New Home

skeppy: *says his last name is actually Ahmed*
every ff that includes skeppys last name: *nervously sweats* ahaha...

PLEASE SEND REQUESTS >.> thank you <3

⚠️ physical and emotional abuse, injuries, (no blood)

Darryl's POV

My cheek turns red and the pain causes me to hiss from the sudden contact.

"I told you to fucking stop texting other people!" He grabs my wrist and yanks me from the floor to my feet.

I bite my lip and my eyes widen as he suddenly wraps a hand around my throat. I gasp as his fingers start to squeeze as I feel myself being lifted up in the air.

I struggle to breathe and I try to yank his hand off, but I'm too weak. "You are mine and mine only! You listen to me you fucking idiot!" Then he chucks me to the ground, making me hit the wall behind me and my body collapses.

"Know your fucking place." He hisses and he starts to step away, making his way towards "our" room. I hear him stop and he the spits, "Make me food. I'm starving."

Then he's gone. I shiver and feel my eyes start to water. I whimper in pain as I slowly make my hand to my neck, slightly hovering over the newly formed bruises.

I feel a buzz in my pocket. I slowly grab my phone and pull it out to see a message from Skeppy.

I frown and look back to my "boyfriend's" door to see it shut and loud music starts to play.

I slowly get up from the floor and make my way to the bathroom. I lock the door and collapse onto the ground, curling myself into a ball and putting my phone in front of me.

Skep: bad
dude r u ok u just left ts w no warning

Bad: I'm sorry you muffin. Just, something came up.

Skep: r u ok???

Bad: I'll talk to you later.

Skep: !?

I then shut my phone completely and place it back in my pocket. I tuck my legs into my chest and bury my head in my arms, silently starting to cry.


Zak's POV

Something seems off. Ever since a few months ago when he moved in with his boyfriend, he started to change. But not in a good way.

I never suspected anything. I mean, it's his personal life and I shouldn't judge or bother him.

I've never met his boyfriend. None of us have.

Bad was supposed to finish recording a BedWars video with me. But right before I could get his bed, I heard a door slam open from his side of the call and Bad quickly logged of TS and Minecraft, completely disappearing.

But before he left, I heard a small whimper. A small cry from him.

Is he okay?

No Skeppy, you shouldn't worry about him! I told you to give up your feelings for him!

I groan and slam my head against my desk. I stare at the message that Bad send me right before he disappeared again. He ignored my question. Does he need help?

I grab my phone again and call A6D.

It rings for a few seconds before a familiar French boy speaks up. "Hey Skeppy. What's up?"

"Does Bad seem off to you?" I ask him, my leg starts to bounce.

He goes quiet for a few seconds, "Well... yeah, I guess. He became quieter and doesn't seem to yell at us that much when we troll him. Why?"

"I don't know. I just have a bad feeling about Bad's behavior. I mean, I heard something, like a door slam open when we were in a call and he sounded scared?" I sigh. I turn off my PC and place my headphones in my desk. I do a 180 in my chair and stand up.

"Oh! Well, something like that happened when I was in a call with Bad a while ago. I heard his name being called, but like in a threatening way. I think Bad froze and he left the call without another second to spare." A6D tells ms. This causes me to worry more.

"Should I visit him? I mean, I have his address and I'm really starting to worry." I whisper, as I stare at a random spot on the wall and start to play with the hoodie string.

"I mean, yeah. If something is happening to Bad, then you should check." A6D hums.

"Okay. I think I will then." I say. We say our goodbyes and I hang up. I run to my closet and grab my backpack and start to load it up with snacks, wallet, phone charger, headphones, etc.

I then go back on my phone and start to find his address that I saved in my notes. I find it and I speedily dress myself into better clothes before slipping on my shoes and grabbing my keys before making my adventure to Bad's house.


I pull up in front of the house. It was a 2 story house that looks nice. The neighborhood was quiet and the sky was becoming night. I texted Bad I was on my way but he never responded or read my message.

I get out of my car and start to make my way to the front door. I then sigh and ring the doorbell.

I hear whispers from the inside and I couldn't tell what they were saying. Footsteps then soon come closer and then the door swings open.

There an unfamiliar brunette boy stands there, a few inches taller than me. His eyes were a deep, cold brown and he had a grey hoodie on. His face looked cold and he had an annoyed expression on his face.

"What do you want?" He asks. His tone was also cold.

I gulp and awkwardly wave. "Uh... hi... uh... by any chance, does Darryl live here?"

The name makes his eyes widen for a few seconds. He then clears his throat and shakes his head. "Sorry. Who are you?" He asks.

"I'm his best friend, Zak. I just wanted to make sure he's okay." I say, raising my eyebrow as I watch his features carefully.

"Oh. Well, this Darryl kid doesn't live here. Sorry." He then starts to close the door. But then suddenly familiar barks start to happen and a small fully dog runs between the man's legs and to me.

The man curses silently. "Uh... sorry... my dog likes to meet new people.. haha.."

The dog looks so familiar. Could it be? I gently pick her up and she starts to lick me cheek. I giggle quietly then look up at the man. "What's her name?" I ask.

"Daisy." He says.

I raise an eyebrow. "Okay..." The small dog whimpers and she barks at me. "Lucy." I then say. The small dog perks up and starts to wag her tail, instantly responding to the name.

My eyes widen and I look up at the man. I glare at him, "Where's Darryl!?"

The man curses and growls at me. "That's none of your fucking business. Darryl shouldn't even be talking to you. Now give me the fucking dog and leave."

Then it clicks me. That's his boyfriend. The boyfriend I thought Darryl loved so much and the boyfriend that should love Darryl back.

I then hear a door creak open from inside the house. The man and I look inside and notice a familiar face peeking out. Our eyes make contact and his eyes widen. He steps out from the room and I see him mouth my name. He then looks at his so-called-boyfriend and flinches.

"Did you fucking send him here!? I told you! I fucking told you! Now you are going to fucking pay!" The man shouts at Darryl and he cries out silently and locks himself back in his room.

"Hey! Don't fucking speak to him like that!" I yell at the man.

The man turns back to me and glares. "Oh yeah!? What the fuck are you going to do!?"

Then I jump at him. Lucy jumps out of my arms and starts to bark as Darryl's boyfriend and I start to fight. Our fists make contact with each other and our bodies start to roll as I yell at the man beneath me.

This fucking bastard.

I should have known that Darryl wasn't happy.

This man is going to fucking pay.

I hear yelling from across the room. As I land another punch in the man's face, he gasps and hits his head back against the tiled floor.

"Stop! Skeppy! Stop!" Hands grab my arms and suddenly I'm being pulled back.

"Let go of me! This piece of shit needs to learn his lesson!" I didn't think. My elbow flicks up and suddenly it makes contact with the chin behind me.

I hear a cry of pain from behind and my whole world stops. I snap my head behind me and I see Darryl standing there, holding his chin gently and his eyes are glued shut.

"No, no, no, no! Bad! I'm so sorry!"

"Fucking pathetic. Even your so called "friend" hurts you! You're never fucking safe Darryl." The man laughs. I turn my head back and I suddenly kick his head. He cries out and suddenly goes unconscious.

I then turn my body back to the boy behind me.

He's rubbing his chin gently and he opens his eyes to look at me. "I am so fucking sorry Bad!" I cry, my emotions getting the best of my as I start to tear up a bit.

He gently smiles, "Hey, hey, hey... it's okay you little muffin. You didn't mean it."

I frown. "Did you really live like this?"

His eyes soften and he slowly lowers his head. "Yeah... I thought he was the one. I guess it all changed when we moved in together. It got worse and worse..."

"I'm taking you with me." I say.

His eyes widen and he looks at me nervously. "W-What? Are y-"

I nod, "Yes Bad! Now start packing! We leave in 10 minutes! I want you safe and away from this creep!"

Then I was engulfed in a hug. Bad silently cries as he tightens his arms around me and I gently wrap my arms around him.

WC: 1729
