Save Me

@/Deathwolf6668 requested: "...-Zak is about to kill himself but Darryl saves him (They don't know eachother)..."

⚠️ uhhh depression, abuse, homophobia, (almost) suicide, pretty much beware

Zak's POV

It hurts.

High schools is an actual shit hole.

Right when I come out to my best friend, he spreads the news and shares it to the whole school. Now everyone knows I'm gay and calling me a shit ton of names and glaring at me with so much hatred.

And I thought it couldn't get any worse at home. My dad heard the news and the abuse he gives me has increased by a ton. My mom just watches me with disgust in her eyes. As my dad throws a beer bottle at me, she scoffs and shakes her head, walking away.

I hate home. I hate school. I hate myself.

"Fucking f(word). I'm still surprised you haven't killed yourself. What the fuck are you even doing here?!" Dave scoffs and chucks me against the lockers, causing me to hit my head and collapse onto the ground.

Dave and his friends spit or kick me before walking away, laughing.

The hood over my head covers the tears in my eyes. I hiss and feel myself giving up. I sigh and just stare at the ground, recalling Dave's question, "I ask myself that all the time."

I weakly get up and slowly walk to the bathroom down the hall. I reach the room and enter the men's bathroom, making sure no one is around and stand in front of the mirror. I remove my hood and look straight ahead. My eyes catch myself. Bruises and cuts are all over my visible skin. One bruise is just forming and slowly appearing on my cheek.

I look down at my hands and slowly peel he sleeve of my hoodie up. Fresh and old scars are visible on my wrist. I just stare, tears slowly dripping down my cheeks.

Then everything inside of me just explodes.

"Fucking hell!" I shout, hissing as I suddenly use all my force and punch marble edge in front of me. My fist comes in contact with the hard material, causing my knuckles to start to go numb and small scars to form.

I punch the marble for a solid 6 times. Then I start to break down. I slowly start to slide down onto the floor as my salty tears in the floor beneath me. "Why..." My voice cracks, my hands slowly moving up to my face.


Now here I am. Sitting in the corner of a coffee shop. skipping classes. My eyes are red and swollen from crying and I pray no one notices. I think no one notices.

My pencil glides through my paper, writing down a note. I finish and lift up my pencil, rereading my note, I just sigh and fold it up. I take my final sip of my coffee and get up to leave.

I tuck the note in my pocket and slide my backpack over my shoulders. I grab my trash and toss it in a bin besides me. Then I make my way to the exit of the coffee shop, bot noticing someone was looking at me.

I exit the shop and slowly make my way towards a familiar place.


No Ones POV

The older boy follows the smaller one with concern. He quietly follows, watching as the other is slightly limping as he makes his way throw a park.

He has a gut feeling in him, making him grow concerned of the boy. He doesn't look well. He knows that the boy doesn't look healthy and he saw a bruise on his cheek.

The boy turns and they both suddenly hear the soft sound of a river. The older boy knows this path. It's the path to a bridge. Why would the smaller one want to be here? Shouldn't he be in class?

That's what the older one wants to know. The bridge starts to pop up in their view and Zak slowly walks up onto the bridge. He slowly hikes to the middle and wanders to the edge, looking down at the river flowing below him. The bridge is pretty high. Maybe a few more inches past the older one.

But the river is shallow. If Zak would fall face first into the river, it wouldn't end well.

Zak tosses his backpack to the side and continues to stare. He removes his hood, causing the other boy that is standing off to the side at the edge of the bridge to gawk at him. He can see the different bruises he has obtain and how his eyes show no emotion but pain. Pain. Pain. Pain.

Oh no, this poor muffin. I really hope he's just looking. The other boy thinks as he watches the smaller boy carefully.

Zak takes out the note from his pocket and tucks it in his backpack. He sighs and allows himself to shed a few more tears. He slowly opens his mouth, loud enough for Darryl to hear, "I'm so sorry Rocco. I'm so sorry Mom and Dad. I'm so sorry you expected someone better." Zak slowly starts to lift his leg up, placing his foot on the wall of the bridge.

Darryl's eyes slowly widen and he starts to take a few steps forward. "No..." He whispers to himself.

"I guess you were right Dad," Zak cries silently as he fully lifts his whole body on the thicc wall, allowing him to stand and peer over the edge. "I am just a useless, fucking f(word)..."

"Stop! No!" Darryl shouts, running up the bridge, stretching his hand out.

It causes Zak to jump in surprise, allowing him to suddenly topple over a bit. He shrieks and his eyes widen as feels his body to fall back.

Darryl cries he reaches the edge and stretches his hand out to try and grab Zak's stretched hand.

They both shout at one another as Zak suddenly grabs Darryl's hand, causing Darryl to suddenly pull Zak towards him. They stumble over onto the bridge and Darryl falls back to hit the ground with Zak in his arms.

"Oh my goodness..." Darryl cries, feeling tears to slip down his cheeks as he feels Zak shake under his arms.

Zak's whole body breaks down. He feels the stranger's arms around him, holding him tight as he silently starts to cry in his chest. "I-I..." Zak croaks out.

Darryl shushes him, holding this random teenager close as Zak just breaks down in his chest. A weird feeling hits Zak's stomach. It isn't an awful feeling though. It felt nice.

The arms around him made him feel safe. He's never been hugged before.

"I need to take you somewhere safe. Here, lets go back to my place you muffinhead..." Darryl whispers, feeling Zak nod.

WC: 1134
