Pesky Demon

@/Mekkee_: "Idea: Darryl is the guardian of the heaven so he's like a big angel that protects gates from demons. Zak is a REALLY SMALL demon (but they can change forms) friend with Vin and Clay and they always mess up with Darryl trying to enter in the heaven. But Darryl and Zak some way fell in love. (and meet each other on purpose and things like that) So, basically Zak and Darryl are betraying their kingdoms... Vin finds out... what will happen? :)"

okok this is cute like rly cute. but, ima change up some things if u dont mind :)

i really wish wattpad could separate notifications like books i have in my library for updates and notifications from my own books (like comments and likes)


No One's POV

"Darryl, this is the fourteenth time you had to go check on the gates! Are you sure there isn't anything wrong? Do I need to send someone with you?" George sighs, an angel living up in heaven like Darryl. He is in charge of making sure angels are doing their jobs and fixing mistakes if needed. Like, Darryl's boss.

Darryl is one of the few angels who are powerful. Based on their power, they help guard the many gates around heaven to avoid demons and other monsters from getting through.

"Look, I got an alert on my phone and I had to check it out! I have no idea what it is!" Darryl sighs, crossing his arms as his long, white robe with gold trim along the edges hanging behind him, his large, feathered wings hovering against his back. In addition, a nice, golden halo hovers over his head. None of the angels have attached wings. If they wanted, they could make them disappear.

"Look, this is getting old and if this continues, I may need to send someone with you. If this same creature keeps pestering us, we may need to banish them." George sighs, a scroll appearing in his hand and he starts to write something with a feather.

The older angel's heart skips a beat. "O-Okay... but, is banishing them really necessary?"

George nods. He raises his hand and slips his glasses back over his eyes. "Yes, Darryl. We've done this before. Plus, it's just a pesky demon. Now, you may leave."

Darryl nods, bowing his head and saying farewell. The sad angel stretches his wings and flies out of the large, white building. He sighs, traveling back to the large, familiar, golden gates where he met him.

He looks around, making sure no one was around, and he slips through the gates. He locks them up before anything could happen and he flies forward. The wind and clouds fill up the light blue sky as Darryl lands onto the clouds and walks down the pathway created.

"Zak?" He calls out. His eyes travel around the cloudy environment as he hopes his little friend could pop up.

Suddenly, he feels the wind pick up a bit. He turns around, his eyes traveling in front of the large gates not far behind and suddenly something grabs his hood and his vision becomes black. "Gah!" Darryl screeches, waving his hands up in an attempt to remove whoever is grabbing onto his hood.

Familiar giggles flow through his ears and he finally grabs his hood and he slips it off his head. His vision comes back and he turns around to see a small light blue demon, the color of a diamond from a video game, floating in the air, giggling and laughing.

The angel scoffs and crosses his arms. The corner of his lips perks up, as his heart melts at the sight. The demon looks human. But, his skin and hair are in a nice light blue shade. He dresses in casual clothing and his spike tail hangs below him with his small demon horns peeking out of his hair.

"I got you!" The small demon grins, twirling in the wind as the angel rolls his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," Darryl mutters, a little annoyed from the sudden scare.

The demon suddenly grows. He shapes himself into human height, not that much shorter than Darryl. Zak raises an eyebrow, noticing that Darryl seems off than usual. The demon crosses his arms, "You seem off. Is something wrong?"

Darryl's eyes widen as he suddenly remembers why he wanted to meet the smaller demon. "Well..." Darryl mutters, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck and his wings behind him, making Zak start to worry a bit. "Look, they are starting to suspect something. They realized I've been visiting this specific gate so much..."

"Awww... that's adorable! I wonder why you keep coming here..." Zak giggles, sending a sly wink towards Darryl who's eyes widen and face flushes pink.

"O-Oh my goodness, you muffin..." Darryl shakes his head. "Zak, I'm scared. We both know we shouldn't even be talking to each other! Let alone secretly hang out for two weeks!"

Zak sighs, he knew the older boy was right. "I know... it's just, I like hanging out with you! You aren't mean and it's fun teasing you!"

The two smile softly at one another. Darryl nods, rubbing his arm, "Yeah... I like hanging out with you too, even tho you never stop trolling me..."

Zak grins. "So, should we come up with a plan?" The older boy nods in agreement and beckons Zak to follow. Zak floats up and watches as the older angel stretches his majestic wings and soar up into the air. Cute... Zak thinks before following the handsome angel.


"I fucking knew it." Vincent hisses, crossing his arms as he floats behind a large cloud, eyes glued as he watches the two figures fly up into the air.

Clay rolls his eyes, "Dude, took you long enough. I found out days ago but you never believed me."

Both are demons. Reckless and devilish demons. Clay is like Zak, but with beautiful light green as hair and skin. He has a nice green jacket and a white mask over his face. His tail floats below him and his horns poke out through his hair.

Vincent is the same, just a bit taller than Clay. He has light gray as his hair and skin and he has a black sweatshirt on. Unlike the other two, he has dragon-like wings attached to his back and one of his horns is chipped.

"Oh shut up. I didn't believe it because I didn't think Zak would actually have the balls to like someone! Let alone an angel! Do you know how much trouble he could get if Zeus and Hades found out!?" Vincent growls, glaring at Clay who is just floating peacefully in the air behind him, laying back like he was in a hammock.

Clay shrugs, "If they get caught. Relax V, I'm sure they aren't dumb enough to get into trouble."

Just then their phones buzz. They pull out their phones, seeing an alert has appeared.

Angel, Darryl Noveschosch, and Demon, Zak Ahmed, found spending time together just outside Heaven's gates. There is now a reward for 14,000,000 coins on each to whoever brings the traitors back. Please click for more information.


Darryl bites his bottom lip from quivering as his body starts to shake. In his hand, he reads the new alert. He was now a criminal. For what? For falling in love with a demon and spending time with him. Wait, ignore that first part...

"Hey, hey, hey, it's going to be alright!" Zak says, hovering over to sit in front of Darryl as the tippy top of the clouds. Darryl shuts off his phone and his eyes, slowly tearing up, find their way to Zak, who is now placing his hands on the older boy's shoulder.

"Z-Zak, I don't want to disappear..." Darryl allows the phone to disappear as he places his hands in his lap. Tears are slowly escaping and sliding down his cheeks.

The smaller demon frowns, feeling his heart break as their life here is now crumbling. "Oh, Darry..." He whispers, pulling the older boy forward, feeling his head press against his chest. He can hear the soft sobs escape the lips of the boy in his arms. "You are not going to disappear... I will make sure of this. We just need to get out of here..." Zak sighs, perking up as he looks around their location, checking to see if anyone has reached the top.

"I don't want to leave you..." Zak's eyes start to water as he looks down, seeing the boy slowly breaking. "I don't want them to take you away..." Darryl sniffs, clutching onto Zak's shirt, "I can't bear to see you leave me... You make me so happy..."

"Fucking hell Darryl..." Zak is now crying. He buries his face in the older boy's hair.

"Language you muffintop..." The older boy croaks out, making the other cry harder.

"I don't want you to leave me! I can't let you leave me Darry! You are the nicest creature out here and I hate that I've- I-"

Zak was quickly cut off when he feels a strong gust of wind hit the two of them. Darryl screeches as he wraps his arms around the smaller demon's waist and hide their faces away from the gust.

"There! Get them!" The sound of an elderly man catches the two off guard. They perk up, eyes wide and hearts beating fast as they see a large group of angel guards and demon guards fly in front of them. They all yell out in anger and they start rushing at the two.

Zak shrinks, scared as he feels Darryl grab his now shrunk body in his hands and he dives down into the clouds.

Zak buries himself into a ball, feeling the loud heart of his friend beating against his chest as he feels the wind blow.

Darryl stretches his wings from the dive and he swoops up, flying into the clouds as he looks back every second to see be was still being followed. "No, no, no..." Darryl cries, holding the precious boy as he maneuvers his way through clouds and birds.

Both demons and angels are still on their tail, shouting rude names at the two, dissing them from their friendship. "Stop flying you wretched bird!" He can hear a demon scream as he breathes heavily.

In the distance, Darryl spots a large mountain peeking through the clouds. "Hang on tight..." He whispers, loud enough to warn his friend. Zak clutches onto Darryl's shirt tightly, not allowing himself to let go at any moment.

Darryl closes his wings up, allowing them to form into a dive, and his body pins down towards the ground. With the dive, a few demons and angels stop, since many feared the overworld. It was perfect for Darryl.

Through the final layer of clouds, he escapes the sky, and the vision of trees and grass enter his vision. He turns to take a peek behind him to see a couple of guards following him. "I need to get them off my tail..." Darryl whispers, entering a large forest. Thankfully, Darryl knew how to fly. He maneuvers through the thicc and thin trunks, hearing a couple of bonks as some guards fail, but still, a couple still follow.

"Teleport!" Zak's eyes widen as his thoughts realize that Darryl can teleport them out.

Darryl shakes his head, "I can't you muffin. It takes a lot of energy and I've used so much from crying a lot!" He zigzags through sharp curves, hearing a couple more bonks and yelps.

"Please Darryl, you have to do this! These guards are close to gaining on us!" Zak shrieks, hearing the sound of an arrow whiz past them. They have bows...

Darryl groans, biting his bottom lip and his mind racing on trying to think of other scenarios. He knew he could fight, but with the lack of energy, he could be killed in a second.

Continuing with the sharp curves, he sighs, knowing the smaller boy was right. "Okay, okay. but when you need to grow back to normal so I don't accidentally kill you!" Zak agrees. "On my signal..." Darryl whispers, making Zak prepare himself.

He hears another whiz of an arrow fly beside him. It pokes through his robe, scratching his leg a bit and he hisses. He can hear the cheers of the guards behind him and he gathers up all his strength.

Then, without another second to spare, he shoots up into the air and yells at Zak. The smaller boy hears the signal and he grows back into his normal size, his body hugging around Darryl in a panda hug as a bright, white light starts to shine around the two. Darryl's mind wanders to different places as he holds the young boy tight. The two curl up together and Zak's eyes close shut against Darryl's neck as Darryl's wings stretch widely in the air.

The guards hiss at the bright light, cowering down and shielding their eyes from the light.

Within another blink, the two figures in the sky vanish into thin air...


Zak shrieks as he lands onto the ground with a thud. He groans as his back is shot with pain and he rubs his head.

His eyes shoot open as he takes in his surroundings.

They were in another forest, cold, white frost floating down from the sky as his hand digs into the snow into the ground. The air was cold, making the smaller boy shiver.

Then he hears a soft groan. He quickly stands up and he looks around to suddenly spot a figure facing away from him, curled up in a ball with his large wings sinking into the snow.

"Darryl!" Zak cries, taking a step, creating a footprint into the snow. He slides over in front of the boy and he lifts his head up into his lap. "Are you okay?"

The older boy coughs, wrapping his arms around himself to try and heat himself up. "Yeah... I just need to rest... where are we?" Darryl whispers, trying to blink the sleep away from his eyes.

Zak looks around. "I think we landed in a snow forest. Not sure exactly where we are, but at least we are far from home." He looks down and he sees Darryl try and lift himself up. "You need to rest Darry.."

The older boy sighs, ignoring the pleads as he sits up and he scoots to sit against a tree. "I guess... but I'm fine..." Darryl whispers, moving to try and lift himself up into his legs.

Zak's eyes widen as he grabs Darryl's arms and pulls him back down. "No, you need to sleep. You used up most of your energy! We will continue after we take a nap..."

Darryl looks at Zak, who has concerned laced all over his fave. He sighs and nods, "Fine. Come here." He stretches his arms and wings out, making the smaller boy blush slightly (from the cold, obviously). The smaller boy doesn't reject, but takes the offer and crawls up onto Darryl's lap. The two pull their legs together and Zak feels their bodies warming up as Darryl's large wings wrap around the two.

Zak smiles as he pulls his hood up and leans his head against the older boy's chest. He hums in pleasure as he feels himself start to drift off to sleep.

Darryl pulls the hood of his robe up as he curls up with his muffin, burying his face in Zak's hair as he sighs contently at the heat. "Good night my muffin..." And the two drift off peacefully, knowing that they are miles and miles away from the enemy and they are safe and sound in one another's arms.

WC: 2640
