Soulmate Swap

guys  u guys gotta start requesting idk how much creativity i can make

@/SkeppyStanhehe requested: "... Soulmate swap where they switch places..."

if u dont mind, ima switch it up a bit. heres the description: Each person has a soulmate. They figure out their soulmate once the youngest one from the pair turn 18. At the stroke of midnight, the day of their birthday, the two soulmates will pass out, wherever they are, and will wake up a few seconds later in their soulmates body. the pair have 12 hours to figure out their partner before they are switched back. if they do find out their soulmate before the 12 hrs r up, they are switched back


Zak's POV

"Bad! Bad! Bad! Just 5 more hours till I figure out who my soulmate is!" I giggle, jumping in my chair as I hear Bad sigh for the 100th time.

"I know Skeppy, you've been reminding me every five seconds in the past hour." Bad rolls his eyes and leans back in his chair.

"Should I stream? Do you think my soulmate could be one of my fans? I highly doubt it. Wait, maybe my soulmate is younger than me and I can't find out until they turn 18?" I start to ramble. I burst out many questions. Bad answers to a few of them, others he just stays silent.

"I think I'll stream. Want to play Minecraft with me BaldBoy?" I hum, moving my mouse to open up my Minecraft.

Bad groans, "Sure. Let me load up Minecraft."


The stream has been going on for hours. I started it a while ago and now Bad and I are arguing about Minecraft beds. We decided to make a survival world and try and beat the game.

Bad placed his bed next to mine and I kept destroying it, hiding my face with my sleeve since my facecam was on. "Skeppy, stop! We need to sleep!" Bad argues.

I don't say anything and giggle as I move Bad's bed over to the other side of the room. Bad just gives in and we both finally sleep.

I look at my chat and see them spamming that's almost midnight. I look at the time and grin, "Oh my god, Bad."

"What, Skeppy?" Bad hums as daylight hits and Bad walks out of our house. He built a nice one-story house with our chests and materials all organized. We have a nice farm outside and animals roaming around in a pen behind our house.

"It's almost my birthday. I'm so nervous." I mutter, seeing that there is only 10 minutes until 12am hits.

"Don't be nervous! It's a 50/50 chance that you find out who your soulmate is! Do you have an idea of what to do if you do find out your soulmate?" Bad asks.

"What do you mea- OH!" Then it hit me.

How am I going to communicate with my soulmate? I can leave a note describing myself and my phone password so they can call their own phone. Maybe I can use their phone to go to my stream and see them on there. I don't know.

"I have no idea, Bad. What should I do?!" I ask, making my character go AFK and I dig my hands in my hair.

sillymemer: watch his soulmate be bad lol

techno: 50 bucks bbh is his soulmate

epearl14: just leave em a note or sum

lolgamer: imagine having a soulmate, cant relate

The chat doesn't help. "Bad, have you met your soulmate yet?" I ask, relaxing a bit and going back to my game. I walk out the door and see Bad farming the grown crops.

"Uh... no... actually..." Bad trails off. "I've never met my soulmate. I don't think I have one..."

I frown, "What makes you think that? I'm sure someone out there is waiting to switch with you!"

"I don't know Skeppy. I've just given up on waiting." Bad hums. His voice sounds sad.

bbhswife: i can be ur soulmate bad

skephalo: if skeppy n bad arent soulmates, ima commit bleach

gordan196: bruh how does bad not have a soulmate yet like bruh this man is an angel-

arithmetic: ^

"Let's just switch the topic. I have 2 minutes. Either I just continue playing and if I pass out, Bad can just talk to whoever is here." I say, moving myself in my chair to get into a much more comfortable position just in case I do pass out. "And if not, we can just continue playing Bad and celebrate my birthday together!"

Bad chuckles, "Sure Skeppy. Now come help me farm these potatoes."

I hum in agreement. Right when I'm about to click my 'w' key, everything becomes black and I lose consciousness.

12:00 AM.


No One's POV

The fans start freaking out. Skeppy just passed out. His hands are hanging lose at his sides and his body is thrown back in his chair. His eyes are shut and mouth is slightly open. His headphones just slightly hung lose on his head.

They even notice Bad not speaking as well. There was no "Skeppy?" or anyone on his side of the call. Since Bad wasn't streaming or showing his face, no one could confirm he was gone.

But, there was evidence. Both Skeppy's and Bad's Minecraft characters are frozen.


yeeyeejuice: I KNEW IT

pingspoofmedaddy: YOYOYOYO DID BAD PASS OUT AS WELL!?!

Suddenly they hear sudden groans from Skeppy. Everyone's attention was on Skeppy. He started to slightly move and his eyes slowly open up. He groans and rubs his eyes. When his eyes peek at his surroundings, his face is frozen in shock. "Oh my goodness..." He whispers.

sugarsugar: ITS BAD

honeyhoney; SKEPHALO CONFIRMED?!?!

Skeppy sits up straight and he clicks the keys on his keyboard, making his character move around in a circle. "I-I can't believe it... Skeppy is my soulmate..." Skeppy's voice whispers in shock and confusion.

Then, through the TeamSpeak call, Bad's voice echoes. "What the? Where am I?"

"Skeppy!?" Bad, who was in Skeppy's body, calls out to his frie- soulmate.

"Hi? Wait... why is Bad's Minecraft account on here!? Oh my god! Bad!?!" Skeppy, who was in Bad's body, is now freaking out. Both in a good and bad way.

"Skeppy! It's you! You're my soulmate!" Skeppy's voice giggles, making the chat go even crazier.

"I did not expect this... the chances of this happening..." Skeppy leans back in Bad's chair. He rubs the sides of his head as he fiddles with Bad's hair. "At least we can confirmed you aren't bald." He giggles.

"Hey! I was never bald you muffintop!" Bad huffs.

Skeppy laughs, "Dude, it's so weird hearing myself! Wait, I can see what you look like!"

Bad becomes silent. He forgot he never shows his face before, only in super old videos. He hears noise on the call and he runs his fingers through Skeppy's hair. It's really fluffy... Bad thinks.

"Bad! Why didn't you tell me you looked so cute!" Skeppy giggles. Apparently he ran to find Bad's bathroom and look at himself in the mirror.

"Wh-What!? Shush you muffin! I'm not cute!" The chat sees Bad, still in Skeppy's body, hiding his blushing face behind his hands.

Skeppy stops giggling. He then clicks on Bad's keyboard and moves Bad's character to his own. He shifts and unshifts before running back inside their house. "Bad! Come here!"

Bad sighs and moves his hands to Skeppy's keyboard. He follows Skeppy inside and once Skep sees Bad, he runs to grab Bad's bed and walk over to his own. "What if we put our Minecraft beds next to each other?" He giggles, placing Bad's red bed next to Skeppy's light blue bed.

Then they both pass out again.


Zak's POV

I regain conscious again and rub my temple to remove the small headache I have. I then remember what happened when I hear groaning through my headphones.

"Bad!" I jump up in my chair to see I'm back in my own room in my own body. I can picture Bad. My Bad. My own BaldBoy since I finally know what he looks like.

I look at chat. It is filled with Skephalos and lenny faces.

"Skeppy?" Bad asks, his Minecraft character moving on my screen.

"So, does this mean we are a couple now?" I giggle, feeling my face heat up.

I can picture Bad blushing, burying his face in his hands.

"Maybe... you ragamuffin..." He giggles.

I cheer, throwing my arms up in the air and looking at my camera. "Guys! I have a boyfriend! And it's the one and only BadBoyHalo! I can't believe it! My BadBoyHalo! My BaldBoy!"

Grumbling is heard on the other side. "I'm going to let this slide for today... Happy birthday my muffin..."

We both smile uncontrollably.

WC: 1490
