Little Baby

i- bro- ive only had it up for 10 hrs and it already has like 30 requests- oh my god- i love u all <333 (im so sorry if i dont get to urs quickly. ill try to post 2 per day again and the oneshots may be short)

@/Ceoofbooblesnoodles: "Hhh im not sure if this is a good idea or not but ive been wanting a oneshot where its many years into the future and they adopt a kid and theyre goofy dads-"


No One's POV

"Darry! My baby's crying and I don't know what to do!?" Zak cries, feeling the stress build up as his new angel starts to wail in his arms. Zak coos, rocking his arms back and forth as he watches his baby's face pile up with some type of sadness and anger. "Hey, hey, please don't cry... are you hungry? Tired?"

Zak hears footsteps and he turns to see Darryl coming into the living room and towards the couch. He leans slightly behind Zak and peers over his shoulder, eyeing the lovable bundle of joy who is crying at the moment.

Darryl giggles and places a hand on Zak's shoulder. "Zak, it's okay, she's just hungry. Here, I'll go get her a bottle." Darryl places a soft kiss on Zak's cheek, making the smaller male sigh in relief.

Darryl walks off into the kitchen. Zak loves their new addition to the family. A year after they got married, they decided it was time to finally start a child. So, they went to adopt a child and Delilah caught their eyes. She is around 1, her birthday almost a few months away. Her eyes were a bright blue and they always sparkled once she spots one of her fathers. She has pretty, raven black hair, and her skin was an in-between of Zak and Darryl.

"Hey Delilah, no need to cry. Daddy is on his way with your warm bottle of milk." Zak leans back on the couch, pulling the small girl closer and rocking her.

Hearing the word "Daddy" slowly calmed Delilah down. Her large eyes widened and she starts to gurgle, giggling and raising her hands up.

It made Zak's heart melt, watching his baby smiling.

"Okay, I'm back. I have the bottle ready." Zak turns to see Darryl making his way back to the living room with a baby bottle in hand. Zak thanks the older boy and accepting the gift, motioning the bottle to Delilah.

She cheers and grabs onto the bottle, Zak guiding it to her mouth. Darryl smiles in awe as he walks around the couch and takes a seat beside his family. Delilah is peacefully drinking her meal while Zak is leaning against Darryl's side, eyes full of love as he holds the bottle gently.

"I love her so much Darry..." Zak coos, feeling Darryl's arm wrap around Zak's neck. He feels the older male leans his body closer and placing his chin on his head.

"I love her too. She's so sweet and special. I'm so grateful to have her." Darryl hums, feeling Zak nod.

The two continue watching as the bottle slowly drains and soon it's completely empty. Delilah removes her mouth and she starts to yawn, curling up in Zak's arms, leaning her head against his arm.

"Awww... looks like she's really sleepy." Darryl smiles, raises his free hand, and gently holding Delilah's cheek. The baby smiles and leans against Darryl's touch, making Zak awe.

"It can give us time to stream. I promised my viewers a stream and you know how long Delilah sleeps for." Zak hums, lifting himself from Darryl's touch and the two stand up from the couch.

"We just have to stay quiet. Want me to tuck her to bed?" Darryl asks, moving in front of Zak.

Zak nods and gently transfers the sleepy baby to the empty pair of arms. Darryl pulls Delilah gently to his chest and smiles. Zak leans forward and the two share a quick kiss before the two make their way down the hall and to their rooms. Zak goes to his office and Darryl makes his way to their bedroom.

A crib is standing by their bed, all comfy and ready for Delilah to rest in. Darryl walks over and gently transfers the small human onto the crib. Delilah yawns and grabs onto the baby blanket beside her and continues sleeping.

"Sleep well my Angel," Darryl whispers and places a soft kiss on top of her head, watching as her small stomach rises up and down.

Darryl walks out of the bedroom, making sure the windows were locked and turning off the lights. He leaves and quietly closes the door behind him.

WC: 780
