Mini Food Fight

@/PfB_unavailable: "idk maybe just some wholesome relationship moments"
@/SkeppyStanhehe: "Zak is visiting Darryl for the first time and they get into a food fight while making muffins or cookies and Zak licks some of the batter off Darryls face. You can add what u want from here"

ik they might not go together, but both r fluff and fluff is the best >.> also, 23K READS HELLO??? i luv u all <3
sorry but only one update tonight :,) ima try and sleep early

skip if u want (keeping this up for a couple days maybe): uhhh idk. im thinking of doing a qna thing. ill do a separate a/n where i answer some questions? (that is if u want) if i dont get many, i might not do it >.> its if u guys want to :) i thought it would be cool to talk to u guys kinda of

if u guys do decide to ask questions for me:



No One's POV

Darryl yawns, feeling warmth all over his body as he rubs his tired eyes. He groans and feels arms wrapped around him. He turns over and smiles as his eyes land upon his muffin who is cuddled up against his back all fast asleep.

With them just dating for a month, but loving every second of it, (Skeppy made the first move) Zak decided to secretly surprise Darryl by visiting him. It took Darryl by surprise since Zak wasn't online all day and not answering his messages. But once he saw Zak at his door, his heart was filled with joy and immediately hugged him.

They shared a couple of kisses and warm hugs before spending the rest of the day cuddled up on the couch and watching movies.

Now here they are, Zak fast sleep with Darryl being cuddled by him. Darryl had to carry Zak to his room since he fell asleep on Darryl's shoulder.

Darryl stretches his arm out and grabs his glasses on the nightstand and places them on his nose. He pushes himself up and hears Zak groan in annoyance. The older boy chuckles and holds himself up with his hands, feeling Zak's arms tighten around his waist.

"Geppy, wake up..." He says, gently shaking his shoulder.

Zak shakes his head and squeezes his eyes shut tighter and buries his head against Darryl's side. Darryl sighs and throws the blankets off of them, causing Zak to shiver from the sudden cold and the warmth leaving his body.

"No... I don't wanna get up." Zak cries and lazily opens his eyes. He sits up and grabs the blankets. Darryl notices and he holds down the blankets, causing Zak to whine.

"C'mon you muffin, remember how you said you wanted me to teach you how to bake muffins?" Darryl raises an eyebrow and watches as Zak's face suddenly perks up. His eyes widen, remembering their conversation yesterday. He smiles and nods. "So let's get up for the day and bake muffins!"

Zak cheers and jumps out of bed, grabbing his clothes that were folded up neatly on Darryl's chair and rushes to the bathroom to change out of his pajamas.

Darryl giggles and swings his legs over, his feet touching the ground. He hears quiet footsteps and he looks down to see Lucy walking up to him. She barks and wags her tail. He smiles and pats her head. "Good morning Rat!"

Zak leaves the bathroom and races to the kitchen. He goes on his phone while he waits for Darryl to finish with his turn in the bathroom.

Once Darryl is out, he combs his fingers through his hair and meets Zak in the kitchen. Darryl walks up to him, raising his hand and pushing Zak's hair back and leaning down to press a small kiss on the top of his head. Zak giggles and smiles, cheeks turning pink.

"Okay, now lets make muffins!" Darryl grins and pulls away, messing with Zak's hair and heads to the refrigerator.

"What kind are we making?" Zak asks, turning and watching as Darryl looks through the fridge for the ingredients.

"I'm thinking of chocolate chip muffins." Darryl hums, hearing Zak 'ooo' at the thought of warm, chocolate chip muffins.

Zak gets up from his chair and heads to the cabinets and listens as Darryl lists down all the ingredients they need. Once everything was out and ready, Darryl begins to guide Zak on each step to make gluten-free chocolate chip muffins.

Zak knew that he was bound to do something to troll Darryl. So he waits for the best moment.

He watches as Darryl begins to whisk up the batter and hums a small tune. He looks down at the table to see some flour and grabs a pinch from the bag. Zak looks to see Darryl not paying attention and he flicks the flour at Darryl's face.

Darryl stops and looks at Zak with flour covering his face. He huffs and glares at Zak. "That's not very nice Zak."

Zak giggles and grabs another pinch, flicking it at Darryl again.

Darryl furrows his eyebrows, taking the whisk and using the batter on the whisk to flick it at Zak. Zak gasps and feels the cold batter drops hit his face. They land on his cheek and forehead. "Rude!" Zak crosses his arms.

"You started it." Darryl grins, giggling a bit as he points at Zak with his whisk.

Zak watches and grabs the whisk from Darryl's hand, flicking the batter back at him.

Darryl jumps slightly and feels the batter hit his face as well. "Are you starting a food fight?" Darryl glares at Zak, raising an eyebrow.

Zak shrugs, hiding a giggle behind his hand. "Maybe."

"Oh, it's on," Darryl smirks, grabbing the bag of flour and shoving a hand into the bag.

Zak squeaks and drops the whisk onto the counter. He grabs the bag of sugar and proceeds to do the same.

The two fight in the kitchen, throwing dry ingredients at one another. They laugh and run around.

Lucy came in during the time and began flour and sugar the flour that landed on the ground.

It got messy. Zak started to flick some batter on Darryl, making sure to not waste the batter since he really wanted muffins. Darryl grabbed the chocolate chips and threw some at Zak.

"Oh my goodness! We are making a huge mess!" Darryl shrieks as he dodges some batter being thrown.

Zak laughs and wipes some flour off of his forehead, holding the whisk in hand. "We should probably stop."

The two agree. They call a truce and continue with the baking. "Want to pour the batter into the tray?" Darryl asks, holding the now-whisked batter.

Zak nods, grabbing the bowl and watching as Darryl sets up the tray. Once it was finished, he carefully pouts the batter into each cup. Once every cup had batter, he smiles victoriously and places the empty bowl on the table.

Darryl grabs his baking gloves, which had muffins patterned all over them, and grabs the tray. Thankfully, they preheated the oven a while ago. Zak pops the oven open and Darryl slides the now-ready tray in.

The two start to clean up, wiping the table off and putting the dirty dishes into the sink.

Darryl grabs a clean cloth and cleans his face. Zak giggles as he notices a small tear of batter leftover on his cheek. He walks up behind Darryl and places a hand on his shoulder. He pushes himself up and places a small kiss right next to the batter. Darryl blushes and smiles and soon his eyes widen as he feels Zak's tongue lick his cheek.

"What the-" Darryl jumps and turns his head as he feels his stomach flip in embarrassment.

Zak hides his blushing cheeks and he grins innocently. "You had some batter on your cheek."

Darryl rolls his eyes and cleans the cloth. He hands it to Zak who cleans his face. "And you decide to lick my cheek to help?" He smiles as Zak nods. Darryl walks over to the sink, swiping a finger into the bowl where leftover batter sits.

Zak finished cleaning his face and once he lowers the cloth, he feels Darryl tap his nose and some batter sits on his nose. Without another second to waste, Darryl licks the batter off of his nose, resulting in Zak's eyes to widen and for him to giggle.

"That's kinda gay, dude" Zak smirks as Darryl pulls away.

Darryl's eyes widen and he buries his face in his hands. "We're literally dating. Zak!"

WC: 1340
