
@/Deathwolf6668 requested: "Um, I have ideas: They go on a Camping trip together..."

>.> sorry if its bad. i wasnt too sure on what to do


No One's POV

Dave, Darryl, Zak, Vincent, George(Spifey), and Harvey all sit in the car. Dave driving, Harvey in shotgun, Vincent and George in the two middle seats, and Darryl and Zak in the very back. Their van is filled with different suitcases. They were all surprised they could fit everything inside.

Darryl looks at the window and sees the different trees and bushes passing by. Then he sees a sign up ahead welcoming them to the campsite. He smiles, they made it.

Dave drives up into the campsite and they are given an area to camp at. Darryl watches as they drive through the path, watching as many different camps pass through. Many sites were filled. There were families, friends, and couples each camping in different spots.

The car pulls up to a large area. Since they were 6, they were given a large spot. Everyone soon hops out of the car and they all take in a fresh air of nature.

Zak is the last to leave the van and he jumps onto the dirt below him. "Wow. Not going to lie, it feels nice here."

Vincent agrees, "Yep. We should all start unpacking. Remember, we bough two large ass tents. It might take a while to set up." They decided to buy two large tents that could ea co fit a family of 6. Since none of them were dating, they each agreed to separate the group.

Dave pops open the trunk and pulls out two large tent bags. Everyone helps setting them all up.

It took a while, but after 30 minutes of struggling, they finally achieved it. Two large tents were built and ready to be slept in. "So, since we are staying here for a few days, what do you guys want to so first?" Harvey asks, watching as everyone takes a seat at the two picnic tables they have at their site.

Zak looks around, "I mean, we can go hiking or something. Then we can come back and set up a fire for dinner."

Darryl agrees, "That sounds nice! It would be fun to explore the park!"

The six agree with Zak's plan and each grab their water bottles. They agreed to allow one person to carry a backpack to allow their hands to be free. Since they had a few hours till the sun falls, they all make their way towards a path that leads to different trails.

Dave and George take the lead, talking with one another as the rest of the group follows. Darryl follows behind, carrying the backpack filled with different water bottles. He watches as Zak laughs at a joke Vincent made. He smiles a bit, feeling himself blush at the thought of how adorable Zak looked. They walk through the trees and they can hear different animals calling in the distance.

"So, seems like someone has a crush." Darryl jumps as he stops watching Zak and turns to see Harvey beside him, smirking.

"W-What the muffin? N-No! I don't know what you're talking about." Darryl huffs and crosses his arms, walking a bit faster to leave Harvey behind.

Dave lead them to a large hill where they hike on the side and a clearing can be spot up ahead.

"Oh c'mon Darryl! I can tell if someone is making love eyes at someone! I literally have gay in me." Harvey catches up with Darryl, making Darryl shake his head.

"Nope. Nope. Nope." Darryl continues to walk and he watches birds fly over them.

"Then you won't mind if I tell Zak? Hmm?" Harvey raises an eyebrow, watching as Darryl's eyes widen and he darts his eyes to Zak then back to Harvey.

"You wouldn't dare." Darryl glares at Harvey, unsure if he would or not.

Harvey shrugs, then faces Zak. "Hey Zak!"

"What the muffin! Shush! No!" Darryl whispers at Harvey.

Zak turns and looks back at the two. "Yeah Harvey?"

Harvey glances over at Darryl, who is blushing and glaring at Harvey to stay quiet. "Nothing. I forgot what I was going to say." Zak shrugs and turns back to continue talking with Vincent.

"You are such a mean potato." Darryl sighs and rolls his eyes.

"Admit you like him." Harvey grins, making Darryl sigh in disbelief and nod. Harvey cheers, "I knew it!"

Soon enough, the group reaches a clearing where they can see mountains in the back and large grass growing in the ground. There are different paths to chose from. Harvey then comes up with a plan. "Hey, let's all separate into groups! We can each take a different path and them meet up back here to walk back to the campsite!"

Darryl looks at him confused.

"Sure. I mean, why not." Dave shrugs. "Everyone find a partner."

Vincent was about to ask Zak but suddenly Harvey grabs the french man's arm. "Sorry Zak, Ima take Vincent. Go ask Darryl!" The french man looks at Harvey in confusion then his eyes widen at what was happening. He smiles in amusement as Zak shrugs and turns to find Darryl glaring at Harvey.

Harvey grins and drags Vincent to George and Dave.

Darryl watches as Zak walks up to him. "Hey Darryl!" Zak smiles. "Guess we are going to be partners."

Darryl blushes and he nods. "Yeah... I guess so." Darryl looks at a path which leads to another side of the forest. "Let's go this way." Darryl hums and walks down the trail, making Zak jog up to follow.

The other four watch as they slowly disappear, Zak skipping behind Darryl and teasing him. Harvey turns to the rest, "Guys, we have a mission..."


Zak and Darryl walk for about 15 minutes. They talked about their days and what they planned to do while they were here.

Zak is skipping ahead and jumping on top of large boulders, making Darryl worry every now and then.

"Zak, I swear, you better stop before you slip and hurt yourself." Darryl sighs and taps nervously against his waist, watching as Zak stands proudly on his boulder.

"I'm fine Darryl! There's nothing to be worried about!" Zak giggles. He jumps off and lands on his feet with ease.

He continues to walk down the path with Darryl following suit. Darryl was about to say something until a loud howl was heard.

Zak and Darryl both freeze. Their eyes widen as the scan the area around them. They were in a part of the forest, which the path continues. "Uh, you heard that, right?" Zak nervously chuckles and slowly steps back to get closer to the taller man.

Darryl gulps and nods, looking around if he can find a wolf-like figure in the forest. "I think we should head back now you muffintop..." Darryl whispers, reaching out to grab Zak's hand.

Zak doesn't protest and allows Darryl to pull him back down the path they just came from. They go back with their eyes still scanning the area around them. They hold one another as they slowly but surely make it back to the campsite.

Once they reach the camping area of the park, their worries soon disappear and they make their way back to their camp. As they get closer, they see a fire up and running and  their friends setting up to cook some food.

Harvey hears footsteps and he turns to find the two walking back. He looks down at their hands and grin. "So, how was the walk?"

Zak nods, "It was nice, but we heard a wolf and dipped." Darryl hums in agreement as they both set foot on their camp.

Dave walk up and places a couple sausages on the pan over the fire. He then looks up at the two, eyeing their hands. He points, "So, when did this happen?"

Darryl raises an eyebrow and looks to his side to see his hand still in Zak's. He blushes, making Zak pull away and awkwardly scratch the back of his neck. "Uh, that was... uh... nothing happened..." Darryl whispers, feeling himself slowly die in embarrassment.

George and Vincent snicker at the show in front of them. "Uhu..." Vincent teases.

"Oh shut up Vincent." Zak rolls his eyes. "Nothing happened, ok? And nothing will ever happen."

Darryl feels his heart snap and he frowns. He doesn't know why but it hurt. He felt a gaze and he looks to see Harvey sending him a look of pity. Darryl just shakes his head, "I'm going to just walk around the camp. I'll be back."

And the group just watch him walk off.


Night has soon arrived. A large fire is up and different chairs are pulled up by the fire. Everyone was seated and laughing and enjoying their time together. One by one, they were taking their turns to change into their sleepwear, preparing to head off to bed. Dave and George had already set up the different mattresses and sleeping bags in the tents.

Once everyone was in their sleepwear, they decide to take a picture together. Vincent is stretching his arm out, making sure everyone is in the frame. Once the frame is perfect, he takes the picture. "Nice."

"Send it to me!" Zak grins, seeing Vincent tap on his phone.

"Yeah same here." George says.

"I'll just send it in the groupchat." Vincent says and he clicks on his messages to send the picture to his friends.

Once he does, a couple phones ding. "I think I might head to bed." George yawns, stretching in his chair and he slowly stands up.

A few others agree and soon enough everyone is making their way to the tents. George, Harvey, and Dave took one while Zak, Vincent, and Darryl took the other.

They all slip in their designed tents. Vincent snickers as Darryl and Zak look at their sleeping bags. They were thin and they didn't have any other blankets besides one.

Darryl looks at Vincent, "Seriously? Do you know how cold it is going to be tonight?!"

This makes Vincent laugh as he walks over to his sleeping back, which is nice and comfy with an extra thicc blanket on top.

Zak rolls his eyes, "It's fine. You can take the blanket." Zak walks over to his sleeping back and unzips the bag.

"Are you sure? I mean, I wouldn't mind you having it." Darryl says as he watches Zak carefully slip inside his bag, he places his head on his pillow.

"It's fine. I already have an extra hoodie." Zak smiles at Darryl as Vincent tucks himself in his own bag and rolls over to fall asleep.

They both debate for a while and soon enough they are both in their own bags, preparing to fall asleep. Darryl has the blanket over him and he turns his head on his pillow to look at Zak.

The fire is out and he can see Zak just barely, but he knows Zak is shaking. Darryl sighs and slowly move himself closer to Zak. Zak is fast asleep with his body shivering in the cold. Darryl moves an arm around Zak's bag and pull him closer. Once Zak feels the warmth from Darryl, he slowly stops shivering and he turns over to push himself closer to the older boy.

Darryl blushes and he pulls the blanket over the both of them. He smiles lightly and holds Zak close, falling asleep while keeping the two of them warm.

WC: 1932

>.> honestly its bad. slfjlakfks not one of my favs
