
dude. twt is making me love and hate life

also, is it just me or did wattpad remove rankings?

No One's POV

"After many months, we finally have him. We fought against him for many years. We have been beaten against him, thrown in jail by him, and now, he will get what is coming to him..."

Venom is practically dripping from his mouth as Techno paces at the front of the room.

In the abandoned warehouse, different villains sit or stand around. Each one having different powers or super intelligence.

Techno is the big guy, the leader. He is the scariest villain out there. He has powers: speed, strength, intelligence, agility, and good fucking aim. His main weapon is a sword.

Tightening the robe around him, the pink-haired man grins and he stands in front of a large orb with a huge cloth covering it.

Skeppy sits at the front, a large weight on his shoulder disappearing as today is the day.

He knew what was happening, everyone knew what was happening.

He fought against the vigilante for months. He teases him, flirts with him, bullies him. He might be the vigilante's best enemy friend.

Cheers and applauses fill-up the empty warehouse and Skeppy throws his arms up, punching the air. His sunglasses and light blue bandana cover his face and a beanie covers his hair. He crosses his arms, leaning against his chair as a small smirk appears on his face.

"Just kill him already!" Someone in the back shouts, causing others to agree and cheer.

Techno laughs, placing a hand on his sword that is tucked by his belt, "Fine, since you all insist."

The excitement builds up as Skeppy's leg bounces. Leaning forward, he watches in awe as Techno turns around and stares at the blanket covering the orb. With a sinister laugh, Techno grabs onto the blanket and yanks them away.

A large, clear orb sits in front of us. But it wasn't the orb that was special, but the man inside.

In the orb, a figure floats inside, as if he was floating in the water. With cold, white glowing eyes, he stares at us. His black cloak with the red stripe covers his whole body, as if the cloak was him.

"BadBoyHalo." Techno grins, clapping his hands together as everyone quiets down.

Bad doesn't move. His robe gently floats in the air.

Skeppy looks at his enemy, grinning sharply. His eyes trail up to the cloak and he freezes once they connect with the white pearls.

You can see white, smoke-like substance floating from his eyes, like he was Sans.

Techno twirls around, looking back at his fan base. "Well then, should we get started?"

Jschlatt, a rich businessman who is tossing a coin in his hand, steps forward and chuckles. "Shouldn't we have some fun first?"

Techno turns his head and raises an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

The coin in his hand stops, being clutched in his palm as Jschlatt slowly lets out an evil smirk. "Take off the hood. Show us who he really is."

Muttering can be heard and whispers hiss through the wind.

A6D, a French man who has the power of telekinesis and strength, leans over and nudges Skeppy. "Bet he's an adult who has nothing to do with his life."

Skeppy scoffs, shaking his head. "That would be sad."

Techno hums, raising his hand to his chin, "Alright." He then turns his head to look at A6D, "French kid, remove his hood. He can't hide from us for long."

Snickers erupt the room as A6D and Skeppy high-five each other. A6D slowly gets up from his chair and walks up to the front, going next to the large orb.

The white eyes suddenly slowly start to widen. A small gasp can be heard from the superhero. "No..." Is all he whispers. The fear builds up in his body as suddenly his cloak opens up below, revealing a black hole and large shadows of hands rise up and begin to hit the glass. "No! No! No!" The voice from Bad becomes darker, begging for freedom as A6D raises his hands up.

Skeppy laughs quietly, watching Bad suffer.

Bad flinches as he shuts his eyes and uses all his power to bang on the glass. Usually, he could break free from anything but Techno locked him up in a vault that was too powerful.

With a flick of a wrist, the hood on Bad suddenly disappears behind his back and off his head. The shadowy arms vanish from thin air and his body falls to the floor of the orb, making a large thump noise.

Skeppy's eyes widen as Bad is now a human being. He is wearing black combat boots with red laces, black skinny jeans, a black t-shirt, and a black robe with a red stripe.

"No..." Bad whispers his eyes widening as he is now fully exposed. He raises his hands behind but suddenly he couldn't move. His eyes travel to A6D where he is holding him in place with telekinesis.

Everyone is taking in Bad's look, laughing at how young he was.

As everyone laughs, Skeppy's heart snaps.

In front of him, someone he would have never thought is being held hostage. The same golden locks covering his forehead, the same forest-green eyes flickering through everyone in the room, the same soft-pale skin he would hold hands with.

"Darryl..." Skeppy whispers, his hands falling to his lap and his eyes slowly start to water.

"Wow, you look really fucking ugly." Techno scoffs, walking to the front of the orb and eyeing Bad, who sits helpless and frozen.

His eyes are wide and showing terror in his orbs, feeling his heart beat heavily against his chest.

"Please... you don't have to do this..." Bad whispers, feeling his glasses hang loosely on his nose, maybe falling off at any moment.

Jschlatt laughs, "Just kill him already Techno!"

"Kill him! Kill him! End his suffering!" The villains cheer behind Skeppy.

The small boy's eyes widen in fear as Techno laughs and unsheathes his sword from its holster.

Right when Techno walks over to the panel and clicks a few buttons so the front of the orb slowly pops open, Skeppy feels all the anger build up inside of him.

In a second, Skeppy shots up from his chair and he rises up from the ground. Diamonds engulf his body as he turns into his villain form. All the villains jump in shock as the small boy turns into a tall, diamond man standing in the warehouse.

He looks like Skeppy, but really tall and made out of diamonds.

"Get away from him!" Skeppy yells as he kicks everyone behind him, causing most of the villains to be thrown back and crashing into one another.

Techno stares up at Skeppy and curses. "What the fuck are you doing!?"

Skeppy doesn't answer but creates a large circle of diamond spikes around him, knocking Jschlatt, A6D, and Techno away.

From the hit, A6D loses his telekinesis and Bad falls to the ground of the orb. Skeppy lowers his hand and crunches the top of the orb with ease, making Bad cover his fave to avoid the shards.

With a quick swoop, Skeppy grabs Bad and he runs out of a warehouse, hearing shouting from behind. He creates a large wall behind him and makes the villains chasing him hit the wall.


Skeppy lowers Bad onto a rooftop before turning back to his own self and landing beside Bad. Skeppy huffs, tired, and out of breath as he collapses beside Bad, who pulls his hood up and looks at Skeppy.

With all the diamonds disappearing into his body, Skeppy sits up and he turns to Bad, who stares at him.

"Why did you do that?" Bad asks, raising an invisible eyebrow, with his glowing eyes showing no emotion.

Skeppy sighs, raising his hands to slip his bandana down and removing his glasses. He drops them onto the concrete and he looks up, locking eyes with the shadow.

"Oh my goodness..." Bad whispers, and two shadow hands slip from under his cloak to slip his hood off. The shadows disappear and Darryl's eyes slowly start to water. "Zak..."

Zak nods, grabbing his beanie and tugging it away. A small tear escapes Zak's eyes. "I-I'm so sorry... I-" Zak whispers, raising his hands to cover his face.

Darryl softly shushes him, standing up and walking over to Zak. He kneels down and places his hands on his shoulder. "Muffin, please don't cry... oh no..."

His small body leans to the side, throwing his head against Darryl's chest. "I-I'm so sorry... I didn't mean for this to happen... I-I didn't want to be like this..." Zak slowly sobs, wrapping his arms around Darryl's waist, holding on as tight as he could.

Darryl wraps his arm around Zak's shoulder and places a hand on Zak's cheek. "Hey, hey... it's okay... it's okay... take deep breathes..."

Zak slowly nods, holding in a deep breath before releasing. Darryl brushes his fingers through Zak's locks.

"Zak, why did you join them?" Darryl whispers, feeling Zak flinch at the question.

He holds his breath for a couple of seconds. "I didn't want to. I really didn't. Techno found out about my powers and he threatened to turn me in if I didn't help him. I got scared. He's so terrifying."

Darryl thinks back to Techno. The guy was scary. He did kill people and his motto was "Blood for the Blood God."

"I-... sounds reasonable. But, why didn't you tell me you had powers?" Darryl hums.

Zak raises an eyebrow and pushes himself up, he keeps his hands on Darryl's waist. "Why didn't you tell me you are a literal shadow?"


(but then none of them were paying attention and techno comes out of no where and stabs the two. skephalo dies. the end) (idk maybe)

WC: 1660

honestly idk wut i was writing
