Personality Switch

@/Lana2603_ requested: "Idea: I think a personality switch kinda thing would be really cute. like, Darryl is a flirty potato, always joking, and Zak is a shy muffin..."


No One's POV

"Oh Skeppyyyyy..." The older boy teases, dragging the end of Zak's last name as the builds on top of Zak's base.

Zak shrieks as he quickly covers his bed with endstone. "No! Bad! Stop! Please!" Zak pleads as he suddenly hears TNT being placed. He cries as he looks up to see it fall onto his bed. He runs back a bit to avoid the explosion.

The TNT blows up and Zak runs forward to try and hit Darryl. Darryl jumps behind Zak and he laughs, killing the boy and breaking the open bed. "Yes! Haha! Oh Skeppyyyy! Time to claim my victory!" Darryl giggles as he watches Zak respawn. He gapples up and he charges in.

The two fight and soon Zak is defeated. "Oh c'mon! This isn't fair Bad! You are way too good!" Zak huffs and he slams his hands on his desk, making Darryl laugh.

"Oh c'mon you little muffin! Stop making excuses!" Darryl grins as he joins another private game. He watches as his character loads in and he walks over in front of Zak. "Fine, I'll go easy on you this time, even though you sound adorable when you are angry."

Zak blushes and he hides his face behind his hands. "I am not adorable! Stop calling me adorable!" Zak pouts as the game loads up and he walks to his generator.

"Really? I don't think so. You are an adorable little muffin." Zak can hear Darryl giggling as his blush starts to increase. "You are my little muffin and I love trolling you just so I can hear your adorable little cries."

Zak groans and he pulls his hood over his head. "Badddd... stoppp..." He whispers, wanting to log out of the game, but he lowkey loved the teasing.

"Skeppy, Skeppy, my little Skeppy." Darryl sings gently as he starts to bridge to the diamond generator. "He is small. He is cute. My muffiny Skeppy."

"Bad! Stop! I appreciate the complements but you are distracting me!" Zak pulls on his hoodie strings as he buys endstone. He watches as he finds Darryl collecting the diamonds and heading back to his base.

"I'm distracting? That's good then! I'm going to keep it up!"

"No! Bad!"

"Skeppy, did you know that I love you? I love you. I love you. I love you so much." Darryl repeats his words. Zak is by now a red tomato as he huffs quietly. He tries his best to ignore Darryl but he couldn't. He loved hearing Darryl say those things to him. It made him feel special and happy.

"Oh my god..." Zak whispers, wanting to slap Darryl or maybe kiss him.

"Oh Skeppy..." He hears Darryl whisper. This causes Zak to look up from his covered bed and see Darryl speed bridging to his base.

"What!? No, Bad!" Zak squeaks and he rushes to finish his bed. He grabs his wool and stacks up, hoping to meet Darryl.

Right before he can look up, he suddenly jumped on and Darryl knocks him to the ground. "Bad!" Zak cries, watching as Darryl places TNT again. "No! Bad!"

"Skeppy, Skeppy, Skeppy... when will you learn? You cannot defeat the Muffin God." Darryl giggles as the bed explodes and he jumps down. Zak doesn't reach Darryl in time and the bed is broken. Darryl goes in to fight Zak and Zak loses again.

Zak silently cries and pouts. "You said you would go easy on me."

"Oops. My bad." Darryl hums as he doesn't put them in a game. They are both in the lobby. "I'm sorry my little muffin. Hope you can forgive me. I love you!"

Zak blushes and his eyes widen. He shakes his head and hides his face in his hands. He mutters something that Darryl couldn't hear.

"Oh Skeppy! Say it back! Tell me you love me!" Darryl teleports in front of Zak and he hits his character.

"No." Zak says. He wants to but he can't give Darryl the satisfaction of succeeding in this battle.

Then Zak starts to hear soft cries, making his heart start to speed up. "D-Do you not love me?" Darryl whines softly, sniffing a bit.

Zak suddenly starts to feel bad, not knowing that Darryl was faking it. "W-What!? No, I'm sorry Bad! I love you too! I really do! Please don't cry!"

"Haha! Yes! I knew it! Bye Skeppy, I love you!"

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Zak sits there frozen with a red face as he tried to comprehend what just happens. He sighs and shakes his head. "Stupid idiot." He then grins to himself, "My stupid idot."

WC: 805
