Sooner or Later

@/JesZKat: "Darryl is a senior and Zak is only one year below him. Zak suddenly gets the news that Darryl will not continue studying there and Zak needs to confess his love for him."

Zak's POV

"Zak, you need to confess sooner or later." Vincent sighs, crossing his arms, leaning against a locker nearby as he watches the smaller boy rustling through his locker.

"Look, I know! I know! I'm just trying to find the perfect time..." I mutter, adding books into my backpack and shutting the locker. Vincent stands back up and we both start to make our way down the hall.

"Well, it better be soon, or else your chance might be gone." Vincent shrugs, making my eyes widen at his comment.

"What do you mean? I have plenty of time to tell him!" I scoff, throwing my backpack onto my shoulder as we pass students down the hall.

Vincent shakes his head, a smirk on his face. I raise an eyebrow and I feel my heart drop. Vincent turns to me, "Dude, you only have a few more months until he graduates and he's never coming back."

I freeze.

My mouth falls open in shock as Vincent just gives me a deadpan look. "What!?"

Vincent rolls his eyes and he stops in front of me, crossing his arms. "You never realized!? He's a senior! He's graduating this year!"

I cruse, throwing my hands up and hiding my red face behind them. Vincent walks behind me and puts a hand on my shoulder, gesturing me to continue walking. "You are deep in love with him and you never knew? You are an idiot."


I watch him. I stare at him from across the cafeteria. He sits under a tree, just outside with a book in his hand. He looks like he is humming to himself. I continue watching him through the window until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I jump and I snap my head around. Dave is standing behind me, an amused look on his face. "You being gay again?" He smirks.

"Oh shut up Dave." I groan, rolling my eyes as I hear him laugh. I slump in my chair and bury my head in my arms, trying to hide my red cheeks.

Vincent, who's sitting across from us at the table, leans his cheek against his hand, looking up at Dave. "He's been staring at him for the past 5 minutes."

Dave sits down beside me, chuckling. "Not surprised." He turns, facing me. "So, when you gonna confess? You really don't have a lot of time."

My head springs up, "You know too?!"

He rolls his eyes, Vincent laughing, "Dude I'm a senior too, like that kid you like."

"Oh.," I mutter, turning my head to avoid them.

I look up and stare back at the window. But when my eyes travel to the tree, they suddenly meet a pair of green eyes. I feel my eyes widen and my face heat up just after calming down. He was staring at me.

He doesn't move. Instead, he just softly smiles and he slowly waves at me. I can feel the corner of my lips curving up. My hand slowly raises up and I wave back.

Vincent and Dave just stare at me, looking between him and me.

Then he gestures me to come. He pats the area next to him and my body stiffens. I raise an eyebrow, watching him giggle and he nods. My smile slowly grows as I stand up and I pull my hood over my head. I grab my backpack and ignore the two bickering beside me and I make my way out of the cafeteria.

I open the two doors and slide through them. I hold my backpack straps and walk down the path and travel to the grass to where the large tree stands.

I see him behind the tree, his shoulder peeking out.

I think he must have heard me because he turned his head and our eyes meet again.

"Hi." He says.

"Hey..." I awkwardly chuckle back, rubbing my arm as I slowly walk over around the tree. I stand next to him.

"Sit." He says, patting the spot next to him. I comply and sit down. I make sure to leave distance between us as I pull my legs up to my chest.

"So..." I mutter.

"I'm Darryl." He says. I turn my head, which slowly lowers to land on my arms. I'm in a ball-like position, sitting next to the man I like.

"Zak." I hum.

He closes his book and crosses his legs. He gently lays his hands in his lap and he smiles at me. "You're cute." His grin shows no mercy as my heart melts.

My cheeks heat up furiously and I feel myself want to cry in happiness. "I-I..." I'm at a loss for words. I pull my hood to hide my cheeks.

He giggles, making my heart flip and stomach start to grow butterflies inside. "Why do you look at me?" He asks.

I turn to look at him, my eyes wide. "How- no? I d-don't! Oh god... I'm so sorry..."

"I don't mind, really. I'm just shocked that you, out of all people, likes to look at me with such joy. Most people look at me with disgust, but, you're different." I slowly sit up, hearing his voice makes my heart melt.

"I'm not disgusted by you. I never could. You're really adorable." I say softly, making his cheeks heat up a bit. The smile on our faces never leaving.

He turns his head and he looks down at his lap. His brown locks just dangling above his eyes. I take in all of his features, admiring the small details. "That's really sweet." He whispers.

A comfortable silence sweeps between us. Darryl plays with the grass below him, picking at the little blades, as I just admire him.

I feel my heart beat in its usual place. I feel happy and calm with him. Something I've never felt with anyone before. (lmao rip a6d n techno) I slowly sit up straight and lean back, my eyes trailing up to the sky below.

I break the silence. "Would it be alright if I ask you out?"

Darryl turns to face me, an emotion of joy shown, as he nods. "I wouldn't mind at all."

I turn, my hands behind my head as I lean against the tree. "Would you like to go on a date with me, Darryl?"

Darryl smiles, nodding, leaning back, and copying my position. "I would love too."

wc: 1100
