Morning Snuggles

@/SpinixEditzYT: "I like fluff so a short but sweet one and they're snuggling?? :O"
@/purple_sparkk: "Zak and Darryl spend their morning cuddled together in bed because Zak's too tired to get up and start the day"


No One's POV

Lucy jogs over down the hall. She feels the floor touch her paws as she stumbles in front of the open door. She whines and slides in through the open crack. With her sneaking in, the door slowly opens up a bit.

The small rat looks up at the bed in front of her. She saw that there was a large bump under the covers, indicating her owners weren't up yet. She walks over to in front of the bed where a small couch sits and she jumps on it, parkouring her way up onto the bed.

She lands on the sheets and she sees the two bumps clearer. Zak and Darryl are cuddled up in bed. Their bodies are pressed together and small drool coming out of Zak's lips as Darryl's face is buried in the younger one's shoulder. Darryl's arms are tightly wrapped around Zak's waist, holding him close as Zak has his back pressed up to his chest. Soft snores escaping their lips as the covers just hang slightly under their shoulders.

Lucy waddles over and squeezes her way in between the two. It causes Darryl to groan slightly from the sudden movement. Darryl feels the small creature crawl and Lucy settles up in between the two's legs. She curls up and closes her eyes.

Darryl feels a sudden weight on his leg and he buries his head farther into Zak's shoulder. He stays silent for a few minutes, taking in every moment as he slowly realizes the sun has come out.

He sighs, loving the feeling of his lover in his arms. Zak stirs under Darryl's touch, turning his body around and wrapping his arms around Darryl's waist. Darryl raises his head up as he feels Zak bury himself against his chest.

Darryl lets out a small yawn and he slowly opens his eyes. He takes in the bright light seeping through the windows and he looks down at his arms. He smiles and leans down to press a small kiss against Zak's hair. Not wanting to wake him up just yet, he carefully turns over to grab his phone from the table. He then grabs his glasses and slips them on. He looks at the time and it was a decent time. Just a few minutes before the afternoon.

He places his phone back onto the table and wraps his arm back around Zak. He buries his face in the pile of raven black hair. "Zak..." He groans, voice sounding deep from tiredness. "Muffin... wake up..."

Zak groans, squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head. "No." He mutters, voice also a bit deep.

Rat feels them stir slightly and she looks up, slowly getting up and jumping down from the bed, running out of the room to find Rocco.

Zak yawns against Darryl's shirt, grabbing the sheets and throwing them over his head. Darryl chuckles and raises his head. "When are you going to wake up?" He whispers, brushing his fingers back behind Zak's hair. He grabs his glasses and puts them aside on the nightstand.

Zak shrugs, "Don't know. Never." He doesn't bother opening his eyes as he sighs against the feeling of Darryl's fingers combing his hair.

Darryl chuckles and places his head on the pillow, closing his eyes again and smiling, feeling Zak push up closer against him. "Just a few more minutes and then we wake up?" Zak nods, giving Darryl his answer.

Darryl complies and hums, lowering down slightly. He feels Zak's lips gently place above his chest. "I love you." The smaller one mutters, making the older one melt.

"I love you too, lazy-muffin."

WC: 640
