
@/CEOofbooblesnoodles: "what if skeppy and bad went to a rollerskating rink and maybe bbh is good at skating and skeppy isnt, so he teaches him how (by hand holding n stuff)..."

No One's POV

Vincent wraps an arm around Zak's shoulder, "Alright, I'll see you tomorrow Zak. Now go be gay with Darryl."

Zak rolls his eyes and shrugs Vincent's arm off, "Oh zip it, French man. We're just going rollerskating. Nothing else."

Vincent shrugs, "Whatever you say, kid-who-simps-over-bald-man." Zak flips him off, causing Vincent to laugh as they leave the school gates.

Zak was about to yell at until he feels a hand on his shoulder. He jumps and he hears a soft voice behind him. "Language, you muffinhead."

"Darryl! I was just saying bye to Vincent! Nothing else!" Zak awkwardly laughs, grinning innocently as Vincent laughs even more behind them.

Darryl sighs and rolls his eyes, "With an inappropriate hand gesture? You keep that up and you won't be getting any more hugs."

Zak gasps and he turns his head to Vincent, glaring slightly at him. Vincent shrugs. "You go have fun. I gotta go cuddle with my cats."

Zak nods and Darryl waves at Vincent. "Bye Vincent!"

"Bye Zak, cya Darryl!" Vincent calls back, waving his hand as he walks away.

Darryl then turns to Zak once Vincent is pretty far from them. "You ready to go rollerskating, muffin?"

Zak grins, grabbing onto his backpack straps as he starts to follow Darryl to his car. "Obviously. I've been dying for school to end so I can be with you!"

Darryl feels his cheeks heat up as Zak giggles adorably, making the older boy smile lightly.


Leaving their backpacks in the car, the two walk through the front doors of the large rollerskating area. The building is decently filled with families and friends. Grabbing onto Darryl's hoodie sleeve, Zak is being guided to the front desk.

Darryl blushes lightly again at the contact, but doesn't shake him off. Darryl walks up to the front and a man a bit older than the two calls them up.

After talking with the employee, the two get their pair of roller skates and their locker key to put their extra things away. Zak was going to pay but Darryl beat him to it.

"I asked you out here, I don't mind paying Zak," Darryl says and he sends a sweet smile to Zak, who blushes and his heart goes uwu.

"You're so sweet, Darry." Zak giggles, tightening his grip on his roller skates as he smiles widely.

Darryl hides his blush behind his sleeves as the two walk to the lockers. Zak sits down on a bench nearby as Darryl pops the locker open with the key.

Zak switches his shoes with the roller skates, strapping them on tightly and making sure they were comfortable. "There. All set." Zak hums as he looks over at Darryl. He has his roller skates on and putting his shoes in the locker.

Zak pushes himself off the bench and stands himself up. He stretches his hands to balance himself as he stands still on the carpet. Darryl casually walks over and picks up Zak's shoes and putting them in the locker. "How can you walk so easily? I'm struggling to walk on the carpet." Zak sucks in a breath as he tries to walk to Darryl.

Darryl closes up the locker and turns to Zak, "I might have done a bit of rollerskating when I was younger."

Zak crosses his arms. "Not only are you cute and smart, but you can also roller skate?"

Darryl blushes and his eyes widen, "I-I am not cute! I'm hardcore!"

Zak giggles and grabs Darryl's hand, "You blushing tells me otherwise."

Darryl groans slightly, but smiles at the comment. "Oh stop, you muffin. Let's go skate." He tugs on Zak's hand lightly and the two make their way to the rink.

The rink is an oval, a large ass oval. It isn't full either. Just a couple of people skating around and that was all. Most are sitting on the sides, talking, and watching on the bleachers.

Darryl guides Zak to the door. He waits for people to pass until he takes a step into the rink. Once he is standing on the smooth, wooden flooring, Zak follows suit.

Zak takes a step in but is shaken up by the sudden feeling of not having control over the floor. He grabs onto the rails on the side as he steps fully onto the rink.

"Alright, let's start off nice and slow." Darryl hums as he skates in front of Zak and eyes him to make sure he doesn't fall.

"Don't 'baby' me. I am not a kid. I can do this." Zak huffs, his hands gripping onto the rail as his knees lock.

Darryl raises an eyebrow. He doesn't say anything and watches as Zak lets go of the rail and takes a step forward. Zak's eyes widen once he takes a few steps and slowly has the balance on the rink. Zak smiles and grins up at Darryl. "Look! I can do it!"

Darryl smiles and claps his hands together. "I am proud of you, muffin."

Zak giggles. He continues to skate slowly, Darryl following beside him, making sure he doesn't fall. Darryl is super nervous and once in a while, he bites his bottom lip once he sees Zak shake a bit every now and then.

They skate around once, Zak slowly understanding it and decently skating without losing balance. He still has a hand on the rail.

"You ready to skate without the rail?" Darryl asks, putting a hand out for Zak to grab.

Zak looks at his hand, then back at Darryl. He nods, "Alright." He lets go of the rail and places his hand into Darryl's, tangling their fingers together, causing the two to blush lightly.

Darryl carefully guides Zak away from the rail, not too far, and the two slowly skate hand-in-hand. They giggle and smile, sharing a few laughs and a few stumbles since Zak sometimes loses balance a bit.

On their 7th lap, Zak swings their hands together, humming and grinning adorably as he finally nails the balance to skating.

"So, how about after this we can have dinner at my place? I can make a nice soup and then we can work on tonight's homework together." Darryl smiles, feeling Zak give a light squeeze to his hand.

"I would love to. I would have to ask my parents first, but I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Zak replies, feeling his heart beat at 14 million miles per hour.

Out of nowhere, Zak takes a weird step, somehow causing his right side to stumble and he squeaks. Trying to maintain balance, Darryl quickly skates around and wraps his other arm around Zak's waist, pulling him up.

Zak's hair bounces slightly as he is pulled back up to his feet. He sighs slightly as he gains his balance again. "Thanks, Darry." Zak looks up and sends a light smile to Darryl.

Darryl nods back, but his eyes widen at their position. They are chest to chest, Darryl holding him close around his waist and holding his hand as well. Their faces are inches apart and cheeks blushing red.

"Uh..." Darryl awkwardly chuckles. "I-I-"

Zak giggles and he uses this opportunity to raise his head a little and peck his cheek lightly. Darryl's cheeks heat up even more and he turns his head away to hide his blush.

"A little reward for my hero."

Darryl rolls his eyes playfully, but looking back and smiling at Zak. "Just saving my prince." Darryl hums, making Zak blush instead at the sudden comment. Zak is about to open his mouth to speak but Darryl cuts him off by placing a small kiss on his lips.

He then pulls away, removing his arm from Zak, and stands beside him again, like nothing happened.

Zak stands there, hand in Darryl's, trying to comprehend what just happened while Darryl giggles.

WC: 1350
