Deadly Touch

@/ilovepancakesforeve: "I have an idea! -Zak is dead, but he made a deal to be able to see Darryl again. They spent the day together, but if they touch, Zak is forbidden to see Darryl again. Zak slowly starts throwing away his soul just to see Darryl, and you can continue from there"

No One's POV

Zak glides through the air, his white wings glistening under the moonlight as he adventures through the clouds to find a specific location. After passing away due to someone killing him from a gun when he was walking home, he couldn't bear to live in the clouds anymore. It was nice, but he missed being at home with his loved one.

Rumors spread through the cloud city of a man who can bring back dead people to the overworld with a price. It wasn't cash as the price though, you had to sacrifice something.

Zak finds the small cottage in the clouds, landing down onto the fluffy clouds and he tucks his wings inside.

He knew he shouldn't be here, but it needs to be done. He walks up to the door and knocks. After the third knock, the door opens up on its own and allows Zak to look inside. There, in the middle of the room, an old man sat in a chair behind a desk, reading a book. Different potions and spells were decorated on the shelves behind. Chests and chests were filled with different ingredients.

The old man doesn't look away from his book. "Zak. I've been expecting you."

The smaller boy's eyes widen. He gulps and nods. "Then you must know why I'm here..."

The old man sighs. He closes his book and leaves it on the table as he stands up and looks up at Zak. Zak carefully walks inside, stopping after a few steps. The door closes shut behind him, making Zak flinch and jump.

"Yes. You want to go back to the overworld, don't you?" Zak sucks in a breath, nodding as the old man just stares. "You want to go back to your loved one." Zak's heart jumps.

"I heard it's possible." Zak crosses his arms.

"I can make it happen, but it comes with a price." The old man turns around and starts to look through his shelves of potions.

Zak nods, "I know. How do I pay you?"

The old man laughs, finally grabbing a potion filled with red liquid glittering under the light. The old man turns around and slowly walks up to Zak, who is slowly starting to become nervous. "Oh no, you don't play me." The old man grins, "You need to pay to the spell."

Zak raises an eyebrow. "W-What does that mean?"

The old man smirks, shaking the potion slightly and he hands the bottle to Zak, who grabs it and stares. "You can't enter the overworld with ease. Every spell here comes with a sacrifice you must make. Instead of paying me, you pay the spell with what you have."

Zak's eyes widen and he gulps. He looks down at the potion in hand and his heart stops. "So, what's my sacrifice?" He whispers.

"Drinking the potion, allows you to enter the overworld for 24 hours. But, during those 24 hours, you are not allowed to touch your loved one in any shape or form. If you do so, you are sent back here and you are banished from seeing your loved one again. So, if your loved one passes away, you can never see him again even if he's here." The old man nods.

Zak's breath hitches, "What happens after the 24 hours?"

"If you chose to stay in the overworld, your soul slowly starts to decay. Your strength slowly disappears and you will die within a few years, but you are allowed to touch your loved one after the 24 hours."

Zak stops to think. He debates whether to accept this or not. After a while, he sighs and nods. "I just need to keep my distance away from Darryl for 24 hours. It shouldn't be too hard, right?" He looks up to see the old man smirking evilly. He gulps and looks down at the bottle. Then he uncaps the top and chugs the liquid down. It travels through his throat and after swallowing the last drop, he gasps and his vision blackens.


Birds chirp above him as his eyes slowly flicker open. He feels grass below him, poking at his arms as he slowly sits up. He looks around to see himself in the familiar childhood park. He looks down to see himself in basketball shorts, sneakers, and a white t-shirt. He pushes himself up and stumbles over a bit, then regaining his posture.

He looks up and starts sprinting towards his home, his heart skipping in joy as his smile increases in size. In a few minutes, he would see his lover.

The house shows up around the corner, he grins and he sprints up the driveway where his and Darryls' cars sit. Darryl was home. He slows his pace and walks up to the front door. He looks at the window and notices the lights were on.

He sighs. Ok, I'm here... oh my god how is he going to react? It's been weeks since I've last seen him... I just can't touch him... His mind wanders as he raises a hand up and his finger pressed against the doorbell.

The doorbell allows the house to fill up with the sound of the bell. Zak steps back and he awkwardly rubs his arms, biting his bottom lip as he waits for the door to open.

He hears a voice call from inside and the doorknob turns. The wooden door swings open and he looks up to see a familiar male step forward.

A gasp comes from the older man and Zak's eyes widen as he notices the figure. His eyes water at the sight and he smiles, "Darryl..."

Darryl stares, his head shaking as he wasn't sure what to say. A few weeks ago, he saw Zak being lowered into the ground in a coffin, and now he's standing right in front of him. He looks happy and healthy, all fine like he was never killed at all.

"No... this can't be..." Darryl whispers, tears slowly forming as he covers his mouth with his hand.

Zak nods, "I'm back... back from the dead..."

Darryl stretches a hand out, stepping forward, wanting to reach and feel Zak again. "I, how... this can't be possible... you're alive..." Tears stream down his face.

Zak feels a tear slide down his cheek as he looks at Darryl's hand that is inching towards Zak.

He frowns and steps back, causing Darryl to freeze and retract his hand softly. "You can't touch me... please..." Zak mutters, frowning slightly. "May I come inside?"

Darryl hesitates, looking back inside and he sighs. "Please do. You need to tell me what's going on." Darryl steps back and allows Zak to enter. Zak makes sures to not make contact as he steps inside and feels the familiar warmth of the house prickling his skin.

He smiles and rubs his arms, "I missed this place..."

"I can't believe you're really here... I missed you so much, my little muffin..." Darryl whispers, closing the door behind them as Zak walks to the couch. The two sit on separate sides, far from touching one another.

Zak pulls his legs up, wrapping his arms around himself as he watches Darryl examine him. "Why can't I touch you?" Darryl asks.

Zak explains everything. Darryl listens as he watches Zak talk about the old man, the afterlife, the potion, and the punishment. Darryl spent a while processing everything, his heart aching to feel his skin against Zak's. It's been weeks since he last touches his hand and felt his lips against one another's. He craved for his touch but hearing Zak, he knew he couldn't.

"24 hours..." Darryl whispers, looking down at the ground. He then looks up, "Then I can be with you? Hold you in my arms and kiss you?"

Zak's cheeks heat up and he smiles, "Yes. Just 24 hours... then I'm yours until my time passes..."

The final words cause Darryl to frown again. He sighs, "Did he ever tell you how many years?" Zak shakes his head, causing Darryl's heart to snap. "So you drank the potion knowing you will die whenever?" Zak nods.

Darryl feels anger and sadness seeping up and he shuts his eyes. He buries his head in his hands and he holds back tears.

Zak watches as his lover slowly crumbles on sight. He frowns and sighs, "I had to drink it Darry. I knew I needed to see you again. Even if it's just for a few years. I miss you like crazy. I just need more time with you."

Darryl pulls his head back, pushing himself back onto the couch and looking at the smaller boy. The two stare at one another, tears slipping down their cheeks. Darryl sighs and nods, "I would love to have you still, even if it only allows you just a few years. I will make sure to make these few years unforgettable. I will cherish you with so much love and after these 24 hours are up, I promise to hug you like there is no tomorrow and kiss you with all the love in the world, my muffin."

Zak smiles. "You are the best, my Darry..."

WC: 1580
