Music Box [2/2]

throwing hands if skeppy and bbh dont go to dttwt prom together

and im sorry for using crafting table in the last chapter >.> i completely forgot what workbench was called and yeah

No One's POV

A few years later, at the age of 22...

Sighing softly, Darryl continues to wash the small dishes in the backroom. He scrubs the little teacups and plates well, keeping everything clean for his little café. His mother comes around once in a while, seeing how her boy was doing with his new business. Today, she isn't at the small shop, but at home.

Darryl is cleaning the utensils while his co-workers work out at the front. Vincent, Rose, and George(notfound), work up in the front where they handle the cash register and orders.

Finishing the last plate, Darryl softly smiles and removes the gloves from his hands, placing them on the sink edge. He turns and makes his way out of the backroom, going to the main part of the café.

He walks through the doorway and spots George working at the cash register and Vincent and Rose working with the orders and passing them out.

Looking around the room, his heart flutters to see customers sitting at small tables, eating, and enjoying their small meals and snacks. Some are either working alone, eating a muffin, and working on their laptop, or hanging out with friends and enjoying themselves. The café is decorated with plants, small, adorable paintings, and other small decorations. The sun's rays beam down through the windows.

Darryl walks over to a small counter behind the cash register, finding a familiar box sitting neatly by the wall. A small arrow of pain slides through his heart as his fingers press against the wood. His thumb traces the small carvings and slowly pops the box open.

The familiar melody begins to play, small memories flooding by and a small smile of sadness appears on his face. He sighs as he watches the carvings of two small boys twirling around in a circle. Darryl looks down at their hands, then looking down at his. His shoulders slump as he misses the smaller boy. He wonders how he is now. Does he miss him?

Shaking his head, Darryl sighs and walks out of the room and back to the backroom.

Right when he leaves, a small male walks through the café doors, causing the small bells above to jingle a bit. A woman who finishes with their order, walks away and sits at another table, allowing the smaller male to walk up to the cash register.

While ordering, he noticed the small melody playing in the background. He doesn't think much of it, but he felt his stomach flip for some reason. Does he know the song?

Zak thanks George, pays, then walks to a small table alone by the window. He pulls out his phone and pretends to look busy, really he is focused on the melody.

The melody sounds like chimes clinking in the wind, maybe a small bell likes sounds in the song as well. No lyrics are playing, just the small tune. Right when Zak is slowly humming quietly to the melody, it comes to a stop abruptly. He raises an eyebrow and looks over at the back where the three employees are busy setting up the snacks and orders. He looks around to try and find the jukebox or radio that was playing the song, but he had no luck.

He sighs and goes to his phone, deciding to go on Twitter. After a while, he hears his name being called. He puts his phone to his side and stands up to walk to the back, where George is putting a small brown bag with the symbol of the café logo on it. He thanks them for his meal and proceeds to walk back home.

While he is walking home, his mother is deciding to clean up around the house. She is looking through the attic and tidying up the place. Dusting off some bookshelves, she halts once her eyes spot a familiar box.

Her eyes widen once she slowly picks up the box in her hands and a small wave of nostalgia washes through her body. She feels her heart break, remember what happened, and she holds the box to go back to the living room.

She looks at the time, seeing Zak should be home soon. She closes up the attic, deciding that cleaning should be postponed for now. She makes her way to the living room and sets the carved box on the coffee table in front of the TV. She grabs a slightly damp cloth from the kitchen and wipes off the dust.

Once she finishes, she hears the front door click and she looks up to see Zak walking in.

Zak closes the door behind him, holding the bag in his hand. He turns his head and spots his mother. "Hello, mom. I got your cookies." He hums and walks over to his mother.

His mother smiles, walking up to Zak and thanking him. "Thank you, Sweetheart. I have a surprise for you." She places the bag on the coffee table behind her and carefully picks up the music box. She turns around and shows the box to her son, hearing a small gasp escape his lips.

"No..." Zak whispers, his heart beating fast as his eyes trail through the different engravings on the wood. He slowly stretches his hands out and carefully grabs the box in his hands. His fingers trace over the carvings, feeling the smooth wood texture on his skin. "I-Is this...?" He is out of words.

"Yes. It is. I found it in the attic." She hums, carefully picking up her snack.

"Oh my god, thank you so much, Mom..." Zak mutters out, eyes glued onto the box. His mother nods and walks over to the kitchen, leaving Zak alone.

Without another thought, Zak's lips turn into a small smile and he lifts the top up carefully. Once the music box clicks, a very, familiar soft melody begins to play. He feels tears prick in the corner of his eyes as the sweet, cut off tune, begins to play.

The tune doesn't finish. Instead, Zak closes the box up and darts to the front door. "Bye Mom, I'll be right back! I have to go do something!" He doesn't even hear her speak since the door is slammed shut. His mother is confused, but shrugs it off, since he looked really happy.

Zak is sprinting down the streets, holding the music box in his arms as he remembers the pathway to the café. He turns a corner and smiles once he spots the familiar building. He begins to slow down once he's near and straightens his outfit and hair out.

He then reaches the door, tucking the box in one arm and opening the café door open.

George looks up and before he can greet the customer, he raises an eyebrow once he realizes Zak looked familiar. "Oh, uh, weren't you here before?"

Zak awkwardly smiles, nodding. "Yeah... uh... I actually have something. I think this might be important." He says. George looks puzzled, unsure of what the smaller male meant. He looks down to see Zak holding something.

Zak moves the box in front and places it onto the counter.

A gasp escapes George's lips. "W-Wait... no way..." George whispers. He looks up at Zak, "I'll be right back."

Zak nods, seeing George run off to the backroom. He can hear muffled noises behind.

"Darryl! Darryl!" George gasps as he enters the doorway.

Darryl, who's baking some new treats in the oven, raises an eyebrow and turns to George. "Yes, George? Is something wrong?"

"You might want to come and see this," George says, his heart picking up and a smile appears.

Darryl shrugs, putting his gloves away and following George out of the backroom. He tried to ask questions, but George doesn't respond.

Zak looks up, hearing the voices, and his eyes widen once he spots a pair of emerald-green eyes. His breath hitches and his heart picks up the pace. Darryl freezes on spot, a huge wave of nostalgia hitting him and he feels tears pricking the edges of his eyes. He gasps slightly and he covers his mouth, "Oh my goodness..."

Zak smiles, raising a sleeve up and wiping away a tear that slid down. "Hey, Darry. It's nice to see you again."

"Zak," Darryl whispers. He removes his apron from around his waist, giving it to George who doesn't protest. Vincent and Rose stand behind George, watching the sudden scene unfold.

Darryl walks around the small bar, making his way to Zak. "Oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness..." Darryl repeats over and over again as a large, uncontrollable smile appears on both of their faces.

People who are enjoying their meal, stop, and eyes spotting the scene in the middle of the café. They smile.

Darryl throws his arms out and Zak runs up to him. Darryl stops as he feels the sudden body thrown against him. "Zak!" Darryl cheers in delight as he squeezes his eyes shut and holds the boy he missed so much.

Zak silently begins to cry, memories flooding his mind as he buries his face in Darryl's shoulder.

The two squeeze one another, crying each other's names, as tears fall down their cheeks. They can't stop smiling. A whole decade has gone by, and now they are back in each other's arms.

Zak is the first to pull away, sniffing, and wiping his tears as he grins at Darryl. "I can't believe it. It's you!" Zak giggles.

"I missed you so much! You don't know how happy I am to see you again!" Darryl wipes his tears with his sleeve, feeling Zak slide his hand down his arm and to his hand. The two interlock fingers and Darryl gives his hand a small squeeze.

"Is this a dream?" He questions in awe.

Zak shakes his head, moving back into Darryl's arms as he wraps his own around the older male's waist, placing his head against his chest. "No, it isn't. I promised I would come back, didn't I?"

Darryl chuckles, holding back more tears as he shakes his head. He wraps his arms around Zak's body and places his cheek in his hair, closing his eyes. "You did, and I am so happy to have you back in my arms again," Darryl whispers.

George smiles, watching and Rose slowly walks up to grab Darryl's music box. She moves it over to where Zak's is and places them side by side. Their names carved on the front and she clicks open Darryl's box. The soft melody begins to play, filling up the adorable atmosphere in the café. People go back to their own business or begin to watch the two reunited friends slowly sway together to the tune.

WC: 1830
