You Didn't Kill Me

@/igaveuponausername_E: "maybe one of them has a nightmare about the other one dying and the comfort them"

1am crying time lets gooooo
i want a bbh hug

also, some "fans" on twt r an actual embarrassment...
if yk, yk...

No One's POV

⚠️ blood, death

Shaking and shivering, the snowflakes fall as he slowly adventures deep into the forest. The wind is blowing hard and the simple hoodie he has isn't helping. He squints his eyes as his hair flies in front of his eyes, causing him to see little up ahead.

"Bad!?" He calls out.

Hissing by his ears, the wind blows him forward, causing him to stumble a bit. He regains his footing and tightens his hoodie strings.


A sudden voice to the left causes him to stop. He looks over to the side and he sees a blurry lump on the ground, shivering in the cold.

"Bad!?" His voice echoes through the woods. A few wolves howl in the distance.

Letting go of his hoodie strings, he speeds up and jogs through the slow to the figure. His eyesight clears up and he notices the figuring softly crying. The figure's back is towards Skeppy, covered in a black hoodie and jeans.


His voice is now a whisper as Bad calls for Skeppy.

"Bad! I'm here! I found you! I'm here!"

Kneeling down in the snow, he feels the cold freeze his legs off. Gently placing his hands on Bad's arms, he gently turns his body over and a huge gasp escapes his lips.

Bad's body flips to his back, eyelids growing heavy as he stares up at the trees above. Small drops of blood slide down his cheek as they escape the corner of his lips. Skeppy's eyes trail down at the large, open red wound right next to Bad's heart. Blood pouring out rapidly as the older male gasps for air every few seconds.

"Bad! Oh my god!" Skeppy feels the wind pick up and Bad's hair flickers in the wild, going to the side.

Bad trails his eyes, moving his head slightly and he makes contact with Skeppy.

With cold, dead eyes, he stares into Skeppy's soul.

"Why did you let this happen to me?"

A trail of curse words escape Skeppy's lips and tears are spilling uncontrollably. "W-What?! No, Bad! I'm so sorry!"

Bad's lips quiver upward, smirking evilly, and he breaths his last breath.

"It's all your fault..."

⚠️ tw over



He sits up all of a sudden, waking up from the dream. His breathing is heavy and picking up speed as his heart beats uncontrollably.

His voice quivers as the image plays in his head.

"Oh my god..." Skeppy whispers, beginning to cry as he pulls his blanket-covered legs up to his chest and burying his face in his knees.

His eyes squeeze shut as the tears spill and slide down his cheeks.

The sound of a door swinging open down the hall causes Skeppy to flinch. He ignores the sound but footsteps run down the hall.

With a twist of the wrist, the older boy swings the door open and worried eyes spot the smaller boy, who is whimpering and trembling.

"Oh my goodness... Skeppy!" Bad whispers, heart shattering at the sight in front of him.

Not bothering to turn on the lights, just allowing the moonlight to peek through the curtains, he walks over to the side of the bed, nearing to Skeppy and gently sits down.

"Skeppy... come here..." Bad hums, moving his legs up and sitting on the bed beside Skeppy.

The smaller boy slowly lifts his head and looks over at Bad, who opens their arms.

Without a second thought, Skeppy lowers his legs, turning his body and crawling over to Bad's chest. He tangles his legs with Bad and wraps his arms around the older boy's waist, burying his head in his chest and letting out all the tears again.

"Oh, muffin..." Bad shushes quietly, wrapping his arms tightly around the smaller boy, gently brushing the back of Skeppy's hair.

He hums quietly, whispering sweet nothing to the smaller boy, doing his best to calm him down.

Once he doesn't hear the soft cries, Skeppy is staring off to the side, looking at the window on the wall. He stares at the curtains as his body stops to shake and his breathing levels slowly.

"Are you feeling better, muffin?" Bad moves his fingers from Skeppy's hair to his cheek, gently brushing his thumb against the tan boy's skin. Skeppy closes his eyes at the touch, feeling his skin flare-up.


His voice still hoarse from crying.

"Did you have a nightmare, again?" Bad raises an eyebrow, feeling the smaller one nod in his chest. "May I know what it was?"

Skeppy stares off, the scene playing in his mind again.

"I was in a forest, it was snowing hard... everything was so windy and dark... I was trying to find you..." Skeppy begins, feeling Bad's chest move slightly feeling the covers move around. "I kept calling you and soon I found you. I-I saw you in the snow... and when I examined you... you were bleeding badly and dying... you blamed me... and I felt like it was all my fault..." His voice starts to shake again.

A small frown appears on Bad's fave as he pulls Skeppy's covers over the two, moving the two of them so Bad is lying on his back, head on Skeppy's pillow. Skeppy shakes and he buries his face back in Bad's chest. "I'm so sorry Bad..."

"Hey, hey, hey..." Bad whispers, moving his hand down and placing his fingers below Skeppy's chin. He gently moves Skeppy's face so he can see the red and puffy eyes looking at him. "Please don't be sorry. It's just a horrible nightmare. Here, look." He moves his other hand and slips his fingers around Skeppy's wrist, moving the smaller boy's palm to his chest. Skeppy's fingers press against Bad's chest. "Am I bleeding?"

Skeppy moves his fingers, trailing over next to Bad's heart where he was once bleeding to feel nothing. He doesn't feel any red liquid, any wound, nothing. Just the cloth pressing against Bad's skin. He shakes his head moving his head back down and pressing his ear against Bad's heart. His hand is placed on his chest, hearing the steady heartbeats of the older male.

"See, you muffin, I am alive and well. You did not kill me, nothing killed me. I am sitting right here, protect you from those muffiny dreams." Bad says, wrapping his arm back around Skeppy's waist and moving his other hand back to Skeppy's hair. His fingers glide through the silky hair, brushing ever so gently as Skeppy closes his eyes.

"Promise to stay with me forever, Bad? Promise to never leave me?" Skeppy whispers, the hand on Bad's chest moving as he draws small hearts on his skin.

A smile appears on Bad's face, feeling Skeppy draw on his chest. He hums and pulls Skeppy's hair back gently, moving his lips down and pressing then against Skeppy's forehead. "I promise. I promise to be with you and stay with you forever. I could never leave my muffin."

Skeppy's heart twists, beating faster as he feels the warmth of his lips on his skin disappear and he feels himself drift off to sleep. "Good night Bad, I love you." A small smile taking place on his lips.

"I love you too, Geppy. Forever and always."

And the two drift off to sleep.

WC: 1260

now this one is my best work so far imo. this makes me soft. i can sleep in peace now
