
@/Deathwolf6668 requested: "..-Zak and Darryl finds a dog or cat that belongs to someone. That's all I have :D"

No One's POV

"Ice cream! Ice cream!" Zak cheers, skipping up in front of Darryl as they both walk down the sidewalk. The sun was out and the sky was filled with clouds. Darryl smiles, watching the smaller boy walk in front of him with joy.

Darryl lost a BedWars match and his consequence is to take Zak out for ice cream and buy him three scoops. (bruh this kid out here getting 3 scoops :,( i can only get one)

He wasn't really mad. He did love how Zak reacted to him losing. He was cheering and giggling, then running into Darryl's room to drag him out of the house. Now here they are, making their way to the small ice cream shop not too far from where they live.

"Alright Zak, do you know what you want?" Darryl asks as they reach a corner and make the sharp turn.

Zak turns around and continues to walk backwards for a bit, looking at Darryl with an adorable grin. "Yep! Just going to get all vanilla with some rainbow sprinkles!"

Darryl rolls his eyes, "Really? Just vanilla? I mean, it's your choice."

Zak giggles, "What? Vanilla is superior!" (vanilla > chocolate)

"I like chocolate better." Darryl shrugs, giggling to himself as he watches Zak gasp.

"I'm not talking to you anymore. Nope. I'm going to find a new man." Zak pretends to act offended and sassily turns around, huffing and crossing his arms as he continues to walk.

"What? Oh c'mon Zak! You aren't really going to break-up with me over an ice cream flavor!" Darryl frowns and jogs up to catch up with Zak. He reaches Zak's side and Zak just turns his head to avoid Darryl.

"Sorry. Just became single." Zak says, he peeks an eye over at Darryl and silently giggles.

Darryl catches the act and grins, "You are such a muffinhead, you know that Zak..."

Zak full on starts to laugh, "I know! Obviously I wouldn't break up with you over an ice cream flavor!" He slips his hand into Darryl's and moves over to place a soft kiss on his cheek. "You are my baldie and I would never leave you."

Darryl blushes and rolls his eyes. He turns his head to hide his face, making Zak laugh even more and begin to tease him.

Suddenly they start to hear soft whining. Both boys suddenly stop and they look over to see an ally besides them. Inside they see a dead-end. The whining continues.

"Do you hear that Zak?" Darryl asks, raising an eyebrow as he looks inside the alleyway.

Zak nods, humming in response as he guides Darryl inside the alley. "Yeah. It sounded like an animal." Zak whispers. They both slowly walk in and sudden they hear the whining getting closer.

Zak lets go of Darryl's hand and walks ahead to check behind the large garbage bin. He then spots an open box with a creature inside. Zak awes at the sight and motions Darryl to come closer.

Darryl peers inside the box to see a small brown dog curled up inside the box. It looks lost and afraid. "Look at the poor thing! So adorable! Did they get lost?" Zak frowns and crouches down to pick up the small animal.

He stands up with the puppy in his arms and the puppy cries gently. Darryl notices a tag around it's neck. "Look." He reaches out and lifts the tag a bit to find contact information and the puppy's name. Ranger. "Ranger. The puppy is lost. We can call up the owner and tell them we found their dog."

Zak nods, "Alright."

Darryl pulls out his phone and he dials the number. Zak watches carefully at the dog and soon turns his attention to Darryl as he hears his lover start to talk with someone.

"Hello, um... we think we may have found your dog... uhh... yes... oh... Ranger?... oh! Yes! Are you able to pick them up?... oh good! Alright, yes. We can meet at [ice cream location] in a few minutes... no problem... see you later, bye." Darryl then hangs up and looks at Zak. "Ranger accidentally ran away. The owner will be waiting for us at the ice cream shop in a few minutes."

Zak grins, "Alright. Hopefully we can get Ranger some water or something."

Darryl nods in agreement and the two start to walk towards the parlor, puppy in Zak's arm as he holds Darryl's hand as well.


The puppy is curled up besides Zak as he is taking bites of his 3-scoop of vanilla ice cream. Darryl is taking sips of his banana smoothie.

Both of them are on their phones sitting at a table in the ice cream shop, waiting for the owner of the dog to appear.

Suddenly, the door rings open and Darryl looks up to see a middle aged woman, looking around the store with worry on her face. The woman then catches Darryl's eyes and she looks towards Zak. She finds the puppy and she smiles with joy.

"Ranger!" She cries. Zak and the puppy suddenly turn and find the woman. The puppy jumps up and pounces onto the floor, running to the woman. The woman catches the puppy in her arms. "Oh Ranger! I'm so glad to have found you!" The puppy barks and sends her kisses on her cheek.

The woman grins and looks up to see Darryl and Zak looking at the two. She walks over to them and smiles, "Thank you so much for finding him. Honestly, I'm so happy to be with him again. Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

Darryl shakes his head and smiles, "No, no. It's okay. We don't need anything in return. We are just glad to see the puppy safe and sound with his owner." Zak grins, nodding in agreement.

"Well, okay. Thank you so much again. Have a good day!" They all say their goodbyes and the woman walks away.

Darryl looks over at Zak who is facing Darryl. "I'm glad to see the puppy safe."

Zak giggles and nods, "Honestly. The poor puppy looked really scared."

Darryl frowns, "Yeah." Then he smiles again, "C'mon, lets go back home."

The two stand up and walk out the store, hand in hand, as they continue to finish their sweet treats.

WC: 1080
