Good and Jef

just a quick au :) also here when good is angry, he has like powers and he only uses them during certain circumstances

⚠️ kidnapping, assault, blood(?), death, sword

The screams of poor bodyguards fill up the rooms as a figure in a white and aqua-like coat carefully walks by. His lime eyes glisten with his lips curved upside down. His eyebrows are furrowed snd he doesn't seem to be in a happy mood.

About an hour ago, Good received news that a mafia group kidnapped Jef off the street (while the poor boy was coming back from shopping), and the anger building up inside him never ends.

"These little shits are about to have the worst fucking time of their lives..." Good growls under his breath as he reaches the end of the hallway. His eyes glow with smoke coming from the edges and his sword is clutched in his hand, shining and covered with blood on the edge.

His cloak floats behind him, dancing as Good stomps his way up the stairs to the top floor of the building. Mafia bodyguards try and stop him, but with a quick glare and a flick of his wrist, they are either stabbed or sliced in half.

Up on the top floor, Jef is held hostage in a cage. His hoodie sleeves are slightly torn and his face is nearly covered in bruises. Tears are falling down his cheeks as he is curled up near the back of the cage. His shoulders shaking and head buried in his arms, he hears the panic voices of the mafia leader and troops in the room.

"Shit, shit, shit! He's here! God fuck, I thought we had more time!" The leader, a woman dressed in a tight tuxedo and jewels covering her hands and neck, she curses into a walkie talkie. "We need more men! Where are they!?"

Jef takes a peek, hearing screams of men from floors below, and some guards around the leader shake in fear. Wiping a tear from one of his eyes, he whispers to himself, "Good?"

Good has no time for games. Stabs and walks, he continues and finally he reaches the top floor. He steps onto the final step and he looks up to see three men with pistols standing before him. With a smirk, he chuckles snd clenching his sword, his eyes glow again and quicker than Sonic, the men are sliced in half.

"Pathetic." Good spits on them and makes his way down the hall. Again, he is greeted with more men, but in a flash, they are all taken down.

The door at the end of the hallway is large. It stands out from the rest of the doors. A bronze rim outlines- enough description. Good doesn't have time for that.

Good slides his sword on his back and places his hand on the knob. He twists and swings the door open. Once his eyes look up, the sounds of bullets erupt the room.

Jef watches with the sudden wave of relief washing over him. The bullets don't even hit Good in time as the white figure disappears into thin air.

The mafia leader gasps and groans. "What the fuck did he go!?"

Her men grumble and are at high alert. Sweat dripping from their foreheads as suddenly a vase on a table is knocked over and crashes onto the floor. The men aim their pistols at the vase, but a small smile lifts up onto Jef's lips as he spots Good suddenly appear behind the men.

Good grins and his eyes show no mercy as he laughs evilly. "Hello, boys!"

The men cry, their bodies falling onto the ground with no life left. A red puddle begins to grow under the bodies as Good hums in amusement.

The cries of the woman behind Good catch his attention. He turns around, eyes grazing the fearing woman in front of him.

"I'm sorry! Please don't kill me! I didn't-"

And with that, Good is behind the woman, a sword stabbed through her chest as her eyes are wide in horror. Good rolls his eyes and takes the sword out of her body and she collapses onto the ground.

With no one else in the room, Good puts his sword away and his head moves up to find the cage in the corner of the room. His eyebrows dip down, showing anger as he spots Jef's condition. "What the fuck did they do to you!?"

Good walks up to the cage, grabbing the lock with his bare hand and smashing it into pieces. Jef slowly stands up, his legs wobbling slightly as he steadies himself with the wall. Jef's beanie has slightly fallen and his eyes are red and puffy from crying.

Good steps into the cage and the smoke floating out of his eyes disappear. Good reaches a hand out, which Jef accepts, and pulls him against his chest. The sobs begin and Jef breaks down. Good sighs annoyingly, but his heart aches to see his boy ruined. Jef's hands clutch against Good's shirt, burying his face in his chest. "I'm sorry... I-I'm so sorry..."

Good's eyes widen, "Why the fuck are you sorry!?"

"I-If I didn't get kidnapped-" Jef whispers, his voice quivering.

Good growls, "Shut the fuck up Jef." Jef does, his mouth closes shut and his shoulders stop shaking. "Do not fucking apologize. You are not in trouble. Those shitheads over there caused all of this and I'm more than happy to kill anyone that touches you." Good slips an arm around Jef's back and the other under his legs to pick him up with ease. "No one touches you but me, you understand?"

Jef nods, cheeks pressed against Good's shoulder as Good begins to walk out of the room and towards the stairs. The two slowly make their way out of the building, stepping over and around the broken bodies on the ground.

"I can't believe I had to do this shit again." Good sighs as he holds Jef in his arms. The boy annoyed him, yes, but he wouldn't want anyone else to annoy him. Jef has a special place in his cold, lifeless heart.

"Thank you Good," Jef whispers, tilting his beanie back in place.

Good rolls his eyes. He debates whether or not to do a move, but he does. He leans down and places a quick and simple kiss on the side of Jef's head, who giggles slightly at the touch. "Just don't get kidnapped again."

WC: 1089
a/n: updates will be slower and maybe shorter :( school sucks a$$
