Waiting for You

No One's POV

Humming quietly to himself as his music plays through his earbuds, he clutches his grocery bag against his chest with Rocco right behind him. He grabs the keys from his pocket and slides the metal item into the doorknob. With a twist, the door clicks and Rocco steps inside first as Skeppy opens the door.

The dog zooms into the dark house, his paws hitting the cold tiles as he disappears up the stairs.

Skeppy smiles softly and walks through the door, closing it behind him. He places the keys up on a shelf by the door and proceeds to the kitchen on the left. He places the bag of groceries on the small island and grabs his phone from his hoodie pocket.

Once he pauses his music and slips his earbuds off, he begins to hear soft snoring from behind him. He raises an eyebrow and turns around to spot the moonlight seeping through the window blinds to slightly light up the living room. He places his phone and earbuds on the counter, then begins to walk over to the living room.

In the living room, a large, grey couch sits with love seats on either side. Skeppy walks around the love seat and walks to the cough. Laying on the couch, snoring softly with an arm over their face, Bad is in a deep sleep. His mouth is slightly open, breathing calmly as one of his legs are bent up, knee in the air, and the other just hanging over the couch armrest. Bad's head is sitting on a few couch pillows and he wears one of Skeppy's blue hoodies.

Around his neck, a silver chain slightly hangs to the side and a golden ring is hooked on the chain with the initials Z + D around it. There were also small fishes and stars engraved around the ring.

"Sweetheart..." Skeppy whispers, giggling slightly as he brushes some of Bad's hair back and places a soft kiss on the top of his head.

Bad hums, not awake, but he felt the pair of lips. He turns his head to the side, facing the inside of the couch. His arm moves to cover the side of his head.

Skeppy raises an eyebrow and moves his hands to Bad's arm, gently beginning to shake him. "Bad, Baby, c'mon... let's head to bed..."

Moving his hand to Bad's, he slips his palm over his lover's and hears a small whine come from him. He mumbles something, sounding gibberish to Skeppy.

Then Bad moves his head, his arm lowering away from his face and his eyes lazily open up. "Muffin?" He whispers, yawning, and slightly smacking his lips together.

Skeppy hums, nodding, "Yes, Sweetheart... c'mon, you don't look comfortable there. Let's go to bed together."

Bad yawns for a final time before gently lifting himself up from the couch. He sits and moves his legs over and he looks up to see Skeppy looking at him. He raises a hand and slides his fingers to Skeppy's cheek. The two don't say anything as Skeppy leans into the touch and Bad gently presses their lips together. The two hum quietly and Skeppy is the one to slightly pull away. "Why didn't you go to bed?"

"I wanted to wait for you, Muffin." Bad pecks his lips for a final time, causing Skeppy to fall in love with him all over again.

"You're so adorable." Skeppy whispers as Bad stands up from the couch.

Bad blushes slightly, shaking his head as he wraps an arm around Skeppy's neck and the two slowly make their way to their room. "I am not-" He yawns quietly, Skeppy giggles, "-cute... I'm hardcore..."

"Uhu..." Skeppy looks at him with doubt and shakes his head. If they weren't so tired, they would probably start a playful fight about Bad being cute.

The two slide through the bedroom door and stumble over to their bed. A large, king-size bed sits in the middle of the back room with dark red covers on top. There are nightstands on either side of the bed. Bad slides his arm off and walks over to their drawer to take out some pajama pants. The two change into some sweatpants or pajama pants before sliding under the covers.

Bad unhooks the chain around his neck and gently places it inside a small drawer in the nightstand, not wanting to somehow lose it in his sleep. Closing the drawer shut, he removes his glasses, placing them by the small lamp, and turning his body over where Skeppy is also facing him, but gently playing with his golden ring around his ring finger.

The ring has small flower engravings with the initials D + Z (its always been z idk wut u talking about) on it. Bad smiles softly and slides his hand to entangle his fingers with Skeppy. Skeppy looks up and grins. Bad leans forward and places a gentle kiss on Skeppy's palm. "I still can't believe you're mine." He whispers against Skeppy's skin.

Skeppy blushes, thankfully his cheeks hidden in the slightly dark room. He pushes forward and slides his arm around Bad's waist. He leans his cheek against Bad's chest and closes his eyes. "I can't believe I'm yours." Skeppy whispers.

Bad hums and gently brushes Skeppy's hair back, placing a soft kiss on his forehead. "Good night, my Muffin."

"Good night, my cinnamon roll."

The two drift off to sleep in each others arms, Skeppy completely forgetting about the food on the counter. It wouldn't be such a big deal, if he hadn't had bought ice cream...

WC: 920
