Letter and Note

@/skepperpepper6: "a body swap where they only know each other as friends buy while in the others room they snoop around and find a diary or sum where the other writes about how they like them n stuff"

No One's POV

Zak and Darryl: 17

"Thank you for dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Ahmed!" Darryl smiles, giving the cutest grin Zak has ever seen as he finishes cleaning his plate.

Zak's mother smiles and nods, lifting up her own plate and take it to the sink. "You're welcome, Darryl. Please, tell your mother hello for me." The woman places her plate in the sink and Zak dries his hands. "Go walk him home Zak."

Zak nods and beckons Darryl to follow. "Alright, c'mon Darry!" Darryl giggles and jogs behind Zak.

Zak's father rolls his eyes with an amused grin, taking a final sip of his drink. "I bet 50 bucks they are soulmates." Zak's mother glares at her husband but agreeing with him anyways. She knew deep down he would win.

Zak closes the door behind him, holding onto his hoodie and tightening the strings as the wind brushes by.

Darryl shivers, pulling his hood up. "Oh my goodness... why did it get so cold all of a sudden?" The two walk down the front steps, crossing the driveway and towards the sidewalk.

They walk alongside one another, crossing their arms to obtain more heat.

"I swear, it wasn't this cold not too long ago." Zak huffs, rubbing his arms.

As they continue down the path, Zak suddenly feels Darryl's presence coming closer and an arm wraps about his shoulder.

Zak's eyes widen and he feels Darryl pull him closer. He doesn't dare to look, but he doesn't dare to pull away. He doesn't say anything but leans his head against his shoulder as they near the street where Darryl lives.

It didn't take long. Once they reach the house, they stop right at the doorsteps and don't dare to separate. Darryl stares at the door, debating whether or not to let go. But, he has too.

He gently removes his arms, making Zak whine from the sudden heat leaving his body.

They don't say anything. The older boy knocks on the door, hearing footsteps from inside and soon the door opens up. His younger brother greets them and soon disappears into the house.

Darryl turns and smiles. "Bye Zak. I'll see you at school tomorrow." He stretches his arms out, hoping Zak would accept the invitation.

Zak smiles and walks up to him, pulling his body towards Darryl's and wrapping his arms around the older boy. They hold one another close for a few seconds, enjoying the moment before Zak is the one to pull away. "Bye Darry."

Then they part.


Zak finally arrives home. He walks up to his room, sighing and throwing himself onto his bed. Rocco snakes through the door, walking into the room and meeting Zak at the edge of the bed. "Hey boy." Zak smiles and scratches Rocco's head. The dog barks and curls up onto the ground.

Zak crawls to his nightstand, pulling out a drawer. He spots a shoebox and takes it out. He places the box onto his lap. He pops the lid open and his eyes spot the small stack of notes in the box.

He sighs and reaches into the box, but suddenly he collapses onto the bed, body falling back as his vision fades.

After a few seconds, he gasps back to consciousness. His eyes pop open and Zak feels himself in another seat. He explores the room and his mind flickers, realizing he was in Darryl's room. The walls were grey and his bed had red sheets. Zak sat in Darryl's chair with the desk in front of him. He looks at the desk, feeling something in his hand.

A No. 2 pencil sits in his hand, facing a piece of paper on the desk.

"No..." His eyes widen, realization hitting him on how he got here. His soulmate's body swapped with him. And he's and Darryl's room right now, so it all makes sense to him.

"He's my soulmate," Zak whispers, a smile slowly creeping up onto his face as his cheeks blush. He giggles and his heart skips a beat.

He looks down at his desk and examines the paper. Zak notices writing.

'Dear Zakky,

This is probably the hundredth letter I've written. Thank god you can't read these. I would die in embarrassment.

I love writing letters to you. I love expressing my feelings to you, even tho I don't send these.

Like I say in my past letters, I love you. I always will.

But today, my love grew for you. You took me home and I got the courage to hold you while we walked. I'm not going to lie. I took a peek at you and you look really adorable blushing. You look adorable every day-'

The note cuts off. Zak's cheeks were bright and he reads the note over and over again. His happiness slowly growing in his heart as he now knows that his soulmate was his best friend who he knows and loves.

Meanwhile, Darryl was staring at the box in his lap. Rocco was just staring at Darryl, unsure of how to react since he just saw his owner there a second ago.

Darryl knew he was in Zak's room. He knew the place too well. He was legit here not too long ago.

The blue sheets under him keep him warm as he takes out a note from the box. Each note had a number. The highest one he saw was 41. He takes out number 6.

He unfolds the note and his eyes travel to the top of the page. Zak's handwriting fills the page.

'Letter 6.

It's January 29, 2020.

My love for him continues to grow at every passing day. I swear I thought he couldn't get even cuter, but he somehow was able to debunk me. I saw him curl himself up with the blanket I gave him when he was over. He looked so soft and adorable.

His eyes were shut so I couldn't see his majestic green eyes. I suck at description, don't yell at me.

Still, even I couldn't describe him. He's just so special and amazing. I love him so much. Sometimes I wish that when the soulmate thing happens, I get switched with him. I don't want anyone else to be my soulmate.

Darryl is and always will be my best friend. He's such a handsome boy and I love him so much.

Mom's calling me for dinner. This is probably enough for today. I love you, Darryl <3'

Darryl smiles, pulling his legs up to his chest as he holds the note close. His cheeks are blending with the rose pink as he pulls the note away and takes out another.

He continues to read them. Each note always talking about him and how much he means to Zak. His heart couldn't take it anymore. He knew he needed to text the boy once he was back in his room.

Once they get in contact, he prays to meet up with him and just kiss him.

Then he collapses onto the bed again...


Zak is running, his legs slowly giving out as he sprints down the street and towards the park.

After they returned to their rooms, Darryl was a man of his word and immediately texted Zak. They agreed to quickly meet up at the park and both boys are running.

Well, Darryl just arrived. He is sitting at a bench, legs shaking up and down as he tries to keep himself warm by rubbing his arms.

Zak spots the park in his sight, smile increasing in size as the tiredness from his legs suddenly disappears and he picks up speed.

His eyes travel to the playground and they land on a park bench where a figure sits.

"Darryl!" Zak calls out.

The older boy tenses up and he snaps around, eyes landing onto Zak and he jumps up in excitement.

"Zak!" Darryl giggles, smiling uncontrollably as he runs around the bench and sprints to meet the smaller boy. He stops a few feet away and he stretches his arms out. Zak grins and when he reaches Darryl, he jumps into his arms, and the two hold one another tightly. Zak's head buried in Darryl's shoulder as the older boy twirls them around.

After a few seconds of holding each other close, Zak pulls away slightly and looks up into Darryl's eyes. They glisten under the moonlight and he hovers a hand over the older boy's cheek. Darryl sighs in relief and he slowly leans in. The two suddenly softly collide with one another as their lips connect, sending a shock of electricity down their spines.

WC: 1479
