Sacred Halo

@/Sukinomai: "darryl is an angel and he put on face cam one day forgetting they existed. There you go"

short one this one >.>

Darryl's POV

I sigh, feeling my white wings behind my back as I walk out of the kitchen. My halo glows under the moonlight seeping through my curtains as Lucy follows behind me.

A cup of coffee in my hand as I make my way towards the stairs. I raise my wings up, carefully climbing the steps as I try not to drag them. My wings are huge. Almost the size of my body and it's scary being an angel here on Earth.

I ran away from home, up in heaven. I hated the place. Everything was the same every day. We all wake up, fly around, do our jobs, then go back home. If you were lucky, you were able to say hello to a friend. But, that is, if you were lucky.

I knew I upset the guy in charge, but he didn't try to follow me and instead allowed me to stay. So, here I am, a Minecraft YouTuber sitting at home just about to stream Minecraft with my dog.

Lucy is my little baby. If anything happened to her, I'd punch someone.

Lucy follows me to my room. I wait for her to enter before closing the door behind me. I smile as I watch her jump onto my chair and onto my bed and she curls up on the blankets.

I pat her head and place a soft kiss on her fur before walking to my chair. I place my cup on my desk and close my eyes. I allow my wings to disappear on sight and it allows me to sit down on my chair. I sigh in relief, feeling my back hit the chair without the wings causing any problem.

Then I start up my PC. I tweet out that I'm about to stream and I join my discord call. There, many fans patiently sit and wait as my mods chat. I greet everyone and tell them the stream is about to begin.

I open up my Minecraft and hop onto my server. There, I join KitPVP and go to the event. Players are continuing to join the world and soon the large arena is being filled.

After a few more settings being fiddled with, I start up my OBS and prepare to stream. I don't realize the floating halo above my head as I start the stream. I make sure to keep my facecam off for now and I just hang out with my stream.

I do my event and chat with my fans. There are still some muffiny donations going on, but I try my best to ignore them.

Later on in the stream. Skeppy and A6D join the server and cause a ruckus. Some players are killed by them creating a few holes in the ground and lava a few.

I groan, yelling at them with the stream and I tell them to join TS. I bid my discord farewell for mow and quickly hop on TS. I join the channel which Skeppy and A6D sit.

"Skeppy! Stop trolling you muffinhead! You too A6D!" I shriek, flying towards their frozen characters in-game.

"But it's fun Bad! I haven't trolled you in ages!" Skeppy pouts, watching as I continue to hit his character.

A6D laughs, "Skeppy, just wait till you hear this." Skeppy perks up, causing me to raise an eyebrow. "Someone donated 500 dollars to Bad and asked for facecam."

Skeppy gasps and my eyes widen. I hear the diamond boy clap, "This is amazing! Bad, you have to do facecam!"

"I-I... how... oh my goodness."

I argue with them for a bit. I try to refund the money but the same donator donated again saying they don't want the money refunded and they would love for facecam to happen, which many other viewers spammed with similar reactions.

It took a while, but I finally agreed. I mutter in annoyance, setting up my facecam settings and preparing to start the camera.

"No filter Bad! That would be cheating!" A6D calls, making Skeppy agree.

I huff and groan in annoyance. I remove the filter and watch as my stream chat is filled with excited reactions as they are about to see my face, again.

"Okay, fine... I don't like this..." I mutter, clicking on my facecam and allowing it to pop up on stream.

"Yes! I have to wait a few seconds since the stream is a bit delayed." Skeppy hums in amusement. I hear clicks from his keyboard.

I see many people complimenting me, making me smile as I feel the camera glued on me.

Then I hear a gasp come from A6D. Then another from Skeppy.

I raise an eyebrow, "What?"

"Bad, why do you have a literal halo on your head?" Skeppy asks, my heart dropping after hearing the question.

My eyes widen as I turn to my facecam and look at what I look like. There, on top of my head, my halo floats above, glistening in power.

I shake my head, quickly turning off my facecam. "I-I, no... that's just... editing... special effects!" I try and defend myself but A6D cuts me off.

"That's real. No way that can't be. Are you an angel?!"

I shut off my stream, making many fans spam the chat with different emotions. "I can't believe it... I forgot..." I whisper, closing my OBS and I hide my halo. The glistening hoop disappears from above my head.

"Bad, are you okay?" Skeppy whispers.

"I don't know..." My voice quivers. I can feel my heart crack as now the image of my halo is now all over the internet. Sooner or later heaven will know and I will be punished for showing humans that they exist.

"I like it." I hear Skeppy say. I look up at my monitor and I picture Skeppy smiling. My cheeks heat up slightly. "It's so cool you have a halo."

A6D hums in agreement, "Yeah. Do you have wings too?!"

I chuckle, feeling my heart light up. "Maybe..."

"Awesome!" Skeppy giggles, making me smile as I hear him cheer in the TS. "Dude you have to take me flying one day!"

"W-Wait... no-"

"Wait, yes!"

WC: 1050
