
Zak's POV


"What!?" I huff and scream back from my room.

"Can you take Jacob to the Daycare?! I'm running late and I don't have time to drop him off!?" My mom pleads back.

I groan and log out of my game of Minecraft and shutting off my PC. "Yeah, yeah!" I tell her. She replies with a thank you and soon enough I see her car drive away from my window. I head downstairs and see my 3 year old nephew sitting on the couch, swinging his legs back and forth while staring at the TV where Power Rangers play.

I grab my car keys from the key rack in the kitchen and my wallet from the shelf.

I turn to Jacob. "Alright, Jacob, lets go." I tell him as I walk up to the TV and turn it off.

The little brunette boy looks at me and giggles, jumping off of the couch and running up to me. I sigh and crouch down to the ground for him to jump into my arms.

He holds onto me tightly as I stand up and walk to the front door. "Davy! Davy!" He cheers as I make my way out of the house with him.

I raise an eyebrow, "Davy?"

Jacob grins at me, "Friend!"

Wow this kid making more friends than me.

I hum and close the door behind me and unlock my banana car. I go to the back and mentally curse as I remember he needs the child chair car thing.

I put him down in the back. "Stay still for a minute." I tell him and he nods.

I go to the garage and open it up with the control panel on the side. I walk inside and grab the extra kid seat inside and make my way back to my car. I close the garage.

It takes me a while, but I finally get the child chair in place and lock him up so he's safe and secure.

Jacob bounces as I close the car door and head to the driver seat. I start up the car and begin to drive to the daycare center.


With Jacob in my arms, I walk inside the building I've only been to once before. Thankfully I saved the address on my phone. I hum as I see many kids playing around with many colorful toys, coloring on paper, or chasing each other around. I set Jacob down and he holds onto my hand as I try and find someone who works here. I couldn't exactly go inside completely since there was a gate blocking the other children from leaving the building.

"Hello? May I help you?"

I turn around and spot a handsome, dirty blonde male, maybe a couple years older than me, looking at me in confusion with his beautiful, emerald green eyes.

I nod, "Uh, yes, I believe. I'm here to drop off my nephew. My mom is the one that usually drops him off but couldn't today." I didn't realize it but my eyes were examining every part of his face.

Dude wtf is wrong with me.

The man in front of me nods, smiling warmly at me, making my stomach flip.

He turns to my nephew. "Oh! Jacob! Yes, I remember this little muffin."

My nephew giggles and waves at the man. "Hi Davy!"

"Davy?" I chuckle, looking at my nephew then back at 'Davy.'

"My name is actually Darryl. I'm usually on shifts where Jacob here is dropped off, so he sees me the most." The man, known as Darryl, says as he walks over to a large notebook and flips a few pages.

I watch him take out a pen from his pocket and write something on the notebook. "Oh! Yeah, he kept saying your name earlier. He was really excited to be here." I say as I feel Jacob let go of my hand. I look to see him begin to walk to the gate and soon looks at Darryl.

"I'm glad he's happy. He usually likes to hang around me and we color together." Darryl closes up the notebook. He then walks to the gate. "Alright, let's get this day started. Ready, Jacob?"

I watch them as Jacob cheers and Darryl opens up the gate, letting Jacob run in with delight and heads over to a table where paper and crayons are out.

I watch as Darryl smiles at him. Wow, I didn't realize it at first but Darryl's smile is really cute.

Wait what.

I snap out of my thoughts as Darryl grabs my attention. "Alright. Thank you for dropping him off. I'll call your mother if anything happens." Darryl explains as he closes the gate behind him as he enters the area with kids.

I nod, "Thank you. Have a good day!"

He smiles and nods back, "You too!" Then he thens his back towards me and begins to be surrounded by kids. I watch as he handles the kids really well. They listen to him clearly and obey his instructions. Then they all run off, going to different sections of the play area. I wonder if he's single.


I blush and turn my body towards the front entrance and make my way out of the building.

I walk to my car and get into the driver seat. I take out my phone and start to spam a french man.

Idot: A6D

French: hi. wut do u want

Idot: i met a guy

French: thats gay

and he looks rly cute

French: lol not even day and u already thinking about having kids w him

Idot: WAT NO

French: dont u h8 kids

Idot: well
but u should have seen him

French: cant. visa denied


French: lmao

Idot: im thinking of asking for his number when i go to pick up my nephew

French: do u have the guts to even do that?
10$ says u wont

Idot: bet

It's been almost 8 hours. My mom is home and I asked her if I could pick up Jacob. She looked at me with confusion, questioning if I hit my head against something. I usually refuse if they ask me to pick up Jacob.

My mon agrees and I'm now in front of the daycare. It's decently dark outside and I watch from the large glass windows that Darryl is still there. The handsome man is helping other kids make their way to their parents and making sure everyone is safe. I realize it's time and I get out of the car. I walk up to the building and enter.

Darryl notices me and smiles, causing my heart to melt.

He turns his back towards me and calls for Jacob. A small boy jumps up from behind a play structure and notices me. The boy giggles and runs over towards Darryl.

Both make their way through the gate and towards me.

"Hi Zak." Darryl says as he closes the gate behind him.

My eyes widen, "How-?"

Darryl chuckles, "Jacob told me. He actually talked a lot about you."

I raise an eyebrow and turn towards Jacob who is giggling behind his sleeve and jogging up to grab my hand.

I smile and shake my head. "Hopefully good things." I chuckle.

Darryl nods, "They were. He told me you do YouTube. That's really cool."

Oh fuck.

"U-Uh... yeah... did he tell you my channel?" I stutter, my hands start to sweat and I look down at Jacob, giving him a small death glare. The boy just winks, causing my eyes to widen in shock, and he smiles at me innocently.

"I believe so. Skippy? Skoppy? I'm not sure. But I'm happy. I also have a channel." Darryl grins, his eyes catching mine as I look up at him.

"Wait, really?" He nods. "Wow. Do you record Minecraft?" He nods again.

"Yes. I love Minecraft. You should tell me your channel and I'll tell you mine!" Darryl giggles as he claps his hands together in delight.

I shake my head, causing the man to freeze and frown. "Wait, why not?" He asks, sadness filling up his voice.

I chuckle, pulling out my phone and swiping towards my contacts. I add a new one and hand it over to Darryl. "I'll tell you my name, if you go out to dinner with me, if you want and you aren't busy tomorrow." I add in a cheeky smirk, seeing the man in front of me blush.

He smiles and nods, typing in his number on my phone. "I would love to you little muffin. I am free tomorrow. Just message me when you want to pick me up and I'll send you my address." Darryl then hands me back my phone.

I look at the contact, 'Darryl <3', and my heart skips a beat. I tuck my phone back into my pocket. "Well then, I'll be looking for tomorrow. Goodbye Darryl." I smile as I make my way towards the large doors with my nephew besides me.

Darryl smiles and waves, "Bye muffin!" I open the doors and before I exit the building, I blow a kiss his way, causing him to blush and hide his face behind his hoodie sleeve. He uses his other hand to pretend to catch it and place it on his cheek.

I giggle and exit the building. We both make our way to my car. I put my nephew in the back of the car and I watch him giggle in amusement.

I smirk and raise an eyebrow, "You planned this, didn't you?"

Jacob swipes his hand over his mouth to 'lock his lips' and shrugs innocently. I roll my eyes and ruffle his hair, causing him to giggle.

WC: 1669
