Just a Friend to You

@/MichelaPetrh: "Idea; A story based on the song "just a friend to you...
Zak and Darryl are college students and friends, but then they actually start to have feelings for each other. But one day, Darryl (for some reason ;) ) starts to ignore Zak. One day for some reason, Zak runs into the woods and he will sing a part on the song with Darryl (he followed Zak) while cuddling (or the hud where you put your head on the other's shoulder..) and that's it."

i hate that i can relate to this song. it hurts but theres nothing i can do :,)

No One's POV

Zak remembers the smiles Darryl makes whenever he was around. He loved the feeling after making his best friend happy. It was warm and fuzzy, butterflies dancing in his stomach.

He loved the feeling of Darryl's arm wrapped around him. They would last for a while and he would never want to leave him. Sometimes, if they were hanging out at one another's dorm, they would cuddle and watch movies together.

Zak noticed something was changing.


Whenever Zak would go in to hug Darryl, he would flinch and hesitate before hugging back. It hurt when he pulled away just for a few seconds and look away. He didn't bother about asking him, thinking it was nothing.

His texts with him changed as well. Usually, they would talk for hours and send one another cute messages. Sometimes a heart or two popping up in the conversations. Now, Darryl would ignore the flirtatious texts Zak sends him and changes the topic. Instead of sending Zak 'Goodnight you muffin >.> <3', they would just be a simple 'Gn.'

Darryl couldn't help it. Once he started figuring out his feelings, he didn't know what to do. He would blush much more often when receiving a hug or flirtatious texts and he wanted to get rid of the feeling. He knew Zak didn't like him. They were just trolls, right? Zak, the little troll. He thought he could remove the feelings by slowly ignoring Zak and becoming less bland.

This has been going on for about a week. Zak was not having it anymore. He decided to ask Darryl why he was ignoring him.

Zak <3: bad, please, is something going on? i miss the old u

Darry <3: Nothing is wrong. Just dealing with somethings.

Zak <3: r u sure? i mean, uve been ignoring me for a while. please, if u need to talk, im here for u. i dont like seeing u like this :(

The frown hurt Darryl. He knew he was breaking the poor boy but he wanted to get rid of these stupid feelings. Zak doesn't like him back, he just knows it. He needs to get rid of these feelings before he could talk to Zak again.

He didn't respond and just closes his phone. He sighs, slipping out of the booth he sat in and left the small coffee shop. He frowns, slipping his hood up and walks down the sidewalk, hearing the sounds of cars and people going by. He wishes he had Zak with him. Maybe hold his hand and shower him with love, but he couldn't.

He feels himself wanting to cry and he looks up. He stops as he notices the familiar boy walking down the sidewalk not far from him and turning a corner to head to the park forest.

He should leave him alone, right?

Something inside Darryl's head yelled at him, ordering to follow the boy. He decides to do so. He continues to walk and follows the same path the smaller boy took.

He walks off of the sidewalk and enters a trail leading into the forest. He wanders in and his eyes stay glued onto his crush who was just a decent amount of feet away from him.

The gravel beneath him crumbles as he continues.

As he walks, he notices soft hums coming from up ahead. His eyes trail to the boy and he looks to see his lips moving. Suddenly he hears him start to sing.

It was faint, but he could hear his voice.

"Why you gotta hug me
Like that every time you see me?

Why you always making me laugh
Swear you're catching feelings..."

His heart skips a beat and he sucks in a breath. Was he talking about him?

He can hear a voice crack every now and then as he watches a small lake appear from up ahead.

"I loved you from the start
So it breaks my heart..."

Zak makes his way to the lake. No one was around them. He sits near the water, bringing his legs up to his chest.

Darryl stops not far behind, standing and watching as the small boy continues to sing.

"When you say I'm just a friend to you
'Cause friends don't do the things we do
Everybody knows you love me too"

Darryl's eyes soften and he feels his heart slowly melt.

"Tryna be careful with the words I use
I say it 'cause I'm dying to
I'm so much more than just a friend to you"

Darryl decided he should slowly step forward.

His presence notifies Zak and the poor boy halts. He turns his body to notice Darryl slowly sitting down behind him. He watches as Darryl crosses his legs and places his hands onto the ground, leaning back slightly and he turns to face the other.

Their eyes connect and Darryl frowns as he notices Zak's eyes red and puffy. "Have you been crying?" He whispers. Guilt washes up as he knows this was his fault.

Zak just stares at him and he feels himself start to cry again. He softly whimpers and he feels the older boy wrap his arms around him and pulls him up to his side. The woods echo with the soft sobs as Zak wraps his arms around Darryl and buries his face in his neck.

The two hold one another in silence, just allowing Zak to release everything he had building up. Darryl whispers soft reassurance into the smaller boy's ear as he digs his fingers through the silky, black hair.

Finally, Zak slowly calms down. His tears slowly stop and his cries become silent. Darryl feels Zak move his head on his shoulder and he turns to spot his eyes staring back.

"Why did you ignore me Darry? I can't handle being alone without you anymore. I can't take it..." Zak whispers, feeling his body curl up and he lowers his head in shame.

Darryl doesn't know what to say. He looks at the broken boy in silence as he holds him tightly. He sucks in a breath and sighs, "I wanted to get rid of some feelings I had towards you..."

Zak's head snaps up and his eyes look back into the emerald-green orbs. "Why? Do you not like me anymore?"

Darryl's eyes widen and he shakes his head quickly, "No! No! I do! I really do! It's just, I've started to gain some other feelings as well..."

Zak's throat dries up and he notices a hint of sadness in Darryl's eyes. "What feelings are they?"

He wanted to say no. He didn't want to share them with him. He knew Zak was just going to reject him and realize how much of a disappointment he was.

He opened it mouth anyways.

"Love. I feel love. Whenever I'm around you I just feel different, like I want to hug you and hold you forever. Zak, I fell in love with you..." Small teardrops start to form as his voice quivers.

A small gasp is heard from Zak and soft giggling slowly breaks the silence. Darryl feels Zak jump on him and the two fall down on the grass. The smaller boy buries his face in his chest and Darryl's face heats up.

"Oh, Darry... why didn't you tell me before? Things would have changed so much and I would have loved them." Zak moves up to face Darryl who is just paralyzed. Zak moves his hands to place them gently on Darryl's cheeks and places a small kiss on the top of his nose. "I fell in love with you too, you potato.."

WC: 1370
