
how to get rid of a crush u have on block men

this isnt google...

No One's POV

"Hey, Bad, you free next week?"

Lifting his head up, he stops looking at his phone and to his monitor. "Um... I don't think so." He says, placing his phone down and putting his fingers on his keys. "Why? You have a special video idea?"

Skeppy giggles on the other side of the call, placing his elbow on his desk and hiding his face behind his sleeve. "Something like that. I'll tell you later."

Bad hums, alright with the idea. As Bad continues to build their house, Skeppy is on Chrome, looking through different car dealerships.


"Dude, I swear he is literally attached to you. He's been texting us every so often, asking if we know where you are." Vurb complains over the phone, Finn, Zelk, and Harvey laughing in the back of the call.

Skeppy's cheeks heat up slightly, rolling his eyes as he stuffs the final box of gluten-free muffins in the back of the brand new, grey Audi. He closes the door, grabbing the keys in his pocket and walking over to the driver seat.

The middle of the parking lot of a random park around 20 minutes away from Bad's house, he sits. "That's adorable. You guys better not have spoiled anything!"

"Mega was about to, but Zelk banned him from the TeamSpeak." Harvey adds in.

"Oh my god." Skeppy sighs, not surprised. He can hear Zelk argue in the call.

"That little idiot causes me to lose so many brain cells, I swear to god."

Skeppy slides into the driver seat. He starts up the engine, slightly sliding down the windows and he connects his phone to the Bluetooth. There, he places his phone on the side and the four voices mix with one another

"So, how far are you from his house?" Harvey asks.

The call goes quiet as Skeppy begins to drive out of the parking lot. "Around 20 minutes. I hope I have the right address." Vurb and Zelk snicker.

"The only thing I'm curious about is if he's really taller than you," Vurb adds in, the others humming in agreement.

"There's no way he's super fucking tall. I heard he's shorter, but I have no idea. I'll be so fucking surprised if he's really 6 foot." Skeppy scoffs, shaking his head as he turns a corner down a street.

"Imagine he's like 6 foot 5 or something." Harvey laughs.

"I will cry." Skeppy huffs, the time slowly ticking as the road continues on.


3 minutes away. He has ended the call with his friends not long ago and now he is about to see Bad soon. He appears on a street with different, small houses. All similar with some differences. He continues down the street until he reaches a familiar street sign. There, he begins to turn and head down the road.

His eyes wander as the GPS guides him to a quiet neighborhood.

Then, his phone alarms with. "Your destination will be on your left."

He looks over at the left. He reads the numbers of the houses and finally spots the one matching the address. A white house sits in between others. There is just a single garage door with a small, white car at the driveway.

The windows are closed with blinds and a small garden is decorated outside. The lawn is freshly cut and everything is just simple.

Skeppy parks the car on the side of the road, by the curb on Bad's house. He turns the engine off and sighs. He slides his fingers through his hair, grabbing his phone and flickering it on.

The screen projects some notifications. 39 catch his eye. Bad has called him and texted him a numerous amount of times. He giggles and clicks on the messages.

Bbh: Good morning Skeppy! :D
Bbh: Are you still asleep? :(
Bbh: Well, just message me when you're up!

Bbh: Oh Skeppyyyyyyy
Bbh: Skeppy?
Bbh: Are you still asleep?!
Bbh: You need to fix your sleep schedule >:(

Bbh: Skeppy!
Bbh: Skeppy you are worrying me!
Bbh: Hello?
Bbh: :(
Bbh: Skeppy!
Bbh: s
Bbh: k
Bbh: e
Bbh: p
Bbh: p
Bbh: y

Skep: hey bad

Bbh: HI!
Bbh: Oh my goodness you had me worried

Skep: lol
Skep: sorry. u home rn?

Bbh: Uhm yeah
Bbh: Why?

Skep: lol check ur front door

Bbh: what?
Bbh: Okay? o.O

Clicking his seatbelt off, he scatters out of the vehicle. He slides his phone into his back pocket and grabs his mask from a small compartment. He slides his mask in his hand and shuts the car door behind him. He walks around the car, going to the driveway, jogging up to the patio.

Adjusting his shirt, he loosens up black sleeves and tucks his hands in his jeans' pockets. He stands in front of the front door, listening patiently. He feels his phone buzz, but doesn't bother as he hears footsteps from inside.

His stomach flips, realizing in just a few seconds he will be in the arms of his best friend. He couldn't contain his large ass smile.

The doorknob twists, Skeppy's eyes widen as he bites his bottom lip back.

Slowly, the door opens up and suddenly a dog begins to bark. The door stops slightly, and a very familiar voice chirps. "Shush it Rat. I'm sure it's just a package or something."

Skeppy leans over slightly, tilting his head and the door opens up. There, his eyes widen once his catch emerald-green eyes shimmering in awe. A loud gasp escapes the older male's lips.

Skeppy raises his hand, waving. "Hey Bad."

"Oh my goodness..." Bad covers his mouth with his hand, a few tears forming in his eyes. He brushes his hair back, fixing his glasses as he blinks. "G-Geppy?"

Then, a simple nod. Skeppy blinks, then like the Flash, a pair of arms are wrapped around his body. Skeppy jumps in surprise, but his smile grows as he feels Bad bury his face in his neck. He can feel his lips tilt upward against his skin. Skeppy wraps his arms around Bad's neck, feeling his own eyes beginning to water. He buries his own face in Bad's shoulder, realizing this was really happening.

Just a few hours ago, he was in bed, taking a small nap alone, and now his best friend is in his arms, squeezing the life out of him.

"I can't believe you're actually here, Geppy..." Bad whispers, his eyes shut as he holds his grip on Skeppy. A few tears escape, sliding down and slightly staining Skeppy's shirt.

A small giggle escapes the younger's lips. He can feel the tears soaking and hitting his skin. He tightens his grip around Bad's neck. His mind washes away, forgetting the gift on the side of the road. His only thoughts are on Bad, pressing as close as he could to the older one. "I can't believe it either, Bad."

Lucy watches from the door. She sits on the ground, head tilted slightly as her tail wags with joy. Bad looks to be the happiest person in the world, and she couldn't be anymore prouder. She knows you cannot separate the two.

WC: 1220
