
@/Mekkee_: "Hmm what about that zak and darryl go on vacation together and but a speedboat and they confess on it and you can do what you want from there :D"


No One's POV

Skeppy: BAD
Skeppy: BAD
Skeppy: BAD
Skeppy: BAD
Skeppy: BAD

BBH: Oh my goodness Skeppy! >.> What do you want?

Skeppy: u free this weekend?

BBH: Um, I guess, why?

Skeppy: guess who bought a speedboat :D

BBH: What!? Why? You don't even go outside!?

Skeppy: idk i was on ebay and i saw it and i was like cool
Skeppy: and i bought it

BBH: And why exactly does this involve you questioning if I'm free this weekend? Are you planning something?

Skeppy: we r gunna go to the ocean and use it!

BBH: No.

Skeppy: we will probably find dolphins

BBH: ...
BBH: So are you picking me up or what?

Skeppy: be rdy by 11pm on sat
Skeppy: i found a nice hotel by a nice beach so we will stay a night there

BBH: Ooooo o.O Will I have to leave Rat? :(

Skeppy: yep

BBH: Aww :(

Skeppy: lol take the L kid
(lmao he didnt say that skfjskf would be funny tho)


Zak picked up Darryl a few hours ago and now here they are, at the hotel Zak found and they sit on their own beds in the hotel room. Darryl was laying on his bed, curling up with a pillow as he scrolls through his phone. Zak was taking a small nap on the other bed.

He lays starfished on his stomach as he softly snores against his pillow.

Every so often, he would mutter gibberish, and Darryl would smile or giggle, finding it adorable.

Having a crush on Zak was hard for Darryl. They've only seen each other in real life a few times and slowly his feelings for Zak are increasing.

Darryl loves having Zak around. He keeps him happy. He keeps him smiling.

Darryl looks up from his phone and smiles at the sight of Zak passed out. He can see a small bit of drool on the edge of his lips. "What a muffinhead..." Darryl whispers, going back on his phone.


"Do you know how this works?" Darryl asks, nervously looking back and forth between Zak and the speedboat in the water.

Zak smiles, nodding as he hands Darryl a life vest. The docks are filled with boats and some families were walking around the beach.

"Don't worry about it. My dad taught me a few years ago, so I'm pretty much an expert." Zak shrugs and slips on his life vest. (idk if u need a license or sum to use a speedboat so ima just skip that. i aint researching smh)

"W-What? A few yea-?" Darryl stutters, eyes widening as he gulps.

Zak cuts him off by shushing him and stepping into the speedboat. The speedboat was pretty decent. It was white with a black stripe running along the sides. A large glass window in front of the driver seat and behind, a few other chairs lean against the walls. Maybe around 6-7 people could fit in the boat. But today, it's going to be made for two.

Darryl sighs and follows suit, stepping into the speedboat. It rocks a bit, the small waves crashing into the boat.

Darryl sits down in the seat behind the driver's seat. He leans back and pulls his life vest over. Zak unhooks the rope attached to the dock and the boat.

Then he starts up the speedboat. Before he pulls out, he turns and spots Darryl looking out into the ocean. The smaller boy smiles and then turns back to look out ahead. Then the boat takes off.

Darryl smiles, feeling his hair dance in the wind as they speed off away from the dock and into the ocean. With every bump against the waves, the boat bounces.

Zak laughs as his hair flies behind, going everywhere. "This is amazing!" He grips his hands on the wheel as Darryl chuckles.

"I'm surprised we haven't died yet," Darryl smirks, hearing an offended gasp from Zak. The two burst out into laughter as Zak continues to control the boat.

Darryl leans back, feeling the vibrations from the boat hit his back as he closes his eyes.

Zak soon slows the boat down. He checks to find no one around and he brings the boat to a complete stop. Now, they are just rocking naturally in the ocean.

Zak leans back and releases his hands from the wheel.

"Hey Zak, come sit with me," Darryl says, allowing Zak to raise an eyebrow. The smaller boy turns and shrugs, making sure the boat isn't in some sort of weird setting and walks over to Darryl. He sits down a few inches away from him.

The older boy has his hands behind his head, a small smile on his face as he hears the waves of the ocean and the sounds of birds flying over them every so often.

Zak feels his body relax as he decides to bring his whole body up and he lays down on the long seat. He raises his head up and rests against Darryl's leg, his hands behind his head.

Darryl feels the sudden weight and he opens his eyes to look down. He feels his heart spark a bit and he smiles, watching as Zak closes his eyes, and his stomach steadily rises and drops.

"This is nice," Zak whispers, feeling as Darryl lowers his hand to brush his fingers through Zak's hair. The two breath in the sea air as Darryl's eyes cast upon the clear waters behind him.

He can see small fish swimming but it was mostly dark. He hums and dips his hand in the water. He shivers from the sudden cold once his finger hits the water.

Suddenly an idea spark in his mind and a sly smirk appears on his face. Darryl makes sure Zak still had his eyes closed and with his hand, he cups some water. Quickly, he raises his hand up and drops the small amount of water on Zak's face.

Right, when the drops hit, Zak springs upwards and he shrieks. "Oh, c'mon! What the hell!? That was cold!" He huffs and wipes his face with his hoodie.

Darryl laughs, drying his hand with his sweatshirt. "Language!"

Zak groans and he leans over the edge. Darryl's eyes widen as he watches Zak cup water in his hands. "Wait- Zak- No-" Darryl raises his arms up to protect himself.

But, Zak smirks and he throws the water on him. "Take that!" And then he continues to splash the water. With his hand, he flicks the water up at Darryl and it seeps through his sweatshirt.

"Stop it you muffin! I only did it once!" Darryl stands up, still protecting himself as Zak laughs. With Darryl all soaked, he doesn't stop. Darryl takes a step around and he suddenly wraps his arms around Zak, pulling him away from the water and the battle has ended.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Zak grumbles as his arms are locked in place. His back is against Darryl's chest and his cheeks heat up from the sudden warmth.

Darryl grins and cheers in victory. "Nope! You are stuck here with me!" Darryl lowers himself to the ground, leaning against the seats of the speedboat. "You are grounded."

"Bruh moment. You can't ground me!" Zak glares at Darryl, moving around to try and budge through his arms.

Darryl smiles and holds his stance, "I just did."

Zak stops after a few seconds. He sighs in defeat and just leans back to have his head rest against Darryl's chest. Darryl freezes at the sudden movement but relaxes. He places his chin on top of Zak's head and hums.


Who knows how long they were cuddling. They spent their time relaxing in each other's arms and feel the boat slowly rock.

Darryl looks out into the distance. He notices the sun slowly starts to set. He smiles and nudges Zak, who perks up and raises an eyebrow.

Darryl points up ahead. "Look, the sun's setting!"

The mix of pastel colors slowly creates a painting by Bob Ross as the sun makes it's way to the horizon. Zak hums and smiles, leaning his head back against Darryl's chest as they two watch the event.

"It's really pretty here." Darryl awes quietly, as he feels Zak shift in his arms.

Zak turns his body to wrap his arms around Darryl's waist, head still on his chest. "Yeah. It really is." Zak takes the moment to take everything in. He hears Darryl's steady heart rate as he wonders about his next move.

He looks up and his eyes spot the mix of green and aqua mixing against the sunlight. Darryl's cheeks blush with pink as he feels a sudden breath against his head. Before he turns his head, he feels Zak move up and wrap his arms around his neck and suddenly a pair of soft lips pressed upon his cheek.

Darryl's eyes widen as he feels Zak's lips linger for a few seconds before pulling away. He turns his head and his eyes land onto the smaller boy. He has a cheeky grin on his face and eyes mischievously looking at him.

Without a second to lose, Darryl leans in and he feels the same soft lips against his.

WC: 1570
