The Final Goodbye

@/Mekkee_: "Idea: So the world is ending, the moon is coming closer to the earth and Zak and Darryl try to meet each other before the world ends"


No One's POV

Zak's face shows the emotion of terror and sadness. His eyes rested on the TV as the news blares "END OF THE WORLD IN LESS THAN A WEEK." Something about the moon getting too close.

Immediately, we called up his family, asking them about their reactions. The world is going insane. Planes are flying faster and leaving earlier, families trying to get with one another, businesses are closing up, everyone just wants to get with the ones they love.

"Okay, I'm driving home now Dad. Just, please stay safe." Zak sighs, saying goodbye to his father and starting to pack up a bag for the two-hour road back to his family home.

Darryl, on the other hand, is slowly crying with his little brother trying to calm him down. "It's going to be okay Darryl. Out sister is on her way and soon we can all spend our final moments together." The little brother pats Darryl's back as Darryl takes a deep breath.

"I know. It's just, terrible. The world is ending soon and I haven't even lived my life yet. I haven't met my fans, I haven't had a true love, and the one person I care about, K haven't even met in person! There's so much I wanted to do..." Darryl sniffs, feeling the bed slightly dip and he turns to see Lucy curling up against his leg. He sighs and gently pats her head, making the small puppy whine sadly.

"Have you confessed?" The littler brother asks, removing his hand and crossing his arms as he watches his brother shake his head. "You haven't? So he still doesn't know!? Darryl, I literally told you to try and confess months ago!"

"Look, I'm sorry! I just get scared! Plus, if I confess now and he rejects me, I don't want to cry with my heart broken!" Darryl huffs, crossing his arms.

The little brother just sighs and nods. "It's fine. I get it. I was like that when I tried confessing. Obviously, it isn't the same since the world wasn't ending at that time, but you still have time to share your feelings with him!"

Darryl turns his head, looking at his brother who is just begging him to confess. "Okay, you have a point. There may be a chance, and I'll take it. Hopefully, I can spend some time with him finally before we disappear." The little brother smiles and cheers, patting Darryl's back gently as Lucy barks.


Just less than a week. Zak is now with his family, trying his best to spend as much time he can with them.

As they sit with one another in the living room, Zak gets a notification from his phone. He watches as his parents talk with his sister and he pulls out his phone. His eyes widen as he sees Darryl texted him. He doesn't hesitate to click on the message.

Baldie: Skeppy? Are you free right now?

Geppy: sort off. just trying to spend time with my family right now. u guys holding up okay?

Baldie: I guess. I just want to try and talk to you, please. It's sort of important.

Zak replies back with an okay. He looks up and catches his parents' attention. "I gotta make a call, I'll be right back." His mother smiles and nods, and Zak walks out of the living room and towards his old room.

He clicks on Darryl's contact and calls him up. It takes a few rings before Darryl answers. "Bad? Hey."

"Hi, Geppy," Darryl mutters through the call.

"You needed to talk to me?"

"Oh... uh, yeah... can we meet up?"

The question catches Zak off guard. His eyes widen and he removes his phone to check to see if he was really calling Darryl. Then he puts his phone back up to his ear. "In person?"

"Please Skeppy, yes in person. I know I rejected all those times when you asked me to go to VidCon, but now I really want to see you. The world is coming close to an end and I still haven't met you in person! Please Skeppy, I-"

"Okay. Let's meet up."


"You have everything set?" Zak's father asks, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Zak nods, "I do Dad. Please, I'm going to be okay."

His mother sighs, "I know, but the roads are dangerous right now. Who knows how fast people are driving and if they are even obeying the traffic lights! Plus, are you sure you want to spend your final moments with him?"

Zak looks down at the ground. He talked to his parents about the final week and after some time of convincing, they agreed that Zak should be with his lover- I mean best friend right now. "Yes, I really do. He's my best friend and he means so much to me. I love you all, I really do, and I'm really upset that this even has to happen, but I've made up my mind."

Zak's sister sighs, crossing his arms and smirking, "Well, at least you'll be with your boyfriend before the world ends." Their parents chuckle softly, amused at Zak's face turning red.

"Oh shush it. He's not my boyfriend." Zak scoffs, crossing his arms.

His mother giggles, "Are you sure? I mean, those YouTube videos you do with him could have fooled me. You guys sound perfect for one another."

Zak groans, trying his best to not blush in embarrassment. "Let's stop talking about that."

"We're sorry Zak. But, I'm not surprised about this. I mean, I would also want to be with someone I care about before everything ends. If your mother was on the other side of the world, I would travel just to be with her in our final moments." His father smiles, making his mother blush and roll her eyes playfully.

"Thank you, guys. Really, I'm so grateful to have you all as my family..."


Apparently, the world ends in just three days. Zak sighs as he parks the car under a large tree in the parking lot. He notices no one is around and everyone is inside. He sighs and steps out, slipping his hood on and pulling out his phone.

Darryl's message reads, 'I'm in the park. You'll find me on a bench.' It sent five minutes ago.

He gulps, putting his phone away and looks up at the sky to see the moon becoming better than usual. His heart snaps knowing everyone is going to end, but he tried to brush it off by thinking about Darryl.

Zak smiles softly, tucking his hands in his hoodie pouch and stepping onto the park grass, walking into the field. He couldn't help but wonder what will happen. He's been planning on to meet Darryl for ages, and now here he is, trying to find Darryl in a park at night.

He loves Darryl. Something about him makes Zak go soft. The man is so adorable and talented. To beatboxing to winning Minecraft Monday with hum, the man owns Zak's heart.

Zak sighs softly, looking around and spotting a park bench with a figure sitting down. Their back was to Zak. He steps towards the figure and smiles when he notices a familiar Skeppy hoodie.

He was about to open his mouth and call for the man, but then he thinks about a plan. He slowly tiptoes up behind the bench and he examines him. He grins and places his hands onto the man's eyes.

"Gah! What the?" The familiar man screeches, flinching, and grabbing onto Zak's hands to pull them away. Zak giggles, making the man turn and glare at the smaller boy. "Hey, that isn't-" Then his eyes widen when he realizes who it was. "Geppy!"

Zak smiles uncontrollably, jumping over the bench and throwing his body on top of Darryl's who is smiling and laughing while holding onto Zak.

Zak buries his head in Darryl's neck as he wraps his arms around the older man's waist. "Bad! Oh my god, I'm so happy to finally see you!" Zak cheers, giggling as Darryl pulls him closer and buries his head in Zak's poofy hair.

"Oh my goodness, I am too. I can't believe I'm holding you!" The two blush but don't pull away. "I'm still upset we couldn't have met during another time, but I'm still happy to see you did come." Darryl moves his head back and motions Zak to sit up. Zak pulls away, sitting on the bench as Darryl leaves an arm around his waist.

"I know. Why wouldn't I come here? I mean, I've known you for years and you are so important to me! I want my final moments on this Earth to be with you." Zak's cheeks light up, making Darryl stare in awe as his brain processes with the new information.

"Oh my little muffin, I'm so thankful to have you." Darryl sighs happily as Zak throws himself back onto Darryl and the two hold each other close.


"We have just a couple more minutes until the moon destroys us all. The water is already messed up and our life will disappear any second now." Zak sighs, leaning against the couch as he places his head gently on Darryl's shoulder who is sitting beside him, eyes glued on the TV as the news continues with the live feed of the moon's movement.

"I know. This is so crazy." Darryl says, fiddling with his hands that are on his lap. He frowns, feeling his stomach flip as he looks down at his lap.

Zak notices and sits up, turning to look at Darryl better. "Something on your mind?"

Darryl shrugs, turning his head to look at Zak. "Sort off. Remember when we told each other everything we wanted to once we were older?" Zak nods, remembering the night when they were on Darryl's bed, spread out like starfish and staring up at the ceiling, talking about deep conversations about life. "There's one thing I haven't told you."

Zak watches as the life from Darryl slowly leave his eyes as he sighs softly. Zak slides a hand over into Darryl's who just squeezes his hand. "Are you comfortable with me knowing?"

Darryl just shrugs. "I haven't confessed to the one I love."

Zak's eyes soften, sadness slowly piling up as he just lets out a sad 'Oh'. Darryl leans back and rests his head on the couch, looking up at his ceiling. "My little brother told me to confess once I found them. He texts me a lot during this week wondering if I confessed."

"Why haven't you confessed?" Zak's voice is quiet, his heart slowly shattering.

"Because I'm scared he would hate me and I don't want to die with my heart broken." Darryl bites his bottom lip. "I hate that I love him so much. He's so, just, him and I'm just me..." Darryl whispers, looking at the TV to see the time is decreasing. The moon is close to destroying them all.

Zak stares at the TV, not bothering with removing his hand from Darryl's. "How do you know he doesn't like you back? I mean, did he ever drop hints?" Zak asks softly.

Darryl nods, "He flirts with me sometimes. But he says they are jokes." Zak grumbles quietly, thinking about ways to try and find Darryl's crush.

Zak doesn't respond. He watches as time slowly ticks. He knew Darryl didn't like him. There was no hope now. "You should confess to him right now," Zak says, shrugging without looking at Darryl.

Darryl turns his head, looking at Zak with a scarred face. "W-What?"

"Confess to him now. Don't wait till the moon destroys us. This may be your one chance to know how he feels. I highly doubt he dislikes you. I mean-"

"I love you, Zak."

"you're Darryl! How do- wait what?!" Zak's breath hitches as he snaps his head to look at Darryl who is hiding his face behind his hood.

The time is now going down in seconds.

Zak grins, feeling his heart speed up. "Y-You love me?" The older boy just nods.

Zak smiles, turning his body on the couch and removing his hand from Darryl's hand. He slowly moves his hands up to the older boy's cheeks and he motions his chin up. He smiles uncontrollably and his cheeks are flushed. Darryl's eyes are red and small tears are slowly forming. "I'm so so sorry Zak, I didn't mean to-"

Zak shuts him up with a kiss. Darryl's eyes widen as he feels the soft pair of lips against his. Their eyes flutter shut and their bodies slowly begin to relax. "I love you too..." Zak mutters against his lips.

Then the earth rumbles. The time as stopped and screams of terror are covering the planet as the moon takes the green and blue sphere down.

Not even a second do the two think about pulling away.

WC: 2190
