Hearing You Vent

@/UwU-Shipper: "It's ok if I don't get picked but: 3. Zak thinks he is the only one in a TS call while he is venting, but, turns out Darry was listening the whole time and comforts him."

im sorry if it's short


⚠️ slight depression, sadness

No One's POV

He sighs slightly, slumping down in his chair as he tries and holds himself together. The continuous Buddy has left the channel echoes into his ears as he patiently waits for them to leave.

Once they stop, he hears no one else and he doesn't take long before breaking down again.

Tears spill down his cheeks as sobs echo throughout the room.

He moves his keyboard and places his elbows onto the table, holding his head in his hands as his emotions get the best of him.

"Stupid fucking idiot." He curses to himself, his voice cracking in a couple of words. "Sooner or later this will all go downhill and you're going to fuck up again. Stop being so fucking selfish you ignorant bastard."

Zak's eyes squeeze shut as he wipes a few tears. His body shakes as he continues. "I hate this, I hate this so much. I can't keep up like this. I want to make them happy but I swear I'm not doing enough."

"I'm so sorry Bad. I'm so sorry A6D. I'm so sorry Techno, Zelk, Mega, everyone..." He slams his head against his desk, not bothering from the slight pain that adds in from the contact.

He covers his head with his arms, not bothering to look at the final person in TS.

"I'm not working hard enough. 2 videos aren't enough. It isn't. They keep asking for more so I need to give it to them..." The smaller boy mutters, his brain slowly swelling up as his thoughts continue to roll in.

Comment after comment, the weight continues to increase, making his shoulders slump and slump.

He couldn't stop crying. He couldn't stop shaking. His body is slowly giving out as he continues to hate himself more and more.

"My videos suck. How do people even enjoy them? I have to change my style. Maybe other games? But I love Minecraft..."

It doesn't take long for Zak to hear the sudden sobs through his headphones. His head snaps up and his eyes snap to the monitor. His TS shows that he wasn't alone in the channel and he wasn't muted. Bad was with him. Those sobs mixed with Zak are coming from Bad.

"B-Bad?" His heart drops.

"Oh my goodness Geppy! I'm so sorry! I was going to leave but then I heard you start to cry and suddenly you started to rant and-" Bad was panicking, his voice horse from silently crying.

Zak drops his head, "I'm sorry."

The apology shakes Darryl up. "Sorry!? No, please don't be sorry you muffin! I'm the one that should be sorry! You are suffering so much and I haven't even noticed." Darryl takes a deep breath, wiping a tear from his eyes. "I know this might not mean much, but I care about you so much Geppy. Hearing you cry honestly broke me. Hearing everything you said makes me want to be there with you and help you get through this. You are an amazing potato. Every day you work hard to make videos and give out content for everyone to enjoy. You don't give yourself enough credit Geppy."

Zak squeezes his eyes shut, his hands in his lap as he hears the words coming from Darryl's mouth.

"Geppy, if you ever feel stressed out about your videos, please take a break. Working hard all the time isn't healthy. You need to relax and work on your health. Even if it's just for an hour, it can help you with so much stress. Heck, if you need anyone to talk to, A6D and I will be here for you. You also have Techo, Mega, Spifey, Dream, so many others..." Darryl frowns, eyes glued onto the TS. "Geppy, you mean the world to me. Really, you do."

Zak looks up, his heart slowly beating in his chest as the corner of his lips flicker up slightly. He bites his bottom lip and wipes his tears with his sleeve. His voice quivers as he looks up at his monitor. "Thank you Bad. Thank you so much."

Happiness fills up Darryl's heart as the sadness once in Zak's slowly starts to disappear.

"No problem you muffin. Please, take care of yourself..."

WC: 750

this one was shit skfjskjfks excuse me for my language
