VidCon Romance-ish [2/2]

a/n: ik i said i have two other books in the works. one is up, but the other might take time to publish. i dont have a good plot yet and Night at the Museum has already been written by my friend. History Buddies might be delayed/postponed at the moment. Im sorry Ranch and Pixie


No One's POV

Everyone stands in shock. The one sweet and innocent BadBoyHalo has been turned into rage and hate.

An arm in front of Zak, holding him back as he steps forward, Darryl hisses as the girl sucks in her tears.

She takes a deep breath, clenching her hands into fists. She looks up and glares at Darryl, "Stupid f(word). I never liked you in the first place." She then raises her head up and points at Darryl, "I really wanted to get your money. I know how dumb you can be-"

Just as Zak's anger boils in his veins, a few other voices catch the "couple" off guard.

"Who you calling dumb!?" A teen, wearing a black shirt with a ranch bottle on it yells, holding a phone in their hand.

"Get out of here you homophobic bitch!" Another kid, wearing a yellow shirt with the word Pixie written on it, snarls at the girl.

With the sudden shock of different fans calling out the girl, the woman takes a step back and gasps. "You guys are all fucking disgusting! Just wait till I- Gah!" Two buff men, wearing police uniforms and shades grab the woman.

She jumps and squirms, trying to break free. "Hey! Get your hands off of me!"

"Ma'am, you need to leave." One of the buff dudes says, clearly having enough of her bs. She continues to yell, causing many fans to laugh and mock her.

Her yelling disappears into the air as she is taken away.

Darryl sighs and rubs his head, looking down in disappointment. He stands back up, feeling a headache coming on.

Zak notices and he walks in front of Darryl, slipping a hand in his, "I think we should go. Come back tomorrow." Zak says.

"But what about our fans? We have a whole day-" Darryl begins.

Vincent then walks up to the two, placing a hand on Darryl's shoulder. "Oh please, I don't think they would mind." Vincent points behind them, allowing the two to turn back and see the same group of fans defending them.

A fan in a rainbow shirt with UwU written in Comic Sans smiles at the two. "Please, we have more days. We wouldn't mind you guys taking the rest of the day off! Your health is so much more important than signing autographs."

The fans behind them agree, nodding and muttering.

Zak smiles, feeling his heart warm-up at their supporting followers. Darryl feels tears of happiness starting to form in his eyes as he pushes up his glasses. "You guys are the best muffins ever!"

Their fans laugh and giggle. The trio and the fans bid their farewells as the couple and the third wheel walk away, going towards the convention exit.


Throwing himself onto the bed face down, he groans and feels his face hit the mattress. Darryl giggles at the smaller boy, sitting on the other bed of the hotel. Vincent is staying in the room nearby. He, quote-on-quote, said, "I'm not going to be third-wheeling. Text me if you need anything."

"God this day did not go as plan." Zak sighs, rolling over and flopping on his back. His eyes look up, staring at the ceiling.

Darryl nods, sighing as he lays down and his head presses against the pillow. "Yeah. That potato was really mean to you." A slight frown appears on his face.

Zak's eyes spring open. He sits up quickly and faces Darryl. "Rude to me?! She clearly doesn't know what personal space was and have you heard the things she said to you!? Calling you dumb and-"

Darryl shakes his head and quickly cuts Zak off. "She said really mean things to both of us. I can't believe someone would even do that. In public too, at a family convention!"

Zak nods, lowering his head in shame as he hears the words repeating in his head. The girl had a point, he thought. I am selfish... needy... I whine too much...

Darryl doesn't hear Zak, but his soft breathing and he turns his head to look at the smaller boy. He noticed a frown on his face and his eyes facing the ground. Darryl thinks back to what the girl said and he sighs, raising himself up and throwing his legs over the bed. He lands onto the floor and makes his way to Zak.

Zak hears the bed creek and he looks up to see Darryl walking over to him. The bed dips as Darryl takes a seat next to him. The hand on Zak's lap is gently grabbed and Darryl tangles their fingers together, making both of their faces heat up.

"You are really nice Zak. Please, if the words the potato said to you are getting to you, please know you aren't those things. You aren't that." Darryl says as he raises their tangled hands and stares at Zak.

Their eyes connect and Zak's breath hitches.

"You are strong, brave, intelligent, funny, talented, caring, and most importantly-" Darryl brings Zak's hands up to his lips and presses a small kiss on the top of his hand, "- a very adorable muffin."

Zak's eyes widen, "W-What?" He doesn't know what to say. His heart begins to beat fast, his mind racing and Darryl notices his silence.

"Oh my goodness..." Darryl quickly lets go of Zak's hand and moves away, standing up. "I-I'm so sorry... I didn't..." Darryl fudged up.

Zak just stares, not knowing what to do as Darryl takes a step back.

He's yours, you idiot. Zak's mind lectures him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Darryl is muttering to himself now, steps away from Zak as he turns his back towards him. Small tears slip down his cheeks, arms wrapping around himself.

Zak smiles, standing up and making his way to Darryl. When he reaches the older boy, he slips hid arms around Darryl's waist and leans his body against his. "I love you Baldie."

Darryl's head shoots up, his arms fall and he turns to see Zak's head resting in his back, a smile on his adorable face.

Darryl chuckles and raises his sleeve up to his cheeks, wiping his tears. "Oh my goodness..." He turns and wraps his arms around the younger boy, feeling Zak bury his face against his chest. He leans down and buries his own face against his neck and shoulder. "I love you too you muffintop."

Zak slowly opens his eyes as he feels Darryl's head against his neck. He sighs contently and he turns his face to lean forward and press a kiss on Darryl's cheeks, making the older boy blush and smile.

WC: 1160
