He Doesn't Deserve You

@/WingedBlackAngel: "Hmm maybe I have an idea? Zak has a boyfriend but then he cheated on him with another girl... Then Darryl decides to stay with him until he finds out what happened-"


Zak's POV (3rd Person)

Something was odd about Zak's boyfriend. For the past few weeks, he kept acting suspiciously. Zak thought it was nothing, brushing it off as nothing happened.

For a while now, he's been going to the store, even though they have food in the fridge. When he would come back, he looks different. Nothing about him in person changed, but his emotions looked different, like he was happier.

One day, he decided to follow his boyfriend. Jason was his name.

Like usual, Zak would be editing in his room and Jason would knock and say he was going to get groceries. Zak obtained this opportunity and acted the same. He watched as Jason disappeared.

Quickly, Zak shuts off his PC and slips his shoes on. Then, he hears the front door open and shut. Zak shuts off the lights and grabs his car keys before sprinting out of the house. Jason's car was already driving away and Zak gets in his car.

He follows Jason, making sure he couldn't be seen so he stays a few feet back.

Jason passes the stores, making Zak's stomach flip and his heart starts to beat. He bites his bottom lip and his grip on the steering wheel tightens. He knew something was up.

He follows as Jason drives into a neighborhood, one Zak has no idea about and he is uncertain about the new surroundings.

Jason pulls up onto the driveway of a nice two-story white house. Zak parks down the road, eyes glued onto the man as he watches Jason shut off the car and gets out.

Jason walks up to the front house and knocks. Zak feels his heart slowly crumble as the front door opens, revealing a beautiful girl with blonde hair. The two hug and suddenly the two start to make out.

Zak's tears slowly start to show and his face is now filled with pain. His heart is broken into a million pieces. He was right. Something was off.

Jason didn't love him. He loved her. He cheated on him. He watches as she pulls Jason inside and the door slams shut. Zak's mind is filled with horror and he slams his forehead against the steering wheel, making the horn go off and scare him.

He groans and curses, wiping the tears from his eyes and starts his car up again, driving off back home.


Zak sits on TS alone, his heart broken and eyes red and dry from crying. His voice is hoarse and ice cream fills his mouth after every scoop.

He wants to talk to someone, but he doesn't want to be a bother. So, he waits for someone to randomly join TS.

And his prayers were answered. He watches as Bad suddenly appears online and the robot voice of User has joined the channel ring through his ears.

Bad's cheerful echos fill the silence. "Geppy! Hi! Why are you online so late?"

Zak opens his mouth to speak and quickly shuts up, not wanting to make a sudden cry and make his friend worry. Instead, he mutes himself up and types on TS.

fefe: good just unable to sleep

"What? Wait, why aren't you speaking? Why aren't you able to sleep? Are you okay you little muffin?" Bad's concerned voice makes Zak slowly melt. He knew he would sound pathetic about his current situation.

fefe: uhhh not feeling well

Bad gasps slightly, "What? Are you sick?! Oh no :( poor little muffin! Do you have someone with you?"

fefe: no but i can take care of myself

He can hear Bad's worry. He can picture Bad frowning. "Geppy, do you need me to come down there? Do you need me to take care of you? I'm really worried if you're sick!"

Zak's eyes widen. He places the ice cream on his desk and types rapidly.

fefe: what!? no! please!
fefe: bad theres no need
fefe: im alright i swear

Bad huffs, not sure what to believe. But, he decides on his situation.

"I'm going to visit you Geppy. I know we live near each other so expect me to appear by tomorrow afternoon! I'm going to take care of you!" Bad giggles, making Zak's heart race.

fefe: nononono stop
fefe: how will u even get here u dont even have my address

"Good point. I'll ask A6D. Okay bye, you muffin! I'll see you tomorrow! Go to sleep and take care!"

Zak was about to unmute himself until he hears Bad leave the channel.

Zak groans, slamming his desk and burying his head in his hands.

He huffs, knowing Bad is a man of his word (sort of) and he stands up. He turns off his computer and falls onto his bed.


He felt arms around him. He groans, moving a bit and he feels the arms tighten around Zak.

Suddenly, the situation last night hits Zak like a truck and his eyes shot open. He turns his head and notices his boyfriend sleeping peacefully next to him. His heart stings and he examines the older boy next to him. His stomach turns as his eyes land on his neck to where small purple spots are all over his skin. Zak knew he didn't make those.

He moves his partner's arms and slips out of bed, his blood starting to boil and he walks out of the room, shutting the door behind him loudly, making his soulmate startle awake.

Zak slips his hoodie that he left on the couch and covers his head with the hood. He was not in a good mood. After finding out about where his boyfriend has been going, he knew he needed to break-up with him.

Zak walks into the kitchen and takes out some cereal and milk. He prepares himself a bowl as he hears footsteps making their way down the hall. His boyfriend was up. Zak was on the verge to snap as he hears the echo down the hall.

"Baby? Why did you leave me? I miss you in my arms!" Jason pouts, walking into the living room and stretching his arms out. He was in a black t-shirt and sweatpants while Zak sat with his blue hoodie and basketball shorts.

Jason notices that Zak hasn't replied and he frowns, looking at Zak and noticing he was hiding his face as he started to eat his food.


Jason frowns and he makes his way to Zak. Before he could place a hand on Zak's shoulder, Zak suddenly stands up, causing Jason to jump back in shock. "Whoa? What?-"

"Shut the fuck up." Zak snarls, his voice dripping with venom as he turns and glares at Jason.

Jason looks confused. "Yo, wait, Baby? Are you oka-?"

"No, as a matter of fact, I am not okay! Why!? Cuz my piece of shit boyfriend has been cheating on me for who knows how long!" Zak laughs, throwing his arms up and he shakes his head. He grabs his bowl and places it beside the sink, knowing a fight was going to happen.

Jason snarls and he starts to glare at Zak. "What the fuck are you talking about Babe?"

Zak's phone buzzes, unaware of the two. Zak picks his phone and places it on the counter, not bothering to see the messages. He steps forward and points at the cheater, "Stop lying you piece of shit! I fucking saw you with that girl! And don't go 'Oh she's my sister!' cuz I fucking saw you two kissing!"

Zak's phone continues to buzz as the two bicker back and forth.

"Well, it's not my fucking fault you're boring as fuck! All you do is play video games all day! Your YouTube channel is shit! You have no fucking future! All I needed was your money!" Jason smirks, making Zak growl.

"Get the fuck out of my house." Zak snarls and he points towards the front door.

Jason smirks, spitting at the ground in front of Zak and making his way towards the door.

Zak watches with anger flaming in his eyes.

Darryl is walking up to the front door. He was about to knock when suddenly he heard the fighting and the door swings open, making Darryl jump and step aside.

Jason spots the unfamiliar boy and he shoves past him, making Darryl pout and shrink away.

Zak sighs and he feels his anger slowly melt into sadness. He bites his bottom lip, holding back a sob as the front door is left open. He makes a step to shut it but then his eyes widen when Darryl steps out from the side.

Darryl turns and his eyes land on Zak, who is on the verge of tears and his body is shaking.

Darryl gasps and he slowly steps forward. "Oh, you poor little muffin! Look at you! Oh my goodness I have no idea what's going on but I'm here." Darryl reaches out to try and place a hand onto Zak's shoulder, but he was cut off by the smaller boy shoving himself into his chest.

Soft cries come from Zak and Darryl frowns, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy and using his foot to close the front door.

"Oh, muffin..." Darryl whispers. Zak shuts his eyes as he buries his head in Darryl's chest, his body begging for comfort.

Darryl slowly brings them to the couch where Zak sits on top of Darryl, burying himself in his neck and tears staining Darryl's hoodie.

Darryl softly coos, whispering sweet thoughts to the smaller boy as he holds him tight, still not sure what happened but his heart broke to hear the cries.

After a while, Zak's breath slowly calms down and his cries disappear into soft hiccups. Zak curls himself into a ball and plays with Darryl's hoodie strings, unsure of what to say.

"Zak, are you feeling okay?" Darryl whispers, "What happened? Who was he?" He brushes his fingers between Zak's locks, making Zak close his eyes and relax against his chest.

"I-.." Zak whispers, "I don't know what to feel... he was someone close to me. But, he ruined it..."

Darryl raises an eyebrow, unsure in what that meant but he didn't like it. Someone special to Zak?

"Was he a close friend?" Darryl questions. Zak shakes his head. Then it clicks. "Boyfriend?"

Zak doesn't answer, making Darryl's answer clear. "Oh, muffin... I'm so sorry... whatever he did, I'm so sorry. He doesn't deserve you."

Zak's heart cracks and he shakes his head. "He cheated on me Bad... am I really that boring? Does no one actually love me?"

Zak's voice crack makes Darryl frown. Darryl holds him close, shaking his head. "No! You muffintop! You are not boring! That jerk is stupid for cheating on someone so special like you!"

"What if my future soulmates continue to cheat on me? I'm an idiot for thinking they actually like me..." Zak slowly starts to pull away, causing Darryl to notice and he holds his grip on Zak tighter.

"Don't think that!" Darryl moves so Zak is facing him and their eyes lock. Zak's cheeks heat up, noticing they were really close. "Zak, you are not boring! You are so kind, selfless, energetic, and you are so beautiful! You have so many fans who look up to you and your videos help people smile! Every day when you talk to us, you make us all happy and we love being with you! Don't listen to what that jerk says!"

Zak's eyes widen and he feels himself want to cry again. He does so. His bottom lip quivers and tears slowly appear again.

"Oh my goodness... I'm so sorry-" Darryl's eyes widen and his heart snaps when Zak starts to cry.

Zak shakes his head, his lips curling up into a smile. "No Bad, I'm crying tears of joy." Darryl sighs in relief and he smiles. "I'm so grateful and lucky to have you Bad! I don't understand why you even put up with me!"

Zak burkes his face in Darryl's neck, making the other smile uncontrollably. Darryl hums, "Well that's easy. You are my own special, little muffin..."

WC: 2060
