White Wedding [1/2]

@/skepperpepper6 thank u so much for these requests >.> i may not be able to do them all but i will keep this in case i run out as well :p

i will be doing "a proposal and/or a wedding pls im soft for those and I don't see them a lot ty" in two parts :)
i wish ppl would write these as well :,( im also soft for weddings/proposals

No One's POV

The two boys laugh as they enter their house, hand-in-hand, with Mikey Mouse ear hats and plushies in their arms and bags filled with goodies from the gift shop. They just finished their adventure in Disneyland California.

"That was amazing! I'm so glad you took us here!" Zak giggles as he places the bags on the dinning table and plops onto the couch. Darryl smiles as he lets go of Zak's hand and removes his Star Wars themed hat and places it besides the bags. He walks over to Zak and smiles, sitting down beside him. Zak curls up next to Darryl and leans his head against the older boy's arm.

Darryl giggles and ruffles Zak's hair a bit, "I'm happy to hear that. I love to see my little muffin smiling."

Zak blushes and he nudges his partner, making Darryl smile even more. "You are so cheesy, you know that?" Zak mumbles, crossing his arms and hiding his face away from Darryl.

"Only for you, you muffin." Darryl places a soft kiss on top of his lover's head and wraps an arm around him.

He grabs his phone from his pocket and checks that it was 1:27am in the morning. Tomorrow he has a special day planned and he is nervous.


Darryl feels himself slowly obtain conscious and he feels something wrapped around his waist. He yawns a bit and he stretches his arm up. He leans over and picks up his glasses from the nightstand.

He rubs his eyes and looks down besides him to see Zak's figure beside him, all fast asleep and cuddled up with him under the covers.

Darryl smiles and places his head back down on the pillow, gently running his fingers through Zak's hair as Zak wraps his arms tighter around Darryl.

"Muffinhead..." He whispers, hearing Zak groan and bury his head in his chest.

Darryl looks up and finds his clock on the wall. The time reads 10:12am. In around 7 hours they have to get ready.

He sighs and gently rubs Zak's back, "Zak? Baby? You gotta wake up."

Zak doesn't move and continues to relax. Darryl pouts and he moves his hand under Zak's chin and gently raises his head up. "Zak? Sweetheart? It's time to wake up." He whispers softly and he gently shakes the boy.

Zak's eyebrows furrowed as he squeezes his eyes tighter and shakes his head. "No..." He whispers, his voice deep and tired.

"Zak, it's going to get late soon and we only have a certain amount of time to record and edit. Then we have a dinner date ready." Darryl hums, seeing Zak yawn and slowly open his eyes. Darryl watches as Zak just stares back at him and smiles. He leans toward and gently presses their lips together. The two hum and smile and Darryl pulls away after a few seconds. "C'mon, I'll make breakfast."

The two slowly move out of bed and slip each other's hoodies on. Zak follows Darryl out of their room and stumbled over to the couch where Rocco and Lucy are curled up and fast asleep on.

Darryl takes out ingredients and bread to create french toast and eggs as Zak falls back asleep on the couch.


"Darryl! I'm ready! Hurry up!" Zak calls from the living room. He stands there with arms crossed in a nice, light blue dress shirt with a black tie, some black skinny jeans, and black dress shoes.

He hears his lover call back and footsteps making their way down the hall. Zak watches as Darryl appears with his hair fixed and he is dressed like Zak but with a light red dress shirt instead. Zak wolf whistles at Darryl and smirks, making Darryl blush as he fixes his tie and hides his face. "Oh shush you muffin..." He whispers, feeling himself grow embarrassed.

Zak laughs as Darryl steps up to Zak. Zak smiles and walks up to place a kiss on the blushing boy's cheer, "Can I not complement my boyfriend?"

Darryl groans and he grabs his hand, "Let's just go." Darryl grabs his jacket from the couch and soon the two walk out with their phone and wallets in their pockets.

Darryl opens the car door for Zak, obtaining a small kiss as a reward and he walks over to the other side to drive to the restaurant.

Darryl starts the car and he peeks below the car door to see a small, black box in the nice compartment in the door. He smiles and starts the engine, taking them both to the new building.

The restaurant was pretty. The two loved their food and they got very nice complements from the waiter. The two walk out, hand-in-hand, to their car. "We need to eat here for often. I loved their chicken salad." Zak grins, following Darryl.

Darryl nods as their car is in sight. "Yes we do. Now, c'mon, we have one final stop."

Zak doesn't know where Darryl was going to take him, but he didn't question. He gets into the passenger seat and watches Darryl get into the driver seat. The car pulls out and the sun is slowly setting.

Zak watches as they pass buildings, streets, people, and trees as they head to their destination. Then he notices that there were suddenly less buildings and people. He looks up ahead to see them enter a park. The car heads to the parking lot and Darryl finds a spot up in the front.

Zak hops out of the car. Darryl follows suit, but not before grabbing the box against the car door. He hides the box in his pocket away from Zak. Zak doesn't notice and he just notices Darryl stretching a hand out.

"Let's go on a walk." Darryl smiles, watching as Zak smiles back, nods, and takes his hand. They tangle their fingers together and their arms swing as they walk down the pathway to the forest.

The two laugh and talk amongst themselves as the venture off into the park.

They walk for a while, occasionally laughing here and there and kissing each others cheeks. Finally, they reach a nice lake in the park and a nice bench is placed not too far, facing the water.

"Let's sit down. My legs are getting tired." Darryl hums and he guides Zak to the bench. The two sit down and look towards the lake.

Zak hums as he leans his head against his shoulder and watches as the moon slowly reflects against the water and the stars are slowly starting to twinkle up in the sky.

"Hey Darryl?" Zak whispers.

"Yes Zak?" Darryl hums, squeezing the other's hand.

"Thank you." Darryl raises an eyebrow and turns his head towards Zak. Darryl questions his words but is cut off by Zak. "By being there for me. You mean so much to me and I'm still questioning whether I'm dreaming  or if this is real. You show me so much love and affection and I'm so happy to be here with you." Darryl cheeks heat up and the two smile.

Darryl nudges Zak off his shoulder and stands up, tugging Zak to follow his lead, which he does. The two stand up from the bench and Darryl looks at Zak. "You muffin, of course I would always be there for you. I love you so much. You mean the whole world to me and I could never leave you."

Zak doesn't expect Darryl to suddenly let go of one of his hands and he reaches into his back pocket. "Zak, you are my little muffin and I would do anything to be with you forever." Darryl whispers and he takes out his hand from behind to reveal a box.

Zak's eyes widen and he watches with shock as Darryl suddenly goes down on one knee. He let's go of Darryls hand and he places his own hands over his mouth. "Darryl-"

"Zak, with every minute passing by, my love continues to grow for you and I just need to finally ask you after many years." Darryl slowly opens the box, making Zak gasp at the sight of a beautiful diamond ring sitting in the cushion.

"Will you, Zak Ahmed, make me the happiest potato alive and marry me?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Zak doesn't hesitate and he tackles Darryl in a hug, making the box close and their arms wrap around one another. The two slowly cry tears of joy as now they have become fiancés.

Darryl smiles uncontrollably as he slowly pulls away to take the ring out of the box and slowly slip it in Zak's ring finger.

Zak grins like a madlad and he stares at the ring in awe. He looks up at Darryl and pulls him in for a kiss.

WC: 1540
