MafiaBoyHalo [1/2]

ok. but. mafiaboyhalo....
also skeppy needs to stop flexing his friendships on me, like ik im fucking lonely leave me alone 😭

⚠️ talk about murder, blood(?), mafia shjt

No One's POV

The iDots decided to move in all together, along with BadBoyHalo and TapL. Since the iDots were shit at picking houses, Bad and TapL put their brains together and picked out a nice, simple, 8 bedroom house. Or mansion.

The house is in Florida, needing half of the squad to obtain Green Cards and shit.

But, fast forward and everyone is peacefully hanging around in the house. Everyone has their own room. The final bedroom was decorated as the guest room, or the room the pets chill at when their owners are complete shitholes.

Little did everyone know, Bad wasn't like other YouTubers.

One or twice, every week, he would wander off into the night, when everyone is asleep or recording. No one notices, or seems to mind. That is, until Vurb started to get suspicious.

Bad brought his guns and knives to the house. They are safely kept in his room, locked away from others. Zelk and Spifey tried to find out where he kept his weapons, but had no luck. Everyone gave up and let the man vibe.

The reason Vurb became suspicious is when he went to the main living room in the middle of the night. 3:29 am, to be exact. He seemed tired and his sleep schedule was shit. Everyone else was in their rooms.

Vurb was getting a snack, opening the fridge, and not bothering with his surroundings. Once he grabs a Go-gurt, he hears the sound of the front door click. He jumps suddenly, turning around in the kitchen and facing down a small hallway near the stairs, where the front door sits. He sees the doorknob move and a shadow is shown through the small, blurry glass.

He curses quietly, grabbing his snack and heading over to the sink, where a knife holder sits. He watches as the door creeks open and a shadow of a man walks through the doors. He seems familiar, standing a few inches taller. He has a black hoodie with black jeans on. The hood is up,

The figure sighs quietly, closing the door behind him. Vurb spots a small reflection of light near their face, indicating they have some sort of glasses on.

Vurb watches as the figure tucks something into their back pocket and slide their hood off. Straight, dirty-blond hair sits on the top of their head. Bright, green eyes looking down at the ground as they slide their red shoes off.

Vurb sighs in relief, realizing that he was Bad.

He leans away from the knives and walks over to the island in the middle of the kitchen. He leans his arms on the island and watches as Bad begins to walk forward to the living room.

"Hey Bad." Vurb speaks up, tearing the Go-gurt and placing the edge in his mouth.

The sudden voice causes Bad to jump suddenly, twirling his head and eyes widening, catching Vurb. "Oh my goodness! You scared me!" He shrieks, soon sighing in relief.

Vurb laughs, seeing how tense he looks. "You look stressed dude. Where were you?"

Bad's eyebrows furrow slightly, his hands going to his hoodie pocket. "U-Uh... just the store..." He mutters, shrugging.

Vurb raises an eyebrow. He begins to examine the male. Bad's clothes look to be wrinkled. His jeans slightly torn near the kneecaps, some skin peeking out. His hoodie sleeves seem to be damped, making soaked before. Up, bear his cheek, a small, red smudge sits on his skin. "What's that on your cheek?" Vurb questions.

Bad's breath hitches. He looks up at Vurb, then back down at the floor. He raises his sleeves and wipes over his cheeks, getting the small smudge. "O-Oh! Haha! Nothing. I'm going to go to bed. Cya Vurb." And with that, he turns and quickens his pace to the stairs. Right when he turns, Vurb looks down to his back pocket to see something stuffed inside his jeans. It looks to be some sort of outline, of a rectangle?

Vurb's eyebrows furrow. His stomach flips uncomfortably, his mind wandering to loads of different questions.

He sighs, realizing it's late. He chucks his now-empty Go-gurt in the trash and proceeds down the hall, going back to his room.


This happens again, every few days. A month has gone by and Vurb grew suspicious. Bad would somehow come back home, late at night. He would either have a small-red smudge on his skin or a small cut on his cheek, which would quickly heal away after a while. He did come home with a bruised eye once. It wasn't very visible, but Vurb caught it.

He kept notes on his phone. He would mark dates, times, and how Bad would look. He even would spot Bad's back pocket to have different outlines of shapes. Some bigger than others. Vurb believes it might be a gun.

He did tell someone about it; Skeppy. But, he didn't believe him.

"Bad? Really dude? I mean, he does own guns and knives, but he doesn't look to be the one to use them, on someone..." Skeppy shrugs, waving Vurb off.

Vurb tries to get him to believe, knowing full well his friend likes the Muffin Guy.

"Dude, you have to believe me. I think Bad is in some sort of Mafia or maybe he's a hitman!" Vurb scowls, crossing his arms. The two were in Skeppy's room. Vurb sitting on the edge of Skeppy's bed while Skeppy sits in a black bean-bag chair.

"Do you have proof?" Skeppy sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. He couldn't believe Vurb. There is no way in hell Bad would do something this stupid.

"W-Well... n-no..." Vurb whispers. Skeppy rolls his eyes, picking up his phone to scroll through social media. "But, stay up one night with me! Bad has some sort of pattern of when he gets home! I think he's leaving tomorrow night..."

Skeppy raises an eyebrow, looking up from his phone. His face showed no sign of believing the pug. But, he sighs, "Alright, fine. But I call BS."

Vurb sighs, nodding. "Alright. Your mind is going to be blown!"

WC: 1040
