Pool Party

yayyyy im getting requests :)

@/SkeppyStanhehe requested: "Hmmmm >.> Here's two: -They go to a pool party together..."


No One's POV

Dave lays on his bed. Floof is curled up besides him, peacefully sleeping. Dave's timeline is keeping Dave amused. Suddenly, he hets an idea.

He remembers all his friends live in LA now or near LA, and he decided to add them all in a group chat.

[Techno added Skep, BBH, a6d, Spif, F1nn, TapL, Dream, George, and Sap to the conversation.]

Techno: listen here peasants, is everyone free later today?

Spif: ye

TapL: sure

Dream: yeah, sap, george and i are free

Skep: depends


Techno: alright you guys down for a pool party at my place?

Dave smiles softly as he sees everyone agreeing. They all agree that in one or two hours they will all arrive and Dave better get ready. He asked some to bring snacks, which they agreed.


Zak is running around the house, Vincent yelling at him to stop. "Zak stop! If we don't have swim trunks, we can just go to Wal-Mart and buy another pair." Vincent sighs, rolling his eyes as Zak is looking through every drawer in his room.

Darryl is preparing a bag to fill with snacks if they do go to the store. He is refilling their animals' bowls with fresh food and water as well.

"Fine. I thought I had a pair though. Guess I must have lost them." Zak sighs as he shakes his head in annoyance. "Alright, let's go to Wal-Mart. We need to buy snacks anyways."

Vincent and Zak walk out of Zak's room and down the hall to the stairs. They reach the living room and see Darryl slipping on his sneakers. Darryl notices them and smiles, "You muffins ready?"

Zak nods, walking to the front door and slipping his shoes on. Vincent walks over to grab his car keys and wallet. Darryl grabs their bags and he kisses his rats goodbye. Vincent pets his cats and Rocco just jumps on Zak. They all say their goodbyes and walk out the door with their pets watching them from the living room.


It took them an hour and a half, but they finished their shopping. Darryl is carrying a bag full of snacks as he exits the car and Zak and Vincent are walking up to Dave's front door. There were three other cars parked in front. Some were by the curb.

Vincent knocks on the door and he hears commotion from inside. After a few seconds, the door opens up to reveal Dave. He pushes his glasses up and grins as he sees the rest of the gang. They all greet one another and Dave motions them inside. There in the living room, Spifey, George, Clay, Nick(SapNap, i think), Harvey, and Finn are chilling and talking to one another.

They all spot the trio and all greet again. Zak high fives Harvey and Spifey, Darryl hugs the DreamTeam, and Vincent just brofists Finn.

"Alright nerds. You guys all wanna head to the pool? I got some bathrooms upstairs and you guys can take your turns." Everyone agrees with Techno and a they all take turns changing into their swim gear.

Those that are already in their gear, walk out to the backyard where Dave's huge pool is. Zak and Vincent are waiting in the living room for their turns. Finn and Darryl are hoarding the two bathrooms upstairs. "Dude what's taking them so long!" Zak groans, flailing his arms and falling back on the couch.

Vincent just shrugs and scrolls through his phone. Soon they hear footsteps coming down. Zak sighs in relief and turns around. "Thank god Darryl! You take for-"

Zak freezes as his eyes on Darryl. He stands there with his black towel hanging around his bare shoulders with his black swim trucks that have a red stripe going down each side to match.

Darryl pushes his glasses up and he turns to Zak, who is just staring at him with his mouth propped open in shock.

Darryl blushes and he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "Uh... the bathrooms open..." Darryl whispers, unsure on what to say.

Vincent turns, spots Darryl then looks at Zak. He smirks, "Hey Zak, bathrooms open. I don't understand why you're making goo-goo eyes at Darryl. I know you lo-"

Zak snaps and he grabs a pillow from the couch and chucks it at Vincent, making the french man howl with laughter. "Shut the fuck up Vincent." Zak glares.

"Language you muffin!" Darryl huffs and crosses his arms. He shakes his head, "I'm going to go out with the rest of them. Hurry up." Darryl then turns and walks out of the room to the large glass sliding doors. He disappears from sight.

"You really need to control yourself." Vincent smirks, grabbing his bag and heading to the stairs to change.

"Oh shut up Vincent." Zak huffs and sticks his tongue out at the man. Vincent just rolls his eyes and walks up to the next floor.


Zak is the last one to finish changing. He puts his clothes in a bag and tosses it besides his friends' bags that were in the living room. He then grabs his towel and walks out to the glass doors.

He sees his friend in the pool. Some of them were chasing one another, others were throwing a football, and the rest were just chilling in one corner.

"Hey Zak, catch!" Harvey howls.

Zak looks up to see Harvey in the middle of the pool with a football in his hand. He raises the ball up and chucks it at Zak. Zak catches it with ease and grins. He slides his blue flip flops off and runs towards the pool.

He cannonballs in the empty space and makes a big splash. Dave and Harvey laugh as Zak swims up and his hair is soaking wet.

Darryl stands sits at the pool stairs, watching his friends having fun. Clay is leaning against the wall besides him, watching the way Darryl is looking at Zak.

Clay grins, "Hey loverboy."

Darryl jumps slightly and he turns to Clay's direction. "W-What?"

"When you going to confess?" Clay grins, crossing his arms as he sends Darryl a mischievous smirk.

Darryls eyes widen. His body shivers from the smirk and he turns his attention away from Clay. He shakes his head, "I don't know what you're talking about!"

Clay just laughs. "Oh c'mon Darryl! Everyone knows it! I don't understand what you're so afraid of!"

Darryl frowns. His eyes roam around the different figures and he spots Zak again. Zak is on Dave's shoulders, wrestling Harvey who is on Spifey's. Harvey succeeds and throws Zak into the pool, they all laugh as he goes underwater for a few seconds before breaking surface again.

"Many things Dream..." He sighs sadly and he looks down.

Clay raises an eyebrow. He frowns as he notices Darryl's personality change. He pushes himself off the wall and he swims to sit himself besides Darryl. Once he seats himself on the stairs, he places a hand in Darryl's shoulder, "Hey, don't skip the chance of confessing. You should tell him soon. Honestly, things might surprise you."

Darryl looks up and he turns to see Clay. Clay sends him a smile, making Darryl smile back softly. Clay pats Darryl's shoulder again and swims off to hang out with Nick and George.

He swims to the corner of the steps and he slides down to where his chest is just above the water. He leans back and lets his head rest against the wall. Darryl sighs and just shakes all his thoughts out of his head. He needs to relax. He closes his eyes, the sight of his friends laughing disappearing as he feels himself gently breathe in and out.

With a few seconds of silence, he hears someone swimming in his direction. He leaves his eyes closed.

"Hey Darryl." The familiar voice echoes in his hears and his heart flutters.

He hums, still having his eyes closed.

"You should swim with us!" Zak grins, seeing his friend sitting alone in the water. He wants to hang out with him. He wants to enjoy every moment with him.

Darryl slowly opens his eyes, making Zak look into his pupils and notice the emerald green dancing around with curiosity. "I don't know. I honestly like sitting here." Darryl smiles softly, making Zak hum.

Darryl takes in another look of Zak before closing his eyes. Zak looks back to see his friend splashing water at one another. He takes a second to think before he swims beside Darryl and sitting on the steps next to him. He leans his head to the side.

Darryl's eyes widen when he feels something on his shoulder. He doesn't move, but turns his head to see Zak leaning his head against his shoulder. He blushes. Zak's eyes are closed and he just relaxes in the water.

Darryl hears snickering and he looks up to see everyone looking at the two. He glares as they all start to tease them. Some create heart with their hands, some pretend to cry tears of joy, and others make kissy faces.

"Shush you muffins." He snarls, making his friends laugh and turn back to whatever they were doing before.

He sighs and he looks back at Zak. He smiles and he moves himself in a better position to lean his head on too of Zak's. Darryl closes his eyes and hums in happiness as he feels Zak slip his hand into his own. He doesn't open his eyes but instead tangle their fingers together and slowly drift off into a nice nap.

WC: 1626
