
dude, twitter fans out here examining everything to prove that skep n bbh did move in together. ngl i may be a part of it too lmao

this chapter will be based on that :) short but sweet

Zak's POV

I hum as I skip around the house. Bad's roommate is out with her girlfriend and I'm waiting for Bad to finish with his work. We just recorded a horror game video not too long ago and now my video is just rendering.

I hear soft paddings coming up behind me and I see Lucy walking up to me. I smile and pick her up. She barks and I bring her up closer and she starts to lick my face. I giggle from the puppy and I decide that enough is enough and I hold her in my arms as I start to make my way down the hall.

I make it to a familiar room and walk inside, after opening the door.

"Darryl!" I hum, making Bad turn his attention towards me.

Bad smiles and he slips his headphones off and onto the desk. "You got here just in time. I just finished with my work."

I smile and make my wat to him. I sit down on his lap, Lucy still in my arms, and I lean into his chest. I hear him hum silently and he turns off his PC. Then he leans back, me following him, and wraps his arms around me.

Lucy barks, making us both look at her. She smiles and wags her tail, wanting love and attention.

"Awww..." I coo, raising a hand up and tap her nose. She sniffs and shakes her head.

Suddenly our phones start to buzz with notifications.

Darryl and I look at each other and we both pull our phones from our pockets. Lucy barks them jumps out of my arms, making her way onto the bed and curling up in the sheets to fall asleep.

I unlock my phone and I notice my Twitter notifications are being spammed. "What's happening now?" I hear Darryl ask as he taps on his phone.

I shrug and lean back onto his chest sideways, phone up on my face as I explore what is happening. After a few seconds, I see many conspiracy theories being created by our fans.

Many speculate that BadBoyHalo and I have moved in together. Why? The recent video I uploaded.

I laugh, "Oh my god. There's a whole group looking at every inch in my new video to prove I moved in with you."

"Those little muffins..." I hear Darryl sigh, "They are asking me to post a picture of my laundry room."

I raise an eyebrow and start to wheeze. "Oh my god... they really believe I did move in with you!" I scroll through Twitter, looking at every tweet made asking to prove their theories by asking us to take pictures.

Obviously I don't show any hints by liking or commenting.

"They are asking me to send pictures on discord." Darryl chuckles, "If only they knew how right they were."

"Honestly tho! It's so funny seeing them trying to prove their theories. One person says they heard an echo in a certain part in my video." I grin, amused at the content I'm getting.

I then get another tweet notification. But this time, it's from Bad. I laugh at his tweet, causing him to smile. "Hey! I don't want to show them a picture of my laundry room! They keep asking and defending themselves by saying it's for a school project!" Darryl pouts.

This makes me laugh even more.

I feel him lean forward and he presses a small kiss in my hair, causing me to blush and smile.

"Plus, we don't need them to know they are right, for now. I would like to keep you secret just for a few days..." Darryl smiles, brushing his fingers through my hair.

I hum at the touch and put my phone in my hoodie pocket. I wrap my arms around his waist and bury my head in his chest, sighing happily at the warmth.

WC: 688
(like i said, short and sweet)
