Turn Tables

@/SkepticalofGames's idea: personalities switch for a while :p

No One's POV

"Geppy! Stop! Slash slash undo! Please!" Bad screams into his microphone, feeling his stomach drop as his KitPvP map is being set to lava and holes being created everywhere. A certain diamond block is floating around, laughing as he holds a wooden axe in hand and selecting different parts of the map.

This is the third week he's been trolled in a row. His donations and stream chat not helping in any way. He knows Skeppy has a copy and can undo it all, but it still hurts. You never know what he is going to do.

"Slash. Slash. Undo." Skeppy giggles into the microphone, typing out Slash slash undo in the chat.

Bad notices and patience is slowly running out. His head is starting to ache and his eyes are close to creating tears. He shouldn't be upset, it's just a prank, right?

With donations going off with different memes and chat never slowed down with the 14s, Bad places his elbows in front of his keyboard and his hands cover his eyes. He bites his bottom lip, holding back a small whimper. "Geppy... please..." Bad whispers, hearing the smaller boy laugh, not knowing what's happening to his friend.

It goes on for awhile longer. Bad continues to beg Skeppy to undo everything and his stream is a mess. "You're no fun, Bad! I'm just trolling you!" Skeppy giggles as he begins to undo all his mistakes. The map goes back to its normal spawn. Players are finally able to PvP normally and Bad's mental breakdown is finished. His cheeks are slightly stained with tears. He let a few water drops fall during his yelling.

"Oh my goodness..." His voice quivers, sighing in relief as the map is back. "Thank you."

Skeppy smiles, "Yeah, yeah! Do you mind if I stay on your stream?"

The question doesn't phase Bad. He just shakes his head and begins typing a command in chat. He presses enter and Skeppy yells at him. "What! Why did you ban me!? I undid everything!"

"I'm ending my stream." He ignores his friend, closing out of Minecraft and going to his OBS. "Bye muffins. I hope next week it isn't like today." He then ends it, clicking the button and his stream goes dark.

"Bad!? Are you okay? I'm sorry if I hurt you! Really! I-" Skeppy begins to ramble. He hears Bad let out a small sigh.

"Whatever Geppy. I'll talk to you tomorrow, I guess." Bad mutters and he leaves the Teamspeak. Bad eyelids slowly shut as he holds back another cry. His shoulder slowly shakes and he places his headphones on his desk. He turns off everything and heads to his head. The cries slowly begin. His voice cracks as he lays down on his mattress and hides his face in his pillows. Tears stream down his face as he curls himself up into a ball.

His room grows cold and his mind is aching just give up. Troll after troll, it isn't helping his sanity. He's already hating himself because of his looks and personality and streams are making it worse.

Time slowly ticks and his brain is giving up. His body is growing tired and he can feel his eyes grow loopy. After a few seconds, he feels himself fall into a deep sleep, eyes red and puffy and his cheeks stained from crying.

On his desk, notifications are ignored of Skeppy and fans DMing him. Bad drifts off to sleep to the sound of soft chimes every few seconds.


"Oh Bad~"

The room is white. A tall, lean man dressed like Bad stands in front of him. They both dress like his Minecraft character. But, Bad has a black halo floating above his head and simple black horns peeking out on his skin. His eyes are glowing white and his skin is like a void.

In front of him, the figure stands looking the same but with white and light greenish-blue colors. His skin is plain white and glistening with green-blue mist coming from his eyes.

He has a sly smirk on his face, small fangs hanging over his bottom lip.

Bad instantly knew who he was. He's seen fanart and video animations about him. But it shocks him that he is real. Bad furrows his eyebrows, taking a step back. "Why are you here?" He questions.

Good giggles evilly, shrugging his shoulders. "Well, I've noticed the fucked up shit going on in your life."

"Language!" Bad's eyes widen, pointing a finger at Good.

Good rolls his eyes. "Just shut the fuck up. I swear to god, this is why you can't be happy." Bad was about to put another language, but his heart drops. "I'm here to take your place for a day. You need to fucking show people who is boss." Good frowns, his face dropping as he takes a step forward to Bad.

Bad shakes his head. "No. I've heard about you. I don't need you."

Good sighs. "I never asked to." He puts a hand. behind his back, making Bad raise an eyebrow. "This won't hurt a bit."

And with a flash, Good has a knife in his hand and chucks it at Bad. Bad screams and it slices through his chest, right next to his heart, and he watches in fear as Good laughs demonically and everything goes black.

"You will thank me later, BadBoyHalo."


Skeppy wakes up from his deep sleep. He finished editing videos a while ago and the sleep saved his soul. He grabs his phone from the nightstand and checks the clock to see 2:29 PM on his screen. Soft padding can be heard and he turns on his side to see Rocco walking up to the bed. He stands and tilts his head at Skeppy.

"Hi, Rocco. I'm guessing you're hungry, boy." Skeppy chuckles and slides out of bed. He doesn't bother about changing and walks through his apartment to the kitchen. He feeds Rocco who eats like a happy boy.

Skeppy pours himself a bowl of cereal and slowly chews as he scrolls through his phone. As he goes through social media, he gets a notification from Bad.

Bad: hey skep wanna play mc

Skeppy raises an eyebrow. He shrugs, replying back.

Skep: Sure! I'll be on in a second!

Skeppy finished his bowl and places it in the sink. He walks over back to his room and slips on a shirt and a new pair of shorts. Then he sits in his chair and loads up the computer. It takes him a bit, but he joins TeamSpeak and a channel where Bad sits.

"Hey Bad." Skeppy hums and his Minecraft loads up.

"Hey, Skeppy. Meet me on your server?" Bad says and he's typing away on his keyboard. A sly smirk is on Bad's face without Skeppy knowing.

Skeppy shrugs, not thinking much. He clicks on his server then joins KitPvP. His eyes widen and a horrible gasp escapes his lips. His spawn is destroyed. Lava is everywhere and blocks are replaced with random stuff. TNT looks to have exploded everywhere and his players are dying.

"Bad! What did you do!? Oh my goodness!" Skeppy cries. His heart drops and all his hope is gone. "Please undo everything! I worked on this for so long! Please Bad!"

He can hear Bad laugh. "You are so fucking hypocritical Skeppy." Bad practically spat as he continues his mischief.

His eyes widen. His hears ring from the curse word. "Language Bad! This isn't funny! Please fix this!" Skeppy's stomach twists and turns as he continues teleporting to Bad and tried to drain the lava and water.

"I'm just doing simple payback Skeppy. I don't understand why you're so upset." Bad shrugs. He places lava, killing off players who are trying to run away.

"Please Bad! I'm sorry for everything I've done! I won't do it again! I promise!"

"A promise isn't good enough Skeppy. You do have a thing for breaking them." And he begins to snicker. Giggling can be heard through Skeppy's headset and his eyes fall to his keyboard.

Bad doesn't stop. He continues to curse and yell at poor Skeppy.

His ears are stinging and his eyes slowly let out a few tears. 

Seconds turn into long minutes. For around 30 minutes Bad doesn't stop.

Then a loud sob can be heard. Skeppy throws his head on the desk and buries his face in his arms. He cries and begs for Bad to undo.

Bad scoffs, rolling his eyes. He teleports to his friend and stops in front of him. "This is a lesson for you Skeppy. I huge ass lesson."

"I-I know! I swear I understand now! P-Please just undo everything!" Skeppy whimpers and he looks up. His cheeks are stained snd his eyes are red and puffy. His shoulders are slightly shaking and his hair has slightly fallen forward.

"Good. You see Skeppy. That is exactly how I feel whenever you troll me. You and your fucking trolls. They spam my chat ever Saturday and it irritates me! I can never have an enjoyable stream!" Bad snarls and he slams his fists on his desk.

The sound can be heard by Skeppy and he flinches. "I-Imm sorry... I swear Bad, I didn't mean-"

"You always say that. You always apologize. But it's a fucking cycle all over again! This needs to stop Skeppy."

Skeppy looks down. A few tears hit his desk and then clicking can be heard by Bad. He looks back up and his eyes widen once he spots his server going back to normal. The lava is disappearing, the holes are rebuilding, the players areplaying.

"Oh my goodness! Thank you so much Bad! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" Skeppy sniffs and he sits back up straight. He wipes his tears with his sleeve.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever."

User has disconnected from your channel....


The rest of the day goes by. Skeppy bakes muffins and played with Rocco. He didn't bother opening up Minecraft. Bad does the same, but taking Lucy on a walk.

The two then sleep, their alternative egos disappearing and Good and Jef disappear.

Bad wakes up with a groan. His head is pounding and his phone is blaring in his ear. He whines and throws the covers over his head. He shuts his eyes and beg for sleep.

But then a wave of nostalgia flash through his mind. Everything that happened yesterday carved into his brain and he shots up from the bed. He looks over at his phone and slips his glasses on.

Skeppy is spamming him with calls and dms.

Skeppy is calling him again.

He answers.


"Did anything strange happen to you yesterday?" Skeppy cuts him off.

Bad frowns and he nods. "If you're talking about me being... not me... then yeah. I-I'm so sorry Skeppy. I swear, I-"

"I need to apologize Bad. I really do. It's all my fault. I don't know why we became the complete opposite of ourselves, but you showed me yesterday how you feel. I feel so bad, Bad! I troll you all the time and I can never stop! I swear, I'll lower the trolls by a ton. I'll stop griefing your server and I'll make sure your streams aren't annoying."

Bad's eyes widen. He knows what he did yesterday wasn't him, but he knows his words are out. His feels towards the pranks are revealed and he feels a tear trickle down his cheek. "Oh my goodness..." He whispers.

Skeppy frowns, "D-Did I say something wrong!? Are you cry-?"

"Yes, but they're tears of happiness. I try telling you I don't like the huge pranks, but finally you know. I still can't believe yesterday happened. I'm sorry for saying naughty words at you and destroying your server." Bad frowns, recalling the swear words he said.

"Oh, yeah... that's going to be a hard thing to forget. You really said swear words at me. I'm just glad you fixed my server." Skeppy smiles softly.

"No more trolling?" Bad smiles, picking up his voice.

"Maybe small trollings? Please?"

"Fine. Only small trollings. Nothing else."

Skeppy cheers and giggles softly. The boundaries are finally secured and no feelings aren't majorly hurt.

WC: 2050
this ending was shit
