"I Miss Papa"

a/n: give me some small requests here :p

⚠️ sad, like rly sad...

No One's POV

Delilah is a simple 14 year old girl, giggling to herself as she runs around the living room, arms in the air like an airplane.

Bad chuckles, shaking his head as he is finishing up their lunch. He picks up the final sandwich and places it in a container. Then, stuffing it inside the picnic basket on the counter. The basket is filled with different snacks, sandwiches, and drinks. Next to the basket, a dark blue picnic blanket sits.

"Hey Muffin?" Bad calls out from the kitchen. Delilah stops, pausing, and moving her head to face her father. "Can you go and attach Lucy's leash? We are going to leave now."

"Alright, dad!" And with that, she grabs one of the dog collars by the door and whistles for Lucy. As she runs up the stairs, Bad lets out a heavy sigh and he feels something in his throat.

Removing his glasses, he pinches the edge of his nose. "You gotta stay strong..." He whispers to himself, squeezing his eyes shut.

The sound of paws and feet padding against the floor knocks him out of his trance. He slips his glasses back on and closes the picnic basket up. He hooks his fingers around the arch and moves his body around the kitchen. In the living room, Delilah stands with Lucy sitting next to her. Lucy's tail is wagging her tail, leash attached to her collar, patiently waiting for the next move.

"Muffin, can you take the blanket?" Bad hums, asking the small girl.

Delilah nods, smiling at Bad as she gently tugs on Lucy's leash so she back picks up the blanket in her free hand.

"Alright, let's head to the car." Bad comments and the three make their way out of the small house and to the two cars sitting next to each other on the driveway.


Delilah watches from out of the window as trees and buildings fly by. Lucy is resting her head against Delilah's lap, whining softly. Delilah frowns and looks down at Lucy, raising her fingers to brush her fur.

Bad watches from the small car mirror. He sighs sadly and shakes the mysterious feeling clawing up his body. The location pops up around the corner and Bad parks the car on the side of the road behind some other cars. There, the three climb out of the vehicle, grabbing their necessities and heading to the large gates up ahead.

Lucy whines softly as the three walk through the creaky gates. Her tail lowers down and she walks closer to Delilah, who is standing side-by-side her father as they follow the small gravel pathway.

They walk for a while into the flat area. Stone-like structures are lined up on the ground, English writing is written on each one.

Finally, reaching the near end of the small location, Bad spots two stone slabs carved with writing. The two slabs sit peacefully in the dirt, beautiful designs around the edges as they are surrounded by flowers and pictures.

Delilah's body is shaking. Her breath hitches as she spots the two stones and eyes begin to water. She leans down, unhooking Lucy's leash. Lucy doesn't run away, instead? slowly crawling up to the two stones and eyes landing on the one on the right. The stone is a tad smaller than the other, paw designs carved neatly and a simple name splat in the middle.

"They didn't lie when they said 'a dog is a man's best friend'."
-Zak A.

Lucy curls up beside the small stone, burying her head in her paws as she feels her eyes water. Delilah's heart snaps in half as the small dog breaks down silently. But, Lucy wasn't the only one to be worried about. Her eyes trail over to the stone next to Rocco. A derp face and a Minecraft diamond are carved into the stone, another name splat in the middle.

Zak Ahmed
A loving friend, father, and husband...
"Because of a video game, I met the love of my life..."

Bad feels tears run down his cheeks. He bites his bottom lip, holding back a sob. He walks up to the stone and gently places the picnic basket on the side. "L-Let's set up the blanket, muffin..."

Delilah nods, feeling herself slowly begin to shed a few tears. The two spread the blanket out. It falls onto the grass next to the two tombs. Lucy doesn't bother to move, eyes focusing onto the two stones. Bad kneels down and sits flat on the ground. He places the basket on the blanket and watches as Delilah sits next to him. The two stare at the tombs in front of them, a comfortable silence sitting over them.

A stupid car caused this. All Skeppy wanted to do was take Rocco to the vet. If only he didn't press his foot on the gas pedal when the lights turned green, the runaway car on the other street wouldn't have t-boned them.

"Hey, Dad..." Delilah whispers, sliding her hand into her father's, which rests upon his knee.

Bad looks down at his lap, curling his fingers with Delilah's. "Y-Yes Muffin?"

"I miss Papa..."

Those three words cause the older man to lose it. His bottom lip begins to quiver as the tears don't stop. He lowers his head and his shoulders begin to shake. His body is numb, broken, heart dismantled. He slips his hand out of Delilah's and buries his face in his hands.

Delilah loses it too, wrapping her arms around Bad's neck and burying her face in her father's shoulder. "I w-want him back... daddy... I want Papa back..."

"I-I want your P-Papa back too..."

WC: 977
