Sharpie Marker

Requested by @/SkeppyStanhehe: "Zak draws on darryls face while hes asleep"

i cant sleep so heres another one-


No One's POV

Darryl hasn't had sleep in two days. TWO DAYS!

Finally, after hours of convincing him to sleep, he does so. Zak is in the living room scrolling through Twitter on his phone. Darryl is fast asleep in his room, curled up in the blankets.

Zak hums as a sudden video catches his interest. He clicks on it and the video makes him giggle. A teen girl is recording herself. She explains that her boyfriend is sleeping and she wants to prank him. She does so by sneaking into his room with a Sharpie in hand. She starts to doodle on his face. Surprising, he doesn't wake up. The video ends with her giggling and leaving the room.

He decided to take this opportunity and do the same to Darryl. He rushes to his own room and roams around his desk. He opens and closes drawers and peeks in different areas on his desk. Finally, he finds a Sharpie. He grins in and runs out of his room.

He then appears in front of Darryl's room with a mischievous grin on his face. Zak hums quietly and slowly cracks the door open. He spots a sleeping figure on the bed. He tiptoes inside and walks to the bed. Darryl has his glasses off and his hair is a mess. His blankets are curled up with him and covering the bottom half of his face. Eyes are shut with bags under the lids.

Zak takes a moment to appreciate the view in front of him. He's not going to deny it, Darryl looks really adorable right now.

Then he uncaps the pen. "Sorry Darryl." He whispers before getting to work.


Darryl yawns awake. He feels so much more refreshed. He sits up and stretches. He smiles at this new feeling of relaxation and slips out of bed. He grabs the glasses on his nightstand and slips them on. He then takes his phons from the nightstand to look at the time.

1:14pm. "Wow, he let me sleep in late." Darryl huffs, but thankful to know Zak cares for his health.

Darryl puts his phone down and grabs some clothes. He feels like needing a shower. With some fresh clothes in hand, he hums to himself as he walks to the bathroom. There he walks inside and shuts the door behind him.

He then walks in front of the large mirror and places his clothes on the counter. Darryl then looks up. All color on his face drains from existence.

"Zak!" He shouts, anger crawling up inside him.

On his face, there are different doodles of different memes. 14 and Japanese Symbol for Beginner are on his left cheek, a poorly draw McDonalds cheesy fries and a magnifying glass on his right cheek, a mustache squiggle is under his nose, and a large heart is on his forehead with the word "Potato" written inside.

Darryl huffs and starts to stomp out of the bathroom.

Zak is on the couch, holding in his laughter as he hears Darryl yell his name. Zak knows he saw his masterpiece.

He hears Darryl walk into the living room and he holds his bottom lip from laughing. "Yes Darry?" He asks, a giggle escaping slightly.

Darryl groans and points to his face, "Did you do this you muffin!?"

Zak covers his mouth with his hoodie sleeve as he laughs quietly, "N-No...?"

"Yes you did you muffintop! Gah! What did you use?!" Darryl growls, slightly rubbing his cheek with his thumb.

"Uhh... a sharpie?" Zak giggles, loving ever second of this moment.

Darryl's eyes widen. His eyes dart to Zak's and he shakes his head. "What!? Sharpie?! Do you know how hard it is to get rid of Sharpie?! It's going to take me days!"

Zak just sits there, laughing as Darryl stomps back to the bathroom to try and get rid of most of the Sharpie by showering.

WC: 673

sorry if its short >.>
