
@/ElanaShhhh requested: "I HAVE IDEA UWU Darryl is trying to mooch of Zak's WiFi and jokingly puts his own name as the password. It actually works and now Darryl is connected to Zak's WiFi... You can continue this however you like xD I got nothing after that"

this one might be short >.>

No One's POV

Zak watches the show playing on his TV as he brushes his fingers through Rocco's fur. Rocco is curled up on Zak's side and taking a small nap.

Zak hears a ding from his phone and he grabs it. He turns the screen over and watches as a text from Bad pops up.

I'm almost there!! Give me 2 minutes soon I'll be at your door >.>

Zak grins and he replies with 'hurrryyyyy uppppp i cant wait any longer'

Bad doesn't reply and soon Zak puts his phone back down. Zak leans back on his couch and smiles. He's finally going to meet the love of his life.

After a minute, he hears a car pull up. Zak carefully removes Rocco from his lap and he rushes to the front door. He swings the door open and on the driveway, he sees a small black car parked and a tall figure pops up from the driver seat.

"Bad!" Zak grins, running out, not caring about putting on his shoes. The figure turns in Zak's direction and their eyes widen and lips curl up into a smile.

Zak jumps into Bad's arms and giggles. "Skeppy!" Bad holds the muffin in his arms. Both hold each other for a solid minute before Bad lets go of him.

Zak leads him inside and they both chat about their day. Zak was excited for Bad to be here. After a long time of being best friends with him, he could finally see him in person, without cameras or livestreams.

"I can't believe you're finally here!" Zak grins, throwing his arms up in the air and jumping back into his arms.

Darryl giggles and wraps his arms around Zak's waist. "I'm glad to be here. The trip took forever, but it was worth it."  Zak buries his head in Darryl's neck, letting all his worries wash away.

Darryl hums and hears whimpering on the other side of the couch. Rocco is curled up, watching the two carefully, confused on who this new person was.

"Is this Rocco?" Darryl asks, seeing Rocco crawl up to him and lay down beside him. Zak hums and turns to see his dog, nodding.

Darryl pets Rocco carefully, making the fluff wag his tail in amusement.

Zak moves himself onto Darryl's lap and pulls himself closer to the older one, making Darryl needing to move a bit. Now Zak is relaxing under Darryl's touch as Darryl is holding Zak with one arm and petting Rocco with his other hand.

This goes on for a while, just three creatures enjoying each moment together.

Darryl stops petting Rocco and takes out his phone. He tilts his head to place his cheek in Zak's hair as Zak is about to take a nap.

Darryl pulls up his setting and goes to the WiFi feature. He scrolls through the different connections and his eyes stop on one particular name. He sighs, "Skeppy?"

Zak hums, allowing Darryl to continue.

"Did you change your WiFi name to Pingspoofers Only?" Darryl sounds so disappointed as Zak starts to laugh.

"Maybe..." Zak giggles, not moving in Darryl's grasp.

Darryl rolls his eyes and clicks on the connection. "What's the password?"

Zak opens his eyes and tilts to look down at Darryl's phone. He grins, "Not telling you."

Darryl groans, "Oh c'mon Skeppy! Is it a bunch of random letters and numbers?!" Zak shakes his head. "So it's a word?" Zak nods.

Darryl sighs and tries a couple words. He begins with a few memes.

"Fourteen? No. Pingspoofer? No. Bald? Oh thank god no. Skeppy? Nope. A6D? No. BadBoyHalo? Darn it." This continues on for a bit. Darryl starts fo get annoyed.

"Skeppy, please just tell me!" Zak shakes his head, giggling.

"Nope. But I will give you a hint." Darryl looks down at Zak. "It's a name."

Darryl raises an eyebrow, "Hmmm. Zak?" He tries it, no luck. "Vincent?" Nope. "Dave?" Nada.

He then thinks about his name. He types in his name and clicks enter. It loads, longer than the other ones. Then the password screen disappears and it says he is connected to the WiFi.

"My name? Seriously?" Darryl giggles, looking down at Zak who is hiding his face in Darryl's shoulder. Darryl can see his cheeks tinted pink.

"Shut up." Zak mutters, making Darryl laugh more.

WC: 777
