Pillow Fort

ill be doing the first one since i like it a lot and i have a bunch of other requests >.> sorrryyyyy

@/SkeppyStanhehe: ":O yay! okok i may have an idea or two. -they build a pillow fort together (they arent dating and have been best friends for a very long time) and they decide to watch movies on their phone but have to sit close to one another to be able to see the screen. You can decide what to do with it from here...."

HOLD ON 14.4K VIEWS?!? HELLO??? u guys r insane...


No One's POV

Darryl yawns, unlocking the front door as he walks into the house. He shuts the door behind him and Lucy greets him with small barks. Darryl hums and nods. Work was busier than usual and he had to stay in for an extra two hours. He missed dinner.

Darryl picks up Lucy gently and drops his backpack by the door as he walks to the kitchen. He notices the kitchen all cleaned up and he opens up the refrigerator. There, a container with food is stored with a small note.

Hi! I made dinner but then you texted saying you were going to be late so I just stored this for you. :)

-Muffintop <3

Darryl giggles at the sticky note and picks up the container. He places the box onto the kitchen island and places the sticky note on the fridge, adding a small baguette magnet on top to hold it.

Darryl reheats the meal.

The sound of the microwave suddenly causes a voice to call his name.


Darryl smiles and places Lucy down who runs off. Footsteps become louder and he turns to spot Zak sliding his way behind the counter. The smaller boy smiles and throws his arms up. "Darryl! I was getting worried when you were going to get home!"

Darryl nods, rubbing the sleep away from his eyes as he takes out the food from the microwave and grabs a fork. The smell of chicken and mashed potatoes fill his nose up. He walks over to the kitchen table and sits down, which Zak following and sitting down in a chair beside him.

"Sorry, I didn't know that someone ditched worked early and the boss told me to stay to fill in their spot. At least I get a few extra bucks though." Darryl yawns, taking a bite of his mashed potatoes and resting his head against his hand.

Zak frowns and places his head against his arms on the table, keeping his eyes on Darryl. "That's dumb. I'm guessing you're really tired." To which Darryl nods.

Zak turns his head to look at the living room where Lucy and Rocco are running around. He watches as they have with and enjoy the moments together. Suddenly an idea sparks up in his mind.

Darryl finishes up his food and stands up to put his dirty dish away.

"Hey, I'll do it for you." Zak notices and stands up quickly, causing Darryl's eyes to widen and shake his head.

"No, please, it's just a dish and you made me dinner..." Darryl says, picking up his plate.

Zak shakes his head and grabs Darryl's plate and proceeds to make his way to the sink. "No, you go and change into your PJs! I have a great idea!"

Darryl sighs and nods. "Alright, you muffintop. Hopefully this idea won't keep me up all night." He gently messes up Zak's hair, who just gasps and shrieks. Darryl giggles and walks off to his room.

Zak smiles and cleans up Darryl's dishes. Then he runs over to the laundry room and takes out a couple of blankets and pillows. He chucks them onto the couch where Rocco and Lucy stare in confusion.

Darryl walks out of his room with his pajamas on and he notices Zak in the living room with the pillows and blankets. "What's with everything?"

"We're going to make a pillow fort!" Zak cheers, his face lit up.

Darryl's eyes widened in amusement. "Really?" Zak nods, which makes Darryl smile, and the two plan the fort.

They move the dining chairs to the living room and position them to hang blankets over them. The couch and chairs allow the blankets to form a tent over and Zak crawls under to place the pillows and rest of the blankets inside. Then he crawls back out and the two admire their build.

The fort wasn't too small or too big. They could both fit in.

"I love this. C'mon!" Darryl grabs Zak's hand, who blushes at the contact and follows behind as the two crawl inside and move over to the back of the fort where they lay down and stare up at the blankets above them.

Darryl lets go of Zak's hand, who frowns at the loss of the warm contact, and sighs at the relief of relaxation. Zak giggles and pokes Darryl's cheek, who huffs and slaps Zak's hand away.

"Want to watch a movie?" Zak raises an eyebrow and he pulls out his phone and opens up Netflix. Darryl shrugs and just agrees. The two sit up and move back to lean against the couch with the pillows behind them. Zak clicks on a random show they left off and holds the phone in front of them.

Darryl looks at the screen. He notices he isn't able to view it well. So, he scoots closer to Zak and leans his head against his shoulder.

Zak freezes at the sudden contact and he looks over to see Darryl staring off at his phone. He smiles and turns back to enjoy the show.

The time goes by and during the show, Rocco and Lucy had walked into their fort to curl up against their legs. The two just giggled.

As another episode was reaching the end, Zak hears soft snoring and he turns to see Darryl has fallen asleep against his shoulder. Zak smiles and he turns off his phone, placing it beside him and he snakes his arm around Darryl, pulling him closer and leaning his body against the older boy.

He closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep with the older boy snoring soundly in his arms and two dogs sleeping against his legs.

WC: 1030
