, sure. The more the merrier.!"

June gasps and she throws her arms in the air. "Oh c'mon! Zak, you can go now." She looks over to me and her eyebrows furrow, sending me a deadly glare.

I roll my eyes and wave her off.

"Hey, don't be mean June. I'm sure Zak is nice." Darryl hums, smiling proudly and his eyes go back to me. I thank him, sending a smile towards him and he blushes, making me giggle.

I don't notice Vincent looking back and forth between Darryl and me.

"Oh my god, fine." June sighs in disbelief.

"Yay! Alright, what are we doing!?" I clap my hands together, sitting up straight and looking down at what they are doing.

Rose takes out her backpack, opening it up. "Well, we have to create a working volcano. Like those fake ones and it has to look cool."

I raise an eyebrow, "Well that's easy!"

Vincent shakes his head, "It is, but we have to make a full presentation with it and talk about how volcanos work and why they are important."

June snickers, "And with your small brain, I'm pretty sure we can't get it done."

I gasp, placing a hand over my chest to act offended. "Well, that's rude!"

"Honestly, knowing you for three seconds, I'm pretty sure she isn't lying." Rose shrugs, taking out different materials from her bag.

I scoff, crossing my arms. "You guys are mean." June and Vincent start to laugh. I huff and look over to see Darryl looking at me.

I raise an eyebrow, "Do you think I have a small brain, Darryl?"

June looks over at Darryl, giving him a look. "I-I... I don't know-..."

Then with a simple click, my arms throw themselves into the air and I fall back on the chair. "Waaaaaa!"

June, Rose, and Vincent all snap their heads at me, eyebrows furrowing and their faces turn with a large mix of confusion.

Darryl's eyes widen and he throws his hands up in front of him. "W-Wait! I didn't mean that! I'm sure you are very smart and have a big brain!"

Feeling my stomach twist from the small victory, I stop whining and my lips turn into a smirk. Darryl sighs in relief at my sudden change.

"Zak, you are really fucking annoying." Vincent deadpans, making me glare at him.

"Language, you muffin head!" Darryl hisses at Vincent.

I stick my tongue out at Vincent and stand up from my chair. "Well, since none of you three like me, I'm going to sit by the one person who doesn't dislike me." I huff, throwing my head up with sass and making my way to Darryl. His pretty, green eyes widen as I plop down beside him and giggle. "Hi, Darryl!"

Rose rolls her eyes. "Okay then. Now, can we please get started on the project!?"


The project is slowly getting there. Rose and June are working on the actual volcano and Vincent is whipping up the PowerPoint. Darryl and I are researching.

I don't know how, but I have my head against Darryl's shoulder and my body is slowly draining itself.

Every so often, I hear a snicker from the others and Darryl just ignores it.

A small yawn escapes my lips as I cross my arms and snuggle closer into Darryl's side.

His cheeks heat up and the typing on his keyboard goes to a halt.

"Dude, I swear, I think Zak has problems. He usually hates physical touch that isn't by his close friends. Why is he cuddling with Darryl?" I hear June whisper to the others.

"Hey, not going to lie, they would look cute together." Rose shrugs, whispering back to the two.

Vincent chuckles and nods. "Darryl is a really nice and innocent person. I wouldn't be surprised if they became friends."

Darryl pushes his glasses up, clicking on a few things as I feel my eyes start to droop. I hear a soft voice, "You can take a nap if you want."

With my heart fluttering, a small smile appears on my face and I close my eyes. "Thanks, Darry." I yawn for a final time before darkness consumes me.


Darryl's POV

My stomach flips as I watch him slowly pass out against my side. His head is against my shoulder and his arms have made their way around my arm. His cheeks are squished against my hoodie.

A soft snickering causes me to remove eye contact from Zak and lookup. Vincent, June, and Rose are looking at me with smirks on their faces.

My face slowly heats up and I awkwardly cough. "Uhhh... so, how are you guys doing on the project?"

"Screw the project, what's up with you and Zak?" Vincent waves his hand, acting like the project isn't important right now.

"Yeah, you two have been flirting ever since he came here." Rose leans back against the couch, raising an eyebrow and crossing her arms.

My eyes widen and I awkwardly fiddle with the keys on my keyboard. "W-We are not! H-He is just really nice!"

June holds in a laugh, covering her face with her hand. "Bs! Dude, Zak acts completely different around you! He usually never likes to cuddle with anyone! Just with Rocco!"

Vincent points a finger at me, "And what about the time you called him 'cute' out loud when he was talking about puppies?"

"Or during those times you two would sneak glances at one another?" Rose hums, making my body slowly crumble in embarrassment.

I pull my hood up and tighten the strings. I hide from them. "I have no idea what you're talking about..." I mumble.

Then I feel the grip Zak has around my arm tightens a bit. He mumbles something against my shoulder and hides his face against me. His soft snores slowly fill up the room and my heart melts.

"No talking. He's sleeping." I huff, raising my free hand and pointing at Zak. The other three groan and facepalm.

"Just admit it, Darryl, something's going on." June sighs. She then looks up at me and smiles. "Plus, I'm actually happy Zak's mood is brighter."

Looking between June and Zak, a soft sigh escapes his lips. "Okay, fine... he is a little cute..." Rose squeals in her seat. My eyes then shoot over at Rose. "But if I could, I wouldn't ask him out right now! I want to get to know him first... then maybe ask him out..."

Vincent cheers, punching the air above him. June slowly claps her hands and Rose pulls her phone out to take a picture at Zak and I.

WC: 1650
